评分的英语为“Scoring”,也可以用“Marking”、“Rating”、“Grading”等词汇来表示。例如:1. The scoring system for this sports event is based on the number of goals each team scores.这个体育比赛的评分系统是根据每个队进球数来计算的。2. The essay will be marked on grammar, content, and structure.这篇文章将会按照语法、内容和结构等方面进行打分。3. The rating of this restaurant on Yelp is quite high, so we decided to give it a try.这家餐厅在Yelp上的评分相当高,所以我们决定去试一试。4. The grading scale for this exam is from 0 to 100, with a passing score of 60.这次考试的分数标准是0到100分,及格分数为60分。