老外也在BGG上讨论这张卡的强度。 结果是,2021年新规则对一系列卡做了一些调整。这张卡被调整为5块钱了。 其实很多员工卡都是这样,根据游戏人数不同,强度也有变化。3块钱的价格大概是2人局时还算平衡(不要无脑让6)。而多人局,大家形成共识之后,打出这张卡的人也会被围攻针对。 2021年规则如下(其实就是修改了一下卡)。第三条就是针对这张卡的。第一条应该是针对那张狮身人面兽额外得到行动机会的客人: The changes implemented from the 2021 edition are: E. Gizia awards one die action rather than a complete extra turn. No 12-point maximum for the Operator. Playing the Kitchen Hand costs 5 krone. Emperor C2 penalty: Remove one occupied room from each of the two highest floors that contain at least one occupied room. Emperor A1, A3, A4, B2, B3, B4 and C4 penalites: The player cannot choose the "lose points" alternate if he is able to suffer the other alternate.