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Abstract: Three new carnivorous plant cultivars are namedand described: Sarracenia × moorei
‘Prof. Goetghebeur’,Dionaea ‘CCCP Sea Scallop’,Sarracenia ‘Mocha Dick’.
Sarracenia × moorei ‘Prof. Goetghebeur’(瓶子草“Paul Goetghebeur教授”)
Dionaea ‘CCCP Sea Scallop’(捕蝇草“CCCP 扇贝”)
Sarracenia ‘Mocha Dick’(瓶子草“摩卡迪克”)

IP属地:四川1楼2022-05-04 13:41回复
    Sarracenia ×moorei ‘Prof. Goetghebeur’
    (瓶子草“Paul Goetghebeur 教授”)
    Submitted: 2 October 2021
    2021 年 10 月 2 日
    Sarracenia × moorei ‘Prof.Goetghebeur’(Fig. 1) was selected from seedlings of acrossing made by Mike King between Sarracenia flava var. rugelli (giant robust,MK F18) and Sarracenia leucophylla (large pink lipped,Apalachicola NationalForest, MK L18).This cultivar exhibits green pitchers at its base and darkred-purple veining below the mouth, which intensifies at the nectar collar andlid. Sarracenia leucophylla characteristics are clearly visible as white spotson the lid.
    瓶子草 × moorei ‘Prof. Goetghebeur’(图1)是迈克·金(MikeKing )从S.flavavar. rugelli 帝王瓶子草(giantrobust, MK F18)和S.leucophylla白网纹瓶子草(largepink lipped,Apalachicola National Forest, MK L18)的杂交的苗中选出的。这个品种的瓶子底部呈绿色,在瓶口有深紫红色的脉纹,在蜜腺和瓶盖处十分明显。和白网纹瓶子草一样,盖子上有白点。
    The seedling was purchased from Rogier Van Loenen by WimVan den Broeck in 2015. The latter also named the cultivar in 2019. Sarracenia ×moorei ‘Prof. Goetghebeur’isnamed in honor of professor Paul Goetghebeur, a retired botanist from GhentUniversity (Belgium) who was also director of the botanical garden of Ghent.
    2015 年,Wim Van den Broeck从 Rogier Van Loenen 处购买了幼苗。Wim Van den Broeck在 2019 年命名了该品种。S.× moorei ‘Prof. Goetghebeur 的名字是为了纪念来自根特大学(比利时)的退休植物学家 PaulGoetghebeur 教授,他也是根特植物园的园长。
    Sarracenia × moorei ‘Prof.Goetghebeur’must only be propagated vegetatively topreserve its unique characteristics.

    Figure 1: Sarracenia × moorei ‘Prof. Goetghebeur’

    IP属地:四川2楼2022-05-04 13:43
      Dionaea ‘CCCPSea Scallop’
      Submitted: 24 October 2021
      Dionaea ‘CCCP SeaScallop (Fig. 2) is a cross by Evan Wang and Craig Heath. The pollination wasperformed in 2018 by Evan Wang with isolation of flowers after pollination. Theseed was the product of (Dionaea ‘FusedTooth’×an unregistered, heavily fused cilia plant, originally crossed by Jen Lei) ×Dionaea ‘DC XL’.Many seeds were grown by Evan Wang and Craig Heath. One, grown in Lorton,Virginia, developed the unique phenotype of Dionaea ‘CCCPSea Scallop’.
      D.‘CCCP Sea Scallop (图 2) 是 Evan Wang 和 Craig Heath 合作杂交的品种。2018年由Evan Wang进行授粉,授粉后将花隔离。亲本是D. ‘FusedTooth’×an unregistered, heavily fused cilia plant, originally crossed by Jen Lei和D.‘DCXL’。大部分种子是由 Evan Wang 和 Craig Heath 种植的。 其中一种生长在弗吉尼亚州的洛顿(Lorton, Virginia),其生长特征使得它显得独特。
      Dionaea ‘CCCP SeaScallop’is characterized by fused cilia, and a rathershort trap. Cilia fusion can vary from mild fusion of a couple cilia to severefusion of numerous cilia. Of note, while D. ‘FusedTooth’generally exhibits fused cilia on a seasonalbasis, D. ‘CCCP Sea Scallop’maintainsfused cilia year-round. The inside of the trap is dark red while the outside isgreen. The trap has a bright green perimeter next to the cilia. We have seenmore prominent red coloration in D. ‘CCCPSea Scallop’compared to its parents. All the traps canclose, and the majority of the traps can seal and digest prey. Dionaea ‘CCCPSea Scallop’has a compact, rosette-style growth patternwith short petioles. Traps measure up to 1.6 cm in length and 1 cm wide andhave three interior trigger hairs per trap, per side. Petioles can reach 1.3 cmin length.
      D.‘CCCP扇贝’的特点是它的齿是融合的,夹子非常短。融齿可以从一对齿的轻度融合到大量齿的融合。值得注意的是,D.‘Fused Tooth’(融齿捕蝇草)通常会根据季节出现融齿的特征,而D.‘CCCP扇贝’则常年保持融齿的特征。夹子内是深红色的,外部是绿色的。夹子的齿旁是亮绿色的边。我们在D.‘CCCP扇贝’中看到了比其亲本更显著的红色。所有的夹子都是可以动的,大多数夹子可以完全关闭和消化猎物。D.‘CCCP扇贝’叶柄较短,呈莲座状紧凑生长。捕虫夹长 1.6 厘米,宽 1 厘米,每个捕虫夹每侧有 3 根感觉毛。 叶柄1.3厘米长。
      The name ‘Sea Scallop’isa reference to the marine bivalve family.The fusion of the base of sev-eralcilia leads to a bulging, concave trap which resembles a scallop. ‘CCCP’isan acronym for Crazy Craig’sCarnivorous Plants where seedling selection and propagation of this cultivarwere performed.
      “扇贝”这个名字来源于海洋双壳类。几根齿的基部融合在一起,形成了一个突出的凹形陷阱,类似于扇贝。‘CCCP’是 Crazy Craig’s Carnivorous Plants (疯狂克雷格食肉植物)的首字母缩写词,该品种在那进行了幼苗筛选和繁殖。
      Dionaea ‘CCCP SeaScallop’must only be propagated vegetatively by rhizomeor leaf /floral cuttings to preserve its unique characteristics. It was grownoriginally in Palo Alto, California, and Lorton,Virginia, USA.

