游戏一共有四个剧本,分别是1861、1862、1863和campaign 引用一段BGG的评论:“Whilst I like the old VG Civil War this is very similar but far more playable without becoming simplistic. The short 1861 scenario can be played in an evening even if you are new to the game (there is now a even shorter version of this scenario with 3 instead of 4 action cycLЕS per turn). When you become familiar with the game the longer scenarios can be played in an evening too. The campaign game is also very playable (and you can play shortened versions of that too). ” 本作GMT官方给出的难度是6/10,solo适宜读是5/10,BGG重度3.82/5,当然小弟觉得本作并不难,无论线下还是线上都非常适宜