星体投射吧 关注:12,428贴子:34,065

请教一下 是否属于出体


但是我隐约听见谁在喊我的名字,说快回来快回来,我一下就惊醒了,转头看见旁边测血压还是心跳的那个机器显示的30几,我没什么力气但还是一直在喊,妈妈去喊医生 我快不行了,我妈这才去喊医生,看到医生来了我又睡过去了。后来醒了听护工告知,医生说药物输得太快,如果真的再快一点,真的会有生命危险。

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                  Nanci D's Possible NDE 5458
                  翻译:毛斌雯Chris 译审:刘翔Philip
                  NDERF does not endorse any commercial interests.
                  作者、该濒死体验案例的当事人南茜,拥有生物学、心理学学士学位、法学博士学位,曾在美国一家大律师行任执业律师 (译者注)。
                  BACKWARDS: Returning to Our Source for Answers by Nanci Danison, JD You can read an abbreviated version of her Possible NDE on NDERF Nanci D's Possible NDE. "BACKWARDS relates the author's personal encounter with the being/entity we call God, even to the point of merging into its energy field. That degree of intimacy revealed that we are not separate individuals at all--our experience as such is an illusion and wonderful gift--but rather we are literally part of God's own self-awareness. That truth removes all doubt about the outcome of life and how it should be lived."
                  《向后:回到我们的源头寻找答案》 作者:南茜丹尼生,JD 在濒死体验研究基金会网站上,你可以阅读作者濒死经历的缩减版,“南茜可能的濒死体验”。“《向后》这本书讲述了作者与我们称为上帝的存在体/实体的个人相遇细节,甚至到达了要融入它(上帝)的能量场的地步。那种近密的程度揭示出,我们根本不是分离的个体——我们这种分离的体验是一场幻象,也是一份美好的礼物——实际上,我们是上帝自我觉知的一部分。那真相解开了关于人生现象的所有怀疑,以及人生该如何过。”
                  My near-death experience was unlike any I have ever read about. It was far more intellectual: filled with 'knowings', understandings about the 'truths' of the universe, and insights. And I delved deeper into life after death than I had thought possible in an NDE, ultimately evolving through higher levels of existence beyond anything I had ever dreamed possible.我的濒死经历(NDE, Near-death-experience)
                  和我曾读到过的任何一个NDE案例都不像,我的经历在智性方面的内容要多得多,充满了关于宇宙“真相”的“了悟-知悉”、理解和洞察。相比起我在NDE中想到过的可能情况来说,我进入到死后的生活里更深的阶段,因为我最终体验到了在几个更高层次的存在状态进化的历程, 这些是我做梦都想象不到的事情。
                  My body's death on March 14, 1994, was occasioned by some type of reaction to a needle-localization procedure designed to show my surgeon where to cut to remove three potentially cancerous lesions in my breast. The procedure had taken much longer than expected, and had to be repeated in order to get the wire marker deep enough into the breast tissue. It was painful, and emotionally traumatic for my body. I was alone when I died, because the radiologist and radiology technician both left me to perform other tasks, including getting their eighth set of mammography films developed.
                  The early stages of the NDE were fairly standard: I left my body, went into the Light, experienced overwhelming unconditional love, peace, joy, and acceptance, met Beings of Light, and had a life review. What was dramatically different about my NDE was what I learned during these stages, as well as what happened to me during and after the life review.
                  When I first entered the Light, I saw nothing but Light, heard nothing, and smelled nothing. I was alone with my own thoughts. Those thoughts, however, were dramatic revelations. Chief among them was the realization that I am not a human being; that what I had been calling my soul is in fact who I really am. And who I really am - is not human, but rather a separately existing spiritual being who only inhabited a human animal's body. Moreover, the human animal I had inhabited has her own life, thoughts, emotions, and personality, and is perfectly capable of living out the rest of her lifetime without me inside.
                  Many more 'knowings' invaded my mind while I was in the Light, filling me instantly not only with knowledge in the academic sense, but also with the deep understanding that only personal experience can give. I 'experienced' these truths as deeply as though I had lived them. One of the topics deposited into my mind was about how time does not exist in the universe at large, but only for beings that mark time, like humans do, by measuring intervals of experience.

