1. Purchase Night Vision Goggles, Sneaky Shoes, and Binoculars to make this heist easier (any money spent will be reclaimed from the theft)
2. Drive to the Port
3. Gain entry because you are a Junior Supervisor
4. Go to see your supervisor in the Admin Building and get a job to Unload Secure Cargo
5. Enter Secure no.2 and remove the pallets covering the manhole cover
6. Go to Security and take over the cameras
7. Move/zoom in on each security camera to obscure the view
8. Take the forklift to the Secure no.2 gates
9. Wait until night and then enter the sewer
10. Make your way to the ladder below the surface of Secure no.2
11. Climb the ladder at 10pm—not sooner!
12. Avoiding all other people there, open the door to the storage facility
13. Get the forklift you left at the gate
14. Still staying clear of all people and not getting caught, drive the forklift into the storage facility
15. Load the forklift with two boxes of loot
16. Turn off the electric to make the guard move away from his post at the exit
18. Once you have escaped, you can go to the Duck at the Workshop who will help you open the boxes.