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The Birth Of Wave Genetics!
DNA, the ultimate life messenger, may have fallen to Earth
from space. It’s a bizarre new twist on the Panspermia idea. But
consider this:
V.N. Tsytovich of the General Physics Institute, Russian
Academy of Science, in Moscow, working with colleagues there
and at the Max-Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics in
Garching, Germany and the University of Sydney, Australia,
studied the behavior of complex mixtures of substances in a
DNA,最终的生命信使,可能已经从太空坠落到地球上。 这是对 Panspermia 想法的一个奇怪的新转折。 但请考虑一下:V.N. 莫斯科俄罗斯科学院普通物理研究所的 Tsytovich 与那里的同事以及德国加兴的马克斯普朗克地外物理研究所和澳大利亚悉尼大学的同事合作,研究了复杂物质混合物的行为。 等离子体。

IP属地:浙江16楼2021-08-03 11:31
    The Birth Of Wave Genetics!
    Tsytovich and his colleagues demonstrated, using a computer
    model of molecular dynamics, that particles in a plasma can
    undergo self-organization as electronic charges become
    separated and the plasma becomes polarized. This effect results
    in microscopic strands of solid particles that twist into
    corkscrew shapes, or helical structures.
    These helical strands are themselves electronically charged and are
    attracted to each other in pairs.
    That sounds like DNA! Its most characteristic feature is the
    famous double helix.
    Tsytovich 和他的同事使用分子动力学的计算机模型证明,随着电荷分离和等离子体极化,等离子体中的粒子可以进行自组织。 这种效应导致固体颗粒的微观链扭曲成开瓶器形状或螺旋结构。 这些螺旋线本身是带电的,并成对地相互吸引。 这听起来像DNA! 其最典型的特征是著名的双螺旋。
    The Birth Of Wave Genetics!
    Quite bizarrely, not only do these helical strands interact in a
    counterintuitive way in which like can attract like (doubling
    up!), but they also undergo changes that are normally associated
    with biological molecules, such as DNA and proteins, say the
    They can, for instance, divide, or bifurcate, to form two copies
    of the original structure.
    研究人员说,非常奇怪的是,这些螺旋链不仅以一种违反直觉的方式相互作用,在这种方式中,喜欢可以吸引喜欢(加倍!),而且它们还会发生通常与生物分子(例如 DNA 和蛋白质)相关的变化。 例如,它们可以分割或分叉以形成原始结构的两个副本。

    IP属地:浙江17楼2021-08-03 11:32
      The Birth Of Wave Genetics!
      So, could helical clusters formed from interstellar dust be
      somehow alive? "These complex, self-organized plasma
      structures exhibit all the necessary properties to qualify them as
      candidates for inorganic living matter," says Tsytovich, "they
      are autonomous, they reproduce and they evolve".
      那么,由星际尘埃形成的螺旋星团会以某种方式活着吗? “这些复杂的、自组织的等离子体结构表现出所有必要的特性,使它们成为无机生物的候选者,”Tsytovich 说,“它们是自主的,它们繁殖和进化”。
      He adds that the plasma conditions needed to form these helical
      structures are common in outer space. However, plasmas can
      also form under more down to earth conditions such as the point
      of a lightning strike.
      So is life a “flash in the pan” or the result of continuous
      changes? Did DNA originate from outer space?
      他补充说,形成这些螺旋结构所需的等离子体条件在外太空很常见。 然而,等离子体也可以在更实际的条件下形成,例如雷击点。 那么,生活究竟是昙花一现,还是不断变化的结果? DNA起源于外太空吗?

      IP属地:浙江18楼2021-08-03 11:33
        Finish with a couple quotes:
        "If doctors and scientists knew enough advanced physics, they
        wouldn't have trouble accepting alternative healing."
        --Cyril Smith PhD Salford UK
        Corollary: doctors don't know enough about medicine and
        "Alternative medicine is really just advanced physics."
        --Cyril Smith PhD Salford UK
        Corollary: the laws of physics are not being broken (ever), they
        are just incompletely known!
        ——Cyril Smith 博士 英国索尔福德
        ——Cyril Smith 博士 英国索尔福德
        Keith Scott-Mumby MD
        Po Box 19452, Reno, NV 89511, USA

        IP属地:浙江19楼2021-08-03 11:33

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