equal:equ = even 相等的;-al [adj] 有···性质的;【adj】相等的;等值的;等量的:equal pay for equal work 同工同酬;equate:equ = even 相等的;-ate = to make 使···;【v】使相等;使平衡:to equate the debits and credits on the balance sheet 使结算表中借贷双方平衡;adequate:ad-= to 对;equ = equal 相等;-ate [adj] 有···性质的;【adj】①胜任的:She is adequate, though not so perfect. 她虽不完美,但能够胜任。②足够的;充分的:The supply is not adequate to the demand. 供不应求。equivalent:equi = equal 相等的;val = value 价值;-ent [adj] 是···的;Ⅰ【adj】等值的;等效的;同义的:One dollar is equivalent to one hundred cents. 一元等于一百分。Ⅱ【n】对等物:What is the Chinese equivalent for the word “sun”? 英语“sun”在汉语中的对等词是什么?equable:equ = even 平稳的;-able 【adj】 能···的;【adj】①平稳的;平静的:He has an equable disposition. 他性情平稳。②稳定的:The temperature is equable this week. 这周气温没什么变化。equator:equat(e) [v] 使相等;-or [n] 物; 作者:Liber小熊 https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv1914345 出处:bilibili