原谅我不会截图 兔子回复的UFO SUPER JUNIOR (管管) TO성민 오빠:오빠,do you really have a girlfield?Why do you always wear that ring?If it is true,then what should 관관 do? SUPER JUNIOR [译文] [晟敏]yes,I have...my girlfriend is E.L.F!
SUPER JUNIOR (管管) TO성민 오빠:오빠,do you really have a girlfield?Why do you always wear that ring?If it is true,then what should 관관 do? 大概意思是:晟敏哥 你有女朋友了吗 ?为什么总是带着戒指 ? SUPER JUNIOR [译文] [晟敏]yes,I have...my girlfriend is E.L.F! 晟敏 : 是的 ,我的女朋友就是 ELF