                  IP属地:江苏9楼2021-12-19 10:46
                    At one point, I observed my body, still sitting in the chair in the radiology department mammography suite, at a distance below and behind me. I saw it out of the back of where a head would be on a human body (like having eyes in the back of my head). Seeing it, and feeling no attachment whatsoever to it, made me question for the first time whether I had died. To myself I said: 'Nah, I can't be dead. I didn't go through a tunnel into the Light, and I'm definitely in the Light.' Immediately I was surrounded by an earthen works tunnel in vivid, vibrant color and detail, with the proverbial light at the end. Though the tunnel was just as real as anything I have experienced on Earth, I knew that I was not in a tunnel. So I wasn't fooled by its appearance. Upon realizing that I wasn't 'fooled,' a flood of 'knowings' about manifesting reality inundated my mind. I realized that we all constantly manifest what we call physical reality just by virtue of our thoughts, and that the only reason we are fooled into believing it is real is because of the limitations of human senses. You can imagine how flabbergasted I was by this information, and why I was not inclined to believe it. So I experimented with consciously manifesting some more to test its truth. I proved to myself that we do indeed have the ability to manifest what humans perceive to be physical reality by focusing our attention and intention on doing so.
                    在某一时刻, 我观察了自己的身体, 发现它仍坐在放射科乳房X线摄影套间的椅子上, 就在我下方的后侧,离我有一段距离的地方。我是从我的灵体相等于肉身头部的后面去看到我的身体的(就像我头部后面有眼睛那般)。看着它, 感觉不到一丝对它的依恋, 这使我第一次产生了一个疑问:我究竟死了没有?我对自己说:“不, 我不可能已经死了。我并没有穿过一条隧道来到这光中,但我现在明确地却在这光中呢。”立刻之间,我就被一个陶制的隧道包围了,这隧道有着鲜艳醒目的颜色和细节, 在它的尽头是众所周知的那个光。虽然这隧道和我在地球上经历过的任何东西一样真实,但我知道我并不是在一个隧道里,所以我没有被它的外观所愚弄。就在意识到自己没被“愚弄”的那会儿, 一股洪水般的“了悟”就涌入了我的思想中,是关于现实是如何显化出来的了悟。我意识到, 我们所有的人,只是通过我们的思想念头,而在不断地把我们称为物理现实的世界显化出来,而且我们被愚弄相信它是真的,造成这样结果的唯一原因是人类感官的局限性。你可以想象我在得知这个信息时是多么的目瞪口呆,我不愿意去相信它,所以我尝试着测试它的真实。通过有意识地去显化更多的事物, 我向自己证明了,我们确实有这样的能力来显化人类感知为物理现实的事物,通过集中我们的注意力和意图来这样做就能做到。
                    After I realized I was dead, I looked outward again for the Light, for at this point I was back to the belief that we must go into the Light to enter the afterlife. I had forgotten that I was already in the Light because the strength of my belief system overpowered my sense of where I was. I then saw five Lights of different hues in the distance. I thought to myself: 'Oh this figures, I'm supposed to go into the Light and I get five of them and have to choose the right one.' A voice not my own entered my mind with the words: 'Just pick one and follow it.' I instantly understood that they all led to the same destination - the Source of our universe. As I looked again at the Lights, five Beings of Light appeared to have come forward from within them. I recognized these Light Beings as my most cherished and beloved friends and soul mates, and knew for certain that I too am a Being of Light, and that I was HOME.
                    These friends communicated with me by mental telepathy, and primarily in emotions. Their emotions could be interpreted into English as: 'Welcome home.' 'We ran ahead of the 'rest of us' because we couldn't wait to see you.' 'Tell us everything [about human life].'And, of course, they communicated intense unconditional love, joy at seeing me, and acceptance of and curiosity about my adventure into human life. My sense was that they were extremely anxious to observe my life as Nanci. In response, I replayed every single second of Nanci's life events and sensory input all at once for them, not for myself. These Light Beings actually entered into my life events, as me or others around me, and lived those events as though they were actually me doing it. I thought it odd at the time, but later learned how normal this is at higher evolutionary stages.
                    在我意识到自己死了之后, 我又向外去寻找那个光, 因为就在那时,我回到了我的一个信念中,即:我们必须进入那光里,然后才进入死后的生活。因为我忘记了其实我已经就在那光里了,是我的信念体系的力量压制了我在何处的感觉。接着,我看见在远处有五个不同颜色的光,我想:“哦,对了,我应该进入光中,得到那五个光,然后得选择正确的那个。”一个不是我自己的声音进入了我的思想,对我说:“只要选择一个跟着它就好了”。我立刻明白了, 它们都通向相同的目的地——我们宇宙的源头。当我再次看向那些光时, 就有五个光的存在体似乎从光体的内部往前出来了。我认出这些光的存在体是我最珍爱、心爱的朋友和灵魂伴侣, 同时也确信地知道了,我其实也是一个光的存在体, 我知道,我回到家了。
                    这些朋友和我通过心灵感应进行沟通, 而且主要是以情感的方式。她们的情感可以用英语解释为:“欢迎回家。”、“我们跑在其他光的前面因为我们迫不及待地想见你。”、“告诉我们关于人类生活的一切吧”。当然了, 她们因为看到我而传达出强烈的无条件的爱、快乐,以及对我人间生活历险的接受和好奇。我感觉到,她们非常渴望观察作为南茜的我的生活。作为回应, 为了她们,而不是为了我自己,我就在一瞬间重放了全部南茜的生活事件和感官输入的每一秒,而这些光的存在体就实际上地进入到我的生活事件中, 作为我本人或者作为我周围的其他人来体验这一切,就如同她们就是我本人那样去经历了一遍。那时我觉得这挺奇特的,但后来了解到,在更高的进化阶段这是多么正常的事。

