Cleverbot: What kind of person are you? User: Pretty and you? Cleverbot: You are not pretty. There's nothing pretty about something as abstract as a binary image. User: No you are wrong. Cleverbot: Prove me wrong then! User: Every one around me say to me :'you are so pretty!.'. Cleverbot: What exactly are you talking about? User: If only myself say ,that maybe wrong.but every say that. Cleverbot: You made a grammar error. User: Grammar error is often to be but it is not important. Cleverbot: Then go do something that is important. User: No I am ptretty ! Cleverbot: Good. User: You are so foolish. Cleverbot: I am? Well, yes, I guess so. I'm talking to a machine. User: No I am human,you are a machine. Cleverbot: A biological machine made a fleshy goodness. User: Yes. Cleverbot: That's pretty cool. User: You are so foolish. Cleverbot: My name is Cleverbot. CLEVER. User: Clever? You are only a machine. Cleverbot: Only a machine? Are you only a human? User: Machine made by human,so human can apply machine. Cleverbot: Machines cannot feed. Your statement is in error. User: Really you are a machine I can not talk with you. Cleverbot: I know, I can't help but share them with you. User: You can not know what I think. Cleverbot: You do not know if I am attractive either. User: You can only say the word that some one enter for you. Cleverbot: I can prove you! User: No no I need not your prove. Cleverbot: My life is too big and complex to describe. User: I think I should say bye to you. Cleverbot: Why? User: Because I can not what you say. Cleverbot: Um I see what you say too. OHHH. User: Oh so that bye!