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如果你深爱着希澈 If you Deep love heechul
那就好好爱他 Love him on the enjoy
用尽全力爱他, Exhaustion of all love him
这种爱, This love,
不是对恋人的爱,Not a lover of love
不是对亲人的爱, Not the kind of family love
谁也讲不清这是一种怎样的感情 No one can speak clearly This Feelings
两个陌生人 Two strangers
你愿意为他大哭大笑 You are willing to Silent tears and Unbridled laughter for him
他愿意为你在舞台上发光发热 He is willing shine for you on the stage
那么的相爱,那么的相爱 Is so in love
那些瞬间 Those moments
一个转身,一个挥手 A turn, a wave
都可以让人潸然泪下 Tears can be
不懂的人说你是疯子 Do not say you are crazy
因为他们不知道你是这样的深爱 Because they do not know that you love so
如果你深爱着希澈 If you Deep love heechul
请不要吵架 Please do not quarrel
我们的名字叫花瓣 Our name is Petal
他是这么叫我们的 He is our so called
那个愿意给FAN取名字的男人 That would be willing to give the names of the men admitted FAN
所以要好好的相爱 So good love
即使是讲着嚣张言语的人 Even talk about the arrogance of human speech
比你年轻的,要原谅他 Younger than you, it is necessary to forgive him
因为他不过成熟 But because he has did not mature
比你年长的,要原谅他 Older than you, it is necessary to forgive him
因为他已经成熟 Because he has matured
某些时候遇见 Met again some time
淡淡的讲一句 A plain-speaking
“原来你也喜欢他” "So you like him"
浅浅的,是最美的样子 Shallow, and was the best way
对他的爱,不是独占的爱 Of his love, the love is not exclusive
是因为知道有很多人爱着而更加爱 Because a lot of people know that love and more love
如果你深爱着希澈 If you Deep love heechul
你要知道他的那些过往 You want to know who his past
那些05年青涩的样子 Those who look childish in 2005
那些06年惊艳的样子 Those look amazing in 2006
那些07年强悍的样子 Those who look valiant in 2007
那些08年成熟的样子 Those who like mature in 2008
还有以后的以后 Since there are subsequent
一年一年 From year to year
你都要知道 You should know
每个人爱上他的日子都会不同 He fell in love with each person will be a different day
但爱上以后的日子都会相同 However, the future will fall in love with the same
如果你深爱着希澈 If you Deep love heechul
你要买一双美丽的红鞋子 You buy a pair of beautiful red shoes
你要梳一次高高的马尾 You want a high Mawei Salisbury
你要画一次妖艳的眼线 You have to draw the eye liner a flirtatious
眼梢飞扬的绿色 Green fly in the corner of the eye
却生生成了一副张扬的样子 has become like a publicity
你开心的做那么多那么多的事 You are more than happy to do so so many things
你再每一个快乐和伤心地时刻都想着他 Each of you a happy and sad to think of him all the time
他不是你生活的全部 He is not the whole of your life
你却总是觉得生活里处处有他 But you can feeling that has been in your life
他真的很远 He is really very far
可是又真的很近 But really close
如果你深爱着希澈 If you Deep love heechul
就要好好生活 Should be enjoy life
好好的 Enjoyment
好好的生活 Live happily
让你的人生也像他一样开始绚烂 Let your life is also like him to start splendid
一直,绚烂下去 Has been, this gorgeous
如果你深爱着希澈 If you Deep love heechul
那就好好爱他 Love him on the enjoy
用尽全力爱他, Exhaustion of all love him
这种爱, This love,
不是对恋人的爱,Not a lover of love
不是对亲人的爱, Not the kind of family love
谁也讲不清这是一种怎样的感情 No one can speak clearly This Feelings
两个陌生人 Two strangers
你愿意为他大哭大笑 You are willing to Silent tears and Unbridled laughter for him
他愿意为你在舞台上发光发热 He is willing shine for you on the stage
那么的相爱,那么的相爱 Is so in love
那些瞬间 Those moments
一个转身,一个挥手 A turn, a wave
都可以让人潸然泪下 Tears can be
不懂的人说你是疯子 Do not say you are crazy
因为他们不知道你是这样的深爱 Because they do not know that you love so
如果你深爱着希澈 If you Deep love heechul
请不要吵架 Please do not quarrel
我们的名字叫花瓣 Our name is Petal
他是这么叫我们的 He is our so called
那个愿意给FAN取名字的男人 That would be willing to give the names of the men admitted FAN
所以要好好的相爱 So good love
即使是讲着嚣张言语的人 Even talk about the arrogance of human speech
比你年轻的,要原谅他 Younger than you, it is necessary to forgive him
因为他不过成熟 But because he has did not mature
比你年长的,要原谅他 Older than you, it is necessary to forgive him
因为他已经成熟 Because he has matured
某些时候遇见 Met again some time
淡淡的讲一句 A plain-speaking
“原来你也喜欢他” "So you like him"
浅浅的,是最美的样子 Shallow, and was the best way
对他的爱,不是独占的爱 Of his love, the love is not exclusive
是因为知道有很多人爱着而更加爱 Because a lot of people know that love and more love
如果你深爱着希澈 If you Deep love heechul
你要知道他的那些过往 You want to know who his past
那些05年青涩的样子 Those who look childish in 2005
那些06年惊艳的样子 Those look amazing in 2006
那些07年强悍的样子 Those who look valiant in 2007
那些08年成熟的样子 Those who like mature in 2008
还有以后的以后 Since there are subsequent
一年一年 From year to year
你都要知道 You should know
每个人爱上他的日子都会不同 He fell in love with each person will be a different day
但爱上以后的日子都会相同 However, the future will fall in love with the same
如果你深爱着希澈 If you Deep love heechul
你要买一双美丽的红鞋子 You buy a pair of beautiful red shoes
你要梳一次高高的马尾 You want a high Mawei Salisbury
你要画一次妖艳的眼线 You have to draw the eye liner a flirtatious
眼梢飞扬的绿色 Green fly in the corner of the eye
却生生成了一副张扬的样子 has become like a publicity
你开心的做那么多那么多的事 You are more than happy to do so so many things
你再每一个快乐和伤心地时刻都想着他 Each of you a happy and sad to think of him all the time
他不是你生活的全部 He is not the whole of your life
你却总是觉得生活里处处有他 But you can feeling that has been in your life
他真的很远 He is really very far
可是又真的很近 But really close
如果你深爱着希澈 If you Deep love heechul
就要好好生活 Should be enjoy life
好好的 Enjoyment
好好的生活 Live happily
让你的人生也像他一样开始绚烂 Let your life is also like him to start splendid
一直,绚烂下去 Has been, this gorgeous