第一乐段:1。主耶稣基督(Domine Jesu)
Lord Jesus Christ, King of glory,
deliver the souls of all the faithful
departed from the pains of hell and
from the bottomless pit。
Deliver them from the lion's mouth
Neither let them fall into darkness
nor the black abyss swallow them up.
And let St. Michael, Thy standard-
bearer, lead them into the holy light
which once Thou didst promise
to Abraham and his seed.
We offer unto Thee this sacrifice
of prayer and praise.
Receive it for those souls
whom today we commemorate.
Allow them, O Lord, to cross
from death into the life
which once Thou didst promise to
Abraham and his seed
主!请接纳我们为赞美主而向主献上的牺牲和祷告,为使今天我们所纪念的灵魂,从死亡而超升入生命的境界,因为这是主从前许过 亚伯拉罕及其后裔的。