IsEquippedRight(Form item) Does the actor have the specified item equipped to his right hand? 右手是否装备了特定物品。(一般用not指令排除特定mod装备动作) IsEquippedRightType(GlobalVariable type) Is the item equipped to the actor's right hand the specified type? 右手是否装备了特定类型的装备(最常用,比如双手剑单手剑等等) IsEquippedRightHasKeyword(Keyword keyword) Does the item equipped to the actor's right hand have the specified keyword? 右手装备是否有特定的关键字(几乎不用) 注:左手就把上面的【Right】换成【Left】。 IsEquippedShout(Form shout) Does the actor currently have the specified shout? 是否装备了特定的龙吼 IsWorn(Form item) Is the actor wearing the specified item? 是否穿戴了特定的装备(就比如戴个项圈就猫爬) IsWornHasKeyword(Keyword keyword) Is the actor wearing anything with the specified keyword? 是否穿戴了含有特定关键字的装备(我几乎不用) GlobalVariable type: -1=Others 0=Fists空手 1=Swords单手剑 2=Daggers匕首 3=War Axes单手斧 4=Maces单手锤 5=Greatswords双手剑 6=Battleaxes双手斧 7=Bows弓 8=Staff法杖 9=Crossbows弩 10=Warhammers双手锤 11=Shields盾牌 12=Alteration Spells变换系 13=Illusion Spells幻术系 14=Destruction Spells毁灭系 15=Conjuration Spells召唤系 16=Restoration Spells恢复系 17=Scrolls法术卷轴(不是上古卷轴) 18=Torches(火把) Form shout(龙吼)的id作者没写,我也还没做过,但是creationclub应该是有的,请自行查找