麦克劳传奇吧 关注:91贴子:261
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rt。英文版— —

IP属地:广东1楼2010-03-11 23:07回复
    IP属地:广东2楼2010-03-11 23:09
      The story unfolds on post-apocalyptic earth, 700 years after a meteorite collision nearly wiped out all human civilization. Out of the ashes, the Immortals united and swore an oath to abandon the Game and all killing, and to preserve the knowledge that humanity had lost. But one immortal, Kortan (apparently named after the legendary sword Curtana), did not swear the oath - he still sought the prize and his empire grew until he controlled most of the planet from his fortress Mogonda. Connor MacLeod (the protagonist of the original film) challenged Kortan and was defeated (as any immortal who broke the oath was destined to die). With Connor's death came the prophecy of the rise of a new immortal, he would defeat Kortan. Don Vincente Marino Ramírez, now a Jettator (one of those who took the Oath), has since waited seven hundred years for the unavowed immortal.
      Quentin MacLeod is said to be the descendant of Connor MacLeod. He was born 700 years after "The Great Catastrophe", in which an asteroid hit the Earth, setting off nuclear weapons which destroyed most of the earth's surface. Following this apocalypse, Connor MacLeod and others decide to renounce the old rule of "The Game", the goal of which is to become "The Only One"; that is, the only immortal. Instead, they swore to preserve the knowledge of humanity, "cast down their swords", and called themselves Jettators. (From the French "jette", thrown away.)
      When Quentin was a young boy, a stranger with dark hair was watching him. Afraid, he tried to get away from him, so the stranger said, "Do you know your name, boy?" Quentin only replied that he's Quentin Dundee from Clan Dundee. The stranger just smiled and walked away whilst saying, "I'll come back when you know who you are." Confused, Quentin asked his mother about the incident; however, she remained silent. Several years later, Quentin was killed when Kortan's hunters attacked the Dundee Clan, attempting to enslave them. Quentin returned to life and before her death, his mother said that he is Quentin MacLeod from clan MacLeod and "The Last of the MacLeods". He honored his mother's last requests: to follow the stranger, rescue the Dundee clan from Kortan, and take care of his little step-sister, Clyde.
      Quentin confronted the stranger after his mother's funeral and the stranger asked him a same question he had asked several years before: "Do you know who you are?" Quentin answered, "I am Quentin MacLeod from Clan MacLeod!" The stranger laughed and said to him that his name is Don Vincente Marino Ramírez and he would be his mentor.
      Similar to the original movie, Ramírez teaches Quentin about immortals' lives and the rules of The Game. Ramírez doesn't tell Quentin how to defeat Kortan: whether to kill him or just receive his Quickening (thus ending his immortality). During his journey to defeat Kortan and his minions, Quentin is accompanied by Ramirez, Clyde, and her pet, Gaul (see below).
      Quentin MacLeod leads the resistance against Kortan, with Ramírez as his mentor he seeks the Jettators (those who took the oath) to gain their Quickening and their knowledge - not by beheading but by a sharing as MacLeod and Jettator grasp the same sword simultaneously (although it is sometimes called a quickening, and the effects are sometimes just as destructive to the surrounding area). In the wake of a sharing the Jettator becomes mortal and often his sword shatters to signify this.
      With the wisdom of Ramírez and the Quickenings of the Jettators, he may be able to destroy Kortan. Some episodes involved Jettators making use of a loophole in their oath to challenge Kortan regardless, such as Matsuda, who built a cyborg to fight Kortan in his stead, or Cornell, who changed his name to Orion to be able to fight Kortan.
      Despite being redesigned to attract a younger audience, the show was surprisingly mature/violent; it wasn't uncommon for minor characters to die, and while Quentin had found a way to take another Immortal's power and knowledge without also taking their life, Kortan still did it the old way, by beheading them. In addition, though essentially a good-versus-evil scenario, most of the characters on both sides were more than just black and white heroes and villains. Many of Kortan's henchmen are shown to have good characteristics and feelings - and even on occasion Quentin will be tempted by greed and be selfish, especially when offered the chances of immense power. Of course, ultimately, his good side always wins through.

      IP属地:广东3楼2010-03-11 23:11

        IP属地:广东4楼2010-03-11 23:14

          IP属地:陕西6楼2010-08-21 11:49

            IP属地:湖北7楼2011-01-13 00:01

              IP属地:广东8楼2011-01-16 00:28
                小时候看过 忘记结局了 貌似每局都是主角赢吧

                9楼2011-04-07 04:41
                  基本上都是给揍着跑吧— —

                  IP属地:广东10楼2011-04-07 13:03
                    实在是记不起来了 - -. 但是那个音乐今天听起来还是很赞
                    还得谢谢ls的那个地址 我已经下好了 在看
                    不过英文不过关 - -. 看起来很有难度

                    11楼2011-04-10 16:44

                      IP属地:湖北12楼2011-08-07 15:23