                    IP属地:江苏10楼2021-12-19 11:05
                      While my friends enjoyed my life review, memories of my eternal life filled my mind. They included hundreds of physical lifetimes, in humans and other species, as well as thousands of what we would call years spent living in what I was calling 'Light Being society,' and what might also be called 'life between lives.' I was astounded that I could possibly have forgotten all of it. 'Knowing' informed me that when a Light Being like me enters into a human as its soul, only part of its total Energy does so. The rest of the Being's Energy stays in the Light and continues to evolve as it observes the soul part's experiences. The reintegration of my memories as an eternal being with those of my just passed human life completed my transformation back into my natural state as a Being of Light.
                      在朋友们享受着我的人生回顾时,那些关于我的永恒生活的记忆则充填进了我的思想里。这些记忆中包括了成百上千次的肉身生活的记忆, 生活在人类身体和其他物种的身体中, 还有历经了成千上万个我们所称之为的“年头“,用于生活在我所称的“光存在体的社会”里, 以及被称之为“生命之间的生活”(一次生命的结束,到下一次进入到某种生命形态之间的一段——译者注)中的这些记忆。我很震惊, 我居然会把所有这些都忘记了。“了悟”告诉我, 当一个像我这样的光存在体进入人类的身体,成为其灵魂时, 只有总能量的一部分会进入那个躯体,而存在体的其余能量部分会留在光中并继续进化,并且它在观察着作为人类灵魂的那一部分的经历。我作为一个永恒的存在体,以及我刚逝去的人类生活,这两部分记忆整合在一起,完成了我的转化,我又转化回到光的存在体这种我的自然状态。
                      Soon, I realized that I had access to all of the knowledge of the universe (what I call Universal Knowledge) just by focusing my attention and intention on what I wanted to know. My thought processing was accelerated so greatly that I was able to absorb phenomenal amounts of information instantly. I wanted to know the answers to all my most pressing spiritual questions. So I searched Universal Knowledge for the answers to: what is Source/God? What am I? How was the universe created? Why? What is the purpose of life? Of life as a human? What does source expect of me while in human form? Where is heaven? Hell? What is the correct religion? The answers fill my first book, Backwards: Returning to Our Source for Answers. Upon receiving 'knowing' on all these topics I was very upset that no one had told me before how simple life and death are. I wanted to know why religion had failed me in this regard. In response, a 'documentary' of the development of religion among humans over the course of three Earth epochs, the third of which constitutes mankind's future, played out in my mind. My manuscript entitled Backwards Beliefs sets forth what I remember of this documentary.
                      生命的目的是什么? 或者,作为人类,生命的目的是什么?
                      After receiving my fill from Universal Knowledge, I realized that I could enter into my Light Being friends and live their eternal lives as they had just done my life as Nanci. So I merged my Energy into theirs as we formed a collective being of six. I could at one and the same time experience myself as the personality I had always known as 'myself,' as well as experiencing one of my friend's lives as though I were my friend. Or I could experience what it was like to be a collective being. I understood at the time that living in this manner was an evolutionary stage beyond that of Light Beings, whose lives we would perceive to be as discrete, individual beings with spiritual bodies. At this stage of awareness there was no 'beingness' - only a mental or conscious existence.
                      在我接收到来自宇宙知识库的信息灌注后,我意识到自己也可以进入到我那些光存在体的朋友们之内,去活在她们的永恒生活里,就像她们刚才进入我去体验我作为南茜的生活那样。于是我把自己的能量和她们的融合在一起,形成了一个六人的集体存在体。我可以感受到自己的一个单独人格,就像我之前一直都曾感受到有一个“自己”那样,而同时还进入到其中一个朋友的生活里,那感觉就好像我就是这个朋友本身, 而且,我还可以体会到作为一个集体存在体的感觉。那时我明白了,以这样的方式生活,是到达了一个进化的阶段,它超越了作为光之存在体的阶段,光之存在体的阶段被我们感觉为是一种分离开来的、具有灵性身体的个体存在体。在这个(集体的)阶段,不再有“存在体”的感觉,而只有一种思想或意识的存在。

