刚才买奶茶时候,有人插队,我一直忍气吞声,安安静静带着 AirPods听歌可是那个人依旧不依不挠,在我前面嘲笑我,此时此刻 QQ音乐切换到了good 4 u,到了1分14秒的时候,我终于忍不住爆发了,扭动全身和屁股,开始当场跟随奥利维亚热德里狗唱跳,就像图中那样!此时排队的人群让了出来,围成一个圈我站在中间,大声vocal:And good for you, it's like you never even met me
Remember when you swore to God I was the only
Person who ever got you
Well, screw that and screw you
You will never have to hurt the way you know that I do!此时此刻周围的人都被我的气场压的喘不过气来,我走到那个插队的女人面前,用手指着她的鼻子,说:I've lost my mind,I've spent the night.她被我吓傻了,奶茶店老板怕出事情,连忙来劝解。我摘下口罩,说了句Maybe I'm too emotional ,Your apathy's like a wound in salt.头也不回的就走了,谢谢Olivia Rodrigo这就是音乐的力量,让我不在懦弱,也不再流
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Remember when you swore to God I was the only
Person who ever got you
Well, screw that and screw you
You will never have to hurt the way you know that I do!此时此刻周围的人都被我的气场压的喘不过气来,我走到那个插队的女人面前,用手指着她的鼻子,说:I've lost my mind,I've spent the night.她被我吓傻了,奶茶店老板怕出事情,连忙来劝解。我摘下口罩,说了句Maybe I'm too emotional ,Your apathy's like a wound in salt.头也不回的就走了,谢谢Olivia Rodrigo这就是音乐的力量,让我不在懦弱,也不再流
泪,11/11 Sour四部单曲uo限定胶片全球上线