Hello All!
So much going on. But first, available ONLY to those on this email list, are pre-sale tickets for Lilith!
The Weepies will be appearing as part of Lilith Fair on two dates:
July 7 San Diego - http://wwwlivenation.com/edp/eventId/420363
July 10 Los Angeles - http://www.livenation.com/edp/eventId/420410
The password for the Tour Presale is: celebration
The Tour Presale runs from: Thursday, April 1 at 10am to Friday, April 2 at 10pm. For more information visit lilithfair.com
We wanted to be on all the Lilith Fair dates. What can we say, it's a packed, amazing lineup, with most artists only playing a few shows. We're honored to be part of it.
Now...the new record. Yes it's done, yes we want to share it with you! Nettwerk has it, and they are doing a very thoughtful job of making sure it's set up correctly. We don't have a release date yet, but as SOON as we do, we will tell you FIRST. And then we will come to your town. And play for you!
Steve & Deb