                      IP属地:江苏11楼2021-12-19 11:10
                        Ultimately, my soul mates and I decided as a collective being to rejoin 'the rest of us.' I understood this English term to mean the Source of creation, the entity humans call 'God.' For the first time during the NDE I experienced movement similar to how we feel it as humans. Up until this point, everything seemed to transpire within my own mind. But now our merged entity of six seemed to move forward deeper and deeper into the Light to rejoin Source's core. As we neared it, I understood more and more about the universe and our place within it, as well as my own nature as part of Source.
                        It became excruciatingly clear to me that the whole of our universe transpires exclusively within the mind of Source. There is only one being in our universe - Source. All things that we perceive as physical reality are really thoughts manifested by Source within its own Energy field. And, most importantly, none of it ever leaves the Source. So, I intimately experienced the 'knowing' that I am literally part of Source's thoughts, and the illusion that I am separate from it is a gift from Source to itself in order that Source might fully explore its own personality and creativity.
                        最终,我的灵魂伴侣们和我都决定,以这样一个集体存在体的方式重新加入到“我们的其余部分”中去,我知道这用英语的词语来说,意味着回到创生的本源去,这本源就是人类称为“上帝”的那个实体。现在,在我的NDE中我第一次体验到类似人类体验到的运动(movement)的感觉,因为直到现在,我NDE中的一切感受都是发生在我的思想里, 而现在,我们六个存在体融合形成的集体,似乎开始往前运动,越来越深地进入到那光的内部,加入到了本源的核心中。当我们接近它时,我就明白得越来越多,关于宇宙和我们在其中的地位,还有我自己的本质就是本源的一部分,等等这些内容。
                        有一点对我来说变得非常清晰明了,以至于让我难于接受——我们整个的宇宙完全发生在本源的意念中。我们的宇宙中只有一个存在体——本源。所有那些我们认为是物质现实的东西,而实际上都是想法和念头,由本源在其能量场中把它们显化了出来,而最重要的一点是,所有这一切从来都没有离开过本源。 这样,我近密地体验到了这个“了悟”:我本身即是本源的想法的一部分,而我与本源是分离的这个幻象,其实是一份礼物,是本源自己给它自己的一份礼物,以便让本源能够充分地探索它自己的个性和创造性。
                        Sometime during this process, I decided that I 'could do it better.' I could live Nanci's life better and give back to the experience more than I had before I died. And, I passionately wanted to share with my fellow Light Beings in soul form the truth of who we really are, and the simplicity of life as part of Source. These emotions apparently impelled my return to the body in a traumatic process of leaving the Light. But as I whirl winded back into human flesh I did my best to remember as much as I could so that I might share it with others in my books.
                        Background Information:
                        NDE Elements:
                        At the time of your experience, was there an associated life-threatening event? Yes I had either a severe vaso-vagal response or an anaphylactic reaction to a local anesthetic.
                        Did you feel separated from your body? Yes I clearly left my body and existed outside it
                        How did your highest level of consciousness and alertness during the experience compare to your normal everyday consciousness and alertness? More consciousness and alertness than normal My normal alertness level while in the body feels like I'm stuffed into a too-tight wetsuit made of cold, hard, clay, in comparison to that experienced during my NDE. I feel dull of intellect and slow in thinking and responding. As we used to say when I was a kid: 'I couldn't think my way out of a paper bag' with this level of alertness.
                        My normal level of consciousness while awake, not including meditation states, is one tiny little slice of the consciousness I experienced during the NDE. It feels like I have forgotten who I really am. More importantly, the level of consciousness we experience while in the body operates at such a slow vibration that we actually perceive human life as reality, which I now understand is an illusion.
                        Also see answers to questions three and four.

