西餐Western Cuisine
活力早餐Vitality Breakfast
法式面包、早餐香肠、早安太阳蛋French bread、sausage、sunshine egg
厚片土司、火腿煎双蛋Thick toast、ham fried with two eggs

Fresh shallot with egg cakes、plane congee、pickled vegetables
Congee with preserved egg and lean meat、spiced egg or egg、sour cucumbers
以上均附送红茶或果汁all attached with black tea or juice

开胃前菜、色拉Appetizer and Salad
挪威烟熏三纹鱼Smoked salmon (salmon fillet with lemon and caper)
法式烙蜗牛Snails au gratin, French style
田园生菜沙拉Idyllic raw vegetable salad
什锦水果沙拉Assorted fruit salad
恺撒沙拉Caesar salad

汤品 Soup <附:送法式面包>( attached with French Bread)
特制浓汤special soup
意大利蔬菜汤Italian vegetable soup
酥皮罗宋汤Pastry with Russian Bortsch soup
酥皮海鲜汤Seafood soup

主厨特制经典Chef Set Classic Menu
(attached with wine, bread, soup, salad and drinks)
精选特级菲力Selected fillet steak
台塑牛大排Taiwanese beefsteak
碳烤丁骨牛排Roast T bone steak
扒美国西冷牛排Grilled American sirloin steak
Icelandic cod chops with almond(green lime juice and chili sauce is optional)
澳洲香草羊小排Australian vanilla lamb chops
Canadian crisp salmon (Lime Juice or Balsamic is optional)
芝士凤梨焗明虾Cheese, pineapple and prawn
奶油蒜片牛小排Cream, garlic and beef short ribs
特制黑椒猪排Specially made pork chops with black pepper
洋葱鲜蘑焗鸡腿Roasted chicken drumstick with onion and mushroom