鸡妈讲诉跟努姐的对话。真的是伟大的教练 “I told her I was worried about her statements. We have some friendship and I went to talk to her. I told her this is a turbulent, difficult time and that she has to take it easy. That things will get better in the future. You have a great team, you are one of the best in the world and I really believe in you. I asked her to have her feet on the ground. She is always very fond of me. I think, the moment I met her, I saw that she was sad and down in the dumps, ”
一直被诟病的联赛用球跟欧冠 国家队比赛不一样,看新闻摩腾跟意甲的合约还有一年才到期,但联赛这个赛季已经会使用mikasa。摩腾在在a2和别的比赛。大家可以看看第一轮比赛是不是用了mikasa。听说摩腾比mikasa更好接一传,换球对主攻的一传要求更高了。 MILAN - A messed up novelty in the new women's Serie A season. According to reports from some clubs, not satisfied with the mess, a football chaos has existed this season. After years of Molten exclusivity , with a one-year contract still in place, the Mikasa ball has also arrived at the women's league . An also that is a must and that will force the clubs to resort almost to a choice of ball to be used as is done in youth gyms with baskets where worn-out game balls are mixed by brand and color without distinction. The Mikasa ball takes over from Molten in the women's A1 series, but only for the championship. The contract in place with Molten, on the other hand, is limited to the supply of balls only for Lega events.