                        IP属地:江苏12楼2021-12-19 11:16
                          Did you see any beings in your experience? I actually saw them
                          Did you encounter or become aware of any deceased (or alive) beings? Yes I met five beings that I mentally called Beings of Energy, or Beings of Light, as they are more frequently called. I recognized these Beings of Light as my closest, dearest, most beloved friends - my soul mates. I knew none of them during this human lifetime. They were my eternal closest friends.
                          Did you see, or feel surrounded by, a brilliant light? A light clearly of mystical or other-worldly origin
                          Did you see an unearthly light? Yes Saw it. Felt it. I Was completely infused with it and the love, acceptance, joy, and peace that come with it. And, I lived in the Light for a long while as I evolved into higher and higher forms of existence.
                          Did you seem to enter some other, unearthly world? A clearly mystical or unearthly realm The only 'locations,' in the physical sense, that I visited were those I consciously manifested myself. I did, however, evolve through numerous 'levels' of awareness/consciousness/beingness until I was no longer a being at all. Nothing was identified to me as a 'dimension.'
                          What emotions did you feel during the experience? I experienced the full range of human emotions - except fear. In fact, I was surprised by the fact that I could still feel anger, disappointment, indignation, and other so-called 'negative' emotions. I had always assumed they would not be possible in the afterlife.
                          Did you have a feeling of peace or pleasantness? Incredible peace or pleasantness
                          Did you have a feeling of joy? incredible joy
                          Did you feel a sense of harmony or unity with the universe? I felt united or one with the world
                          Did you suddenly seem to understand everything? Everything about the universe
                          Did scenes from your past come back to you? My past flashed before me, out of my control I did have a life review of this human lifetime, but it was apparently conducted more for the entertainment of my Being of Light friends than for my own benefit. I also recaptured all my memories of all the hundreds of other physical lifetimes I had enjoyed, as well as life in the Light between physical lives.
                          Did scenes from the future come to you? Scenes from the world's future I was so surprised that my experience was nothing like what my religious training had led me to expect that I accessed Universal Knowledge on the subject. What I got was sort of like a documentary of the development of religion on Earth, which documentary included the future. I only remember a few things about the future because I didn't care - I wasn't coming back here! It was later that I decided to return to human life. Then I desperately tried to remember as much of the future as I could while I was being sucked back into the body.
                          Did you come to a border or point of no return? I came to a barrier that I was not permitted to cross; or was sent back against my will

                          IP属地:江苏14楼2021-12-19 11:24
                            God, Spiritual and Religion:
                            Have your religious practices changed since your experience? Yes As a result of viewing the history of religion on Earth, and accessing Universal Knowledge about life and death, I can no longer subscribe to any religion's tenets.
                            Did you have a change in your values and beliefs because of your experience? Yes As a result of viewing the history of religion on Earth, and accessing Universal Knowledge about life and death, I can no longer subscribe to any religion's tenets.
                            Did you seem to encounter a mystical being or presence, or hear an unidentifiable voice? I encountered a definite being, or a voice clearly of mystical or unearthly origin
                            Did you see deceased or religious spirits? I actually saw them
                            Concerning our Earthly lives other than Religion:
                            During your experience, did you gain special knowledge or information about your purpose? Yes All the above. It was my understanding that I had total access to the universal database I call Universal Knowledge. In addition, once I began merging into Source/God, I was imbued with a complete understanding of the universe and the purpose of life. Most of my first book is devoted to this information.
                            Have your relationships changed specifically because of your experience? Yes I left my law firm specifically because of the changes in me attributable to the NDE. And, I now have more NDEr friends because they are the only ones who truly understand me and what I have been through.
                            After the NDE:
                            Was the experience difficult to express in words? No The greatest gift I have been given by this experience is the ability to express much of it in words, often through analogies. I believe one of the reasons I personally had this experience is because I am an attorney, and have used words to communicate difficult concepts and emotions as part of my work.
                            Do you have any psychic, non-ordinary or other special gifts after your experience that you did not have before the experience? Yes One gift is the ability to write books in words given to me while I sleep (and which I have to type out before I'm awake enough to loose them). There are others as well.
                            Are there one or several parts of your experience that are especially meaningful or significant to you? It was all so incredibly significant and meaningful. It literally changed my life, both here on Earth and in my eternal evolution. The part that still makes me cry after thirteen years is having been on the verge of total merger back into Source/God, and understanding fully that I do not exist as a being separate and apart from Source, and being allowed to make the decision to stop the process and return to Earth in order to share what I could remember with others, who, like me, have been struggling with understanding life. The depth of Source's love, and understanding, and willingness to allow me to continue the illusion of separation, astounds me.
                            Have you ever shared this experience with others? Yes The International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS) groups and at two Universal Light Expos. Also it appears in Part III of my first book, 'Backwards: Returning to Source for Answers'.
                            有。我在濒死研究国际协会 (IANDS)小组和两次“宇宙之光博览会”上分享过我的经历。我第一本书《向后:回到我们的源头寻找答案》的第三部分也有写到这段经历。
                            Did you have any knowledge of near death experience (NDE) prior to your experience? No

                            IP属地:江苏15楼2021-12-19 11:26

                              IP属地:江苏17楼2021-12-19 11:30