I Bid me and I shall gather my fruits to bring them in full baskets into your courtyard, though some are lost and some not ripe. For the season grows heavy with its fulness, and there is a plaintive shepherd's pipe in the shade. Bid me and I shall set sail on the river. The March wind is fretful, fretting the languid waves into murmurs. The garden has yielded its all, and in the weary hour of evening the call comes from your house on the shore in the sunset. 如果你吩咐,我就把我的果实采满一筐又一筐,送到你的庭院,尽管有的已经掉落,有的还未成熟。 因为这个季节身背丰盈果实的重负,浓荫下不时传来牧童哀怨的笛声。 如果你吩咐,我就去河上扬帆启程。 三月风躁动不安,把倦怠的波浪搅得满腹怨言。 果园已结出全部果实,在这令人疲乏的黄昏时分,从你岸边的屋里传来你在夕阳中的呼唤。 ------------------------------------------------------------- Alas, I cannot stay in the house, and home has become no home to me, for the eternal Stranger calls, he is going along the road. The sound of his footfall knocks at my breast; it pains me! The wind is up, the sea is moaning. I leave all my cares and doubts to follow the homeless tide, for the Stranger calls me, he is going along the road. 唉,我不能留在这间屋里,这个家已经不再是我的家了,因为永恒的异乡人沿着道路走来,对我发出声声呼唤。 他的脚步声敲击着我的胸膛,使我痛苦不堪。 风大起来了,海在呻吟。 我抛开一切烦恼和疑虑,去追逐那无家可归的海浪,因为异乡人沿着道路走来,对我发出声声呼唤。 ——泰戈尔《采果集》