      IP属地:四川3楼2022-05-04 13:44
        Sarracenia ‘MochaDick’
        Submitted: 4 December 2021
        Sarracenia ‘Mocha Dick’wasgrown in April 2015 from seed from Sarracenia ‘ScarletBelle’× Sarracenia leucophylla (from Mobile Co.,Alabama). Pitchers of Sarracenia ‘Mocha Dick’arerelatively small during spring and summer and look their best in autumn (as domost of the S. leu-cophylla hybrids) when they start to become bigger andfatter (up to 50 cm tall) and develop a very large and wide lid (Fig. 3).Pitcher color resembles a pure classic S. leucophylla clone with pink lips. Themost notable characteristic of this cultivar is the pitcher shape that startsvery thin at the base and becomes very large at the top, suggesting the shapeof a whale. When the pitcher finally opens it develops a very particular largelid that stands almost vertically on the mouth base. Sometimes, when thepitcher is very big, the lateral sides of the lid roll up on themselves havingthe appearance of two ears. This cultivar grows very fast and creates somelarge and nice clumps of growth points. Flowers are totally red and quitesmall.
        S.' Mocha Dick '于2015年4月由S.' ScarletBelle ' (猩红)和 S.leucophylla(白网纹)(来自阿拉巴马州Mobile公司)杂交而出的种子培育而成。S. 'Mocha Dick' 的瓶子在春季和夏季相对较小,在秋季(和他们大多数的交种一样)开始变大变胖(可达50厘米高),并长出一个非常大而宽的盖子(图3)。瓶子的颜色类似于具有粉红色嘴唇的经典白网纹瓶子草的克隆个体。这个品种最显着的特点是它瓶子的形态,底部很薄,顶部非常大,就像鲸鱼的形状。当瓶子最终打开时,它会形成一个非常特别的大盖子,几乎垂直的立在瓶口。当瓶子很大的时候,有时盖子的侧面会卷起来,像两个耳朵的样子。这个品种生长非常快,它的生长点(底座)大而漂亮。它的花是红色的,而且很小。
        Sarracenia ‘Mocha Dick’wasnamed in September 2020 after a male albino sperm whale that lived in thePacific Ocean in the early 19th century and that partially inspired HermanMelville’s 1851 novel Moby Dick.
        2020 年 9 月,S.‘Mocha Dick’ 以 19 世纪初生活在太平洋的一只雄性白化抹香鲸的名字命名。赫尔曼·梅尔维尔(Herman Melville) 1851年的小说《白鲸记》(Moby Dick)就是受到了它的启发。
        Sarracenia ‘Mocha Dick’mustonly be propagated vegetatively to preserve its unique charac-teristics.
        S‘Mocha Dick’只能通过无性繁殖以保持其独特的特性。

        Figure 3: Sarracenia ‘MochaDick’.

        IP属地:四川4楼2022-05-04 13:46

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