所以在表述中,一般是这么使用: he is rich,don't pity him. 他是富人,别可怜他。强调身份差异。 he is very wealthy, he own a prosperous company. 他非常富有,他拥有一家兴旺的公司。强调财产。 he is a affluent man, he keeps eight houses and all filled with different types of furniture.他富得流油,养了八套房,里面的家具风格都不相同。强调物质生活。
很多时候无非是个语言习惯的问题。比较起来,rich是一个很“白话”的词,而且是单音节,更常见于一些俗语,久而久之就固定下来,就好比“高富帅”你不会说“高有钱帅”,而“有钱任性”你不会说“富裕任性”。另外,我个人感觉(说错不背锅)当用负面情绪去表达“富/有钱”,一般用rich而不用wealthy,例如“人傻钱多”我一定会说rich and stupid,而不会说wealthy and stupid。 欢迎来这个贴子分享、讨论、提问:我准备称霸英语吧了
你这字典问题。 我贴一个,仅供参考。 If you look in the Oxford English Dictionary and compare the definitions of “rich” and “wealthy”, you’ll find that they mean roughly the same thing. But in practical terms, people tend to use these two words differently. In a nutshell, being “rich” generally tends to indicate that someone has a high income, while being “wealthy” means a person has a high net worth. 如何区分用,有人写了数千字解释。慢慢学吧