Wolfgang has spent his life striving for ultimate strength, and despite the all-too-frequent frights the Constant has thrown at him, it has also provided ample opportunities to put his muscles to the test. With a training regimen as challenging as the world itself, Wolfgang will prove just why he holds the title of “The Incredible Strongman!” 沃尔夫冈在健身领域追求登峰造极,尽管要面对饥荒世界各种威胁,但这也给他提供了机会来小试身手。练武不练功,到老一场空。沃尔夫冈的“壮士”称号应当之无愧。
Here are some of the details: ▇ Instead of being connected to his hunger, Wolfgang’s forms are now controlled by a new Might Meter. - Filling the Might Meter requires Wolfgang to work out using one of his new craftable items. - The meter goes down over time and the draining rate is determined by Wolfgang’s Hunger, the hungrier he is, the faster it goes down. ▇ Wolfgang’s linear values are now constants. ▇ Wolfgang freezes and overheats faster when in Wimpy form, but slower while Mighty. ▇ When Mighty Wolfgang can carry heavy items faster. ▇ Does not lose Might while carrying heavy objects. 以下是详细内容: ●沃尔夫冈的身材不再和饥饿值挂钩,而是取决于新的“大力值”。 -沃尔夫冈需要通过健身来保持强壮的体魄。 -“大力值”随时间下降,沃尔夫冈越饿,“大力值”下降的越快。 ●沃尔夫冈的血量上限不再随饥饿值变化。 ●强壮的大力士耐热且不怕冷,相反瘦弱的小力士不耐热且怕冻。 ●大力士,大力士,力拔山兮气盖世。 ●身为大力士,沃尔夫冈搬东西更快。