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SecuROM is a CD/DVD copy protection product, most often used for commercial computer games running under Microsoft Windows, developed by Sony DADC. SecuROM aims to resist home media duplication devices, professional duplicators, and attempts at reverse engineering software.
Many, including the Electronic Frontier Foundation, believe it is used to restrict one's fair-use rights.[1][2]. The use of SecuROM has generated controversy due to the fact that it is not uninstalled upon removal of the game. In 2008, consumers filed a class-action lawsuit against Electronic Arts for its use of SecuROM in the video game Spore.[3]
Controversies [edit] BioShock Consumers have accused BioShock of installing a rootkit. An official announcement was made denying the use of any type of rootkit.[8][9]
The game required consumers to activate the game online and originally set a maximum of two activations before they would have to call to get more activations. This was raised to five activations because an incorrect phone number had been printed on the manual and call centers were only in the United States. Users also found that the game had to be activated for each user on the same machine.[10][11]
In 2008, 2K Games removed the activation limit, although users are still required to activate it online.[12]
[edit] Mass Effect In May 2008 EA announced that Mass Effect for the PC would be using SecuROM 7.x requiring a reactivation of the software every 10 days.[13] Due to complaints, EA removed the 10-day activation while keeping SecuROM tied to the installation. SecuROM's product activation facility was still used to impose a limit of three times that a customer is allowed to activate the copy of Mass Effect they purchased. The game becomes unplayable "as is" after the activations are used up, until EA's customer support is contacted to reset the activation limit. Unlike BioShock, uninstalling the game does not refund a previously used activation.[14] More recent versions of Mass Effect on budget prices (those available on 'EA classics') have SecuROM omitted.
[edit] Spore On September 7, 2008 EA released Spore, which uses SecuROM. Spore has seen relatively substantial rates of unauthorized distribution among peer-to-peer groups, and with a reported 1.7 million downloads over BitTorrent networks, it was the most-pirated game of 2008[15]; Journalists note that this is a reaction from users unhappy with the copy protection.[16] EA requires the player to authenticate the game online upon installation.[17] This system was announced after the originally planned system met some opposition from the public, as it would have required authentication every 10 days.[18] The product key of an individual copy of the game would only be authenticated on up to three computers.[19] In response to customer complaints, this limit was raised to five computers,[20] however only one online user can be created per copy, which is required to access user-generated content.
As a result of its inclusion with Spore, a class-action lawsuit was filed by Maryland resident Melissa Thomas within U.S. District Court against Electronic Arts.[21][22] The lawsuit has been followed up by several others.

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