霍奇基斯25烂归烂,但黑也要黑到点上,不知道有多少人是光看电影道具就发明出手压弹匣这种说法出来。 至于霍奇基斯25有多烂: Hotchkiss worked on automatic 25 mm designs during the 1930s but could not sell them to the French Army or Navy. They did succeed in the export market with some single and twin mountings being sold to Romania and possibly also to the Soviet Union prior to the war. In addition, the Japanese obtained a manufacturing license from Hotchkiss in 1935 and developed their own13 mmand25 mmautomatic weapons based upon Hotchkiss technology. 这是一个连原产国自己都看不上的东西,纯粹是战时没有别的能用才拉上来应急。 论灵活度这堆手摇炮座不如一众自由瞄准的20机炮,有效射程又比一众37 40近太多,弹匣容量太低影响持续射击,日本人也只有铁环和过时的Le Prieur瞄具,那自然是只能当摆设听个响。