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【WCC】愿你安息,Alawa / Rest In Peace, Alawa


June 29, 2023 | Uncategorized, WCC

IP属地:河北1楼2023-06-30 10:34回复
    Dear Friends,
    It greatly pains us to share the news today that the pillar of the WCC Ambassador Wolf family, Alawa, passed away last night; she was 12 years old.
    我们怀着十分沉痛的心情宣布这则消息:Alawa,我们 WCC 大使狼大家庭的顶梁柱,于昨夜辞世,享年 12 岁。
    Over the recent months, Alawa had been showing clear signs of health deterioration, and, despite our best efforts, her condition continued to decline. After much deliberation, guided by the love we bear for her, we made the painful decision last night to alleviate her suffering. Alawa is now at peace, having been gently put to sleep surrounded by those who loved and cared for her deeply.
    近几个月来,Alawa 的健康状况出现了明显的恶化。尽管我们尽了最大的努力,还是无力回天。出于对她的爱,我们经过慎重考虑,在昨晚作出了一个痛苦的决定:让她从病痛的折磨中解脱。Alawa 现在已经安息。在那些深爱着和关心着她的人的陪伴下,她被轻轻地送进了梦乡。
    Alawa, meaning “sweet-pea” in Algonquin, lived out her namesake with gentle and playful interactions with her brothers, litter-mate Zephyr, who passed last year, and Nikai, her nine-year-old younger sibling. Observers often called her the “true leader” of the Ambassador pack, but in a way that never had to be challenged or reinforced. She had a way of always getting what she wanted while avoiding conflict.
    Alawa 的名字在阿尔冈昆族的语言中意味“香豌豆”,而她恰如其名:她以温柔和俏皮的方式与她的兄弟们互动,包括去年辞世的同窝兄弟 Zephyr,以及她九岁的弟弟 Nikai。观察人们经常称她为狼大使群体的“真正领袖”,但她的“领导”方式从来不需要被挑战或者强化。她总是有办法在避免冲突的同时得到她想要的东西。
    As Zephyr fell ill in 2022, Alawa stepped up even further and solidified her bonds with Nikai, who still needed her mature presence. In some ways, it is fitting that yesterday afternoon, Alawa spent some time meeting the newest Ambassador pup, Silas, beside their enclosure, completing a metaphorical “passing of the torch” on to the next generation, a step that always comes sooner than you’d like or expect.
    在 2022 年 Zephyr 生病之后,Alawa 更进一步巩固了她和 Nikai 的关系,后者仍然依仗着她的成熟。昨天下午,Alawa 在牠们的围场旁花了一些时间与最新的狼大使幼崽 Silas 见面,为下一代完成了一次象征性的“交棒”。某种程度上来说恰如其分,但这一天总是来得比你我所期望的更早。
    Alawa will be remembered for her “Lazy howls,” commanding the entire WCC chorus to howl along, with the authority of a queen being fed grapes in a hammock. While her brothers often expressed their personalities by playing off one another, Alawa demanded viewers’ attention on her own terms.
    我们会铭记 Alawa 的“最懒的狼嗥”,她如同吊床上享用葡萄的女王一样,懒散而不失权威地指挥着整个 WCC 的“合唱团”跟着她一起“歌唱”。虽然她的兄弟们总是通过互相打闹来表达他们的个性,Alawa 却能以自己的方式吸引观众们的注意力。
    She joins a long legacy of Ambassador wolves who served their species by opening the doors of understanding for a general public who often misunderstands wolves and their vital roles in nature. In her 12 years of service, Alawa taught countless people, in person and online, what wolves are really like, in a style that was uniquely hers. Her impact will be felt for years to come, in ways she could’ve never imagined.
    她加入了一项大使狼的长期遗产。大使狼们为自己的物种服务,给那些经常误解狼及其在自然界中的重要作用的公众打开了理解的大门。在她 12 年的服务生涯中,Alawa 以她的独特风格,亲自或在网上让无数人了解到了真实的狼。她带来的影响将在未来的岁月里内以她从未想象过的方式被更多的人感受到。
    We thank her for that, and so much more we can’t properly put into words.
    Thank you for your support,
    The Wolf Conservation Center Family
    WCC 大家庭

    IP属地:河北2楼2023-06-30 10:35
      Source: https://nywolf.org/2023/06/rest-in-peace-alawa

      IP属地:河北3楼2023-06-30 10:35

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