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对西北地区永登县的鲁土司家族进行了父系遗传调查,根据鲁氏家谱的记载,他们的祖先为脱欢( 成吉思汗的第六子阔列坚的后代) 。
Y染色体分型结果表明, 鲁土司家族的遗传类型为C3b1a1a1a-F1756(又称C3b3a2a-448del),常见于蒙古语和突厥语人群。
进一步的遗传网络分析发现,鲁土司家族后人与哈萨克斯坦DNA计划(The Kazakhstan DNA Project)中的Tore支系共享单倍型。
Tore 支系为成吉思汗大儿子术赤的后代。至此,成吉思汗的遗传类型———C3b1a1a1a-F1756。

IP属地:内蒙古1楼2020-10-23 10:24回复

    IP属地:内蒙古来自iPhone客户端2楼2020-11-19 17:15

      IP属地:内蒙古3楼2021-09-30 16:21
        Inferring human history in East Asia from Y chromosomes
        Chuan-Chao Wang and Hui Li*
        Haplogroup O-M175 is the largest haplogroup in East Asia, comprising roughly 75% of the Chinese and more than half of the Japanese population and, therefore, is associated with the major Neolithic migrants (Figure 1). O-M175 gave rise to three downstream haplogroups - O1a-M119, O2-M268 and O3-M122 - totaling 60% of the Y chromosomes among East Asian populations [17,18]. Haplogroup O1a-M119 is prevalent along the southeast coast of China, occurring at high frequencies in Daic speaking people and Taiwan aborigines [19]. O2-M268 accounts for about 5% of the Han Chinese [17]. O2a1-M95 is the most frequent subclade of O2, which is the major haplogroup in the Indo-China Peninsula, and is also found in many populations located in southern China and eastern India (such as Munda) [19,20]. Another subclade of O2, O2b-M176, is most frequent among Koreans and Japanese, and also occurs at very marginal frequencies in Vietnamese and Han Chinese [21,22]. O3-M122 is the most common haplogroup in China and is prevalent throughout East and Southeast Asia, comprising roughly 50 to 60% of the Han Chinese. O3a1c-002611, O3a2c1-M134 and O3a2c1a-M117 are the three main subclades of O3, each accounting for 12 to 17% of the Han Chinese. O3a2c1a-M117 also exhibits high frequencies in Tibeto-Burman populations. Another subclade, O3a2b-M7, reaches the highest frequency in Hmong-Mien and Mon-Khmer speaking populations, but accounts for less than 5% of Han Chinese [17,18].
        Y chromosomes of eminent persons in history
        Population expansion can also be associated with specific social prestige, for example, the increased reproductive fitness as in Genghis Khan’s case. Genghis Khan (1162 to 1227) established the largest contiguous empire in history. He and his patrilineal relatives had numerous offspring due to their high social status, which led to the increase in frequency of their Y lineage. As a result, his Y chromosome (C3*xC3c, star-cluster) is widespread from the Pacific to the Caspian Sea and makes up an estimated 0.5% of the world’s male population today [56]. Interestingly, the Kereys tribe in Kazakhstan reaches the highest frequency (76.5%) of the C3* star-cluster Y-chromosomes [57]. It is unlikely that C3* star-cluster in Kereys was attributed to Genghis Khan, doubting the origin of C3* in Genghis Khan’s family. Nonetheless, social selection plays an important role in the expansion of this C3* star-cluster. Similarly, Y chromosome haplogroup C3c-M48 was suggested to be spread by the Qing Dynasty (1644 to 1912) Manchurian nobility, comprising about 3.3% of the males sampled from East Asia [58].

        IP属地:内蒙古4楼2021-09-30 16:22
          : ---------------
          从 Y 染色体推断东亚的人类历史
          Chuan-Chao Wang 和 Hui Li*
          单倍群 O-M175 是东亚最大的单倍群,包括大约 75% 的中国人和超过一半的日本人口,因此与新石器时代的主要移民有关(图 1)。O-M175 产生了三个下游单倍群——O1a-M119、O2-M268 和 O3-M122——占东亚人群 Y 染色体总数的 60% [17,18]。单倍群 O1a-M119 在中国东南沿海普遍存在,在说傣语的人和台湾原住民中出现的频率很高[19]。O2-M268约占汉族人的5%[17]。O2a1-M95 是 O2 最常见的亚群,O2 是印度支那半岛的主要单倍群,在中国南部和印度东部的许多人群中也有发现(如蒙达)[19,20]。O2 的另一个分支,O2b-M176,在韩国人和日本人中最常见,在越南人和汉人中也以非常边缘的频率出现[21,22]。O3-M122 是中国最常见的单倍群,在整个东亚和东南亚普遍存在,约占汉族的 50% 至 60%。O3a1c-002611、O3a2c1-M134和O3a2c1a-M117是O3的三个主要亚支,各占汉族的12%~17%。O3a2c1a-M117 在藏缅人群中也表现出高频率。另一个子进化枝 O3a2b-M7 在苗族和孟高棉语人群中的频率最高,但在汉族人群中占比不到 5% [17,18]。约占汉族人的50%至60%。O3a1c-002611、O3a2c1-M134和O3a2c1a-M117是O3的三个主要亚支,各占汉族的12%~17%。O3a2c1a-M117 在藏缅人群中也表现出高频率。另一个子进化枝 O3a2b-M7 在苗族和孟高棉语人群中的频率最高,但在汉族人群中占比不到 5% [17,18]。约占汉族人的50%至60%。O3a1c-002611、O3a2c1-M134和O3a2c1a-M117是O3的三个主要亚支,各占汉族的12%~17%。O3a2c1a-M117 在藏缅人群中也表现出高频率。另一个子进化枝 O3a2b-M7 在苗族和孟高棉语人群中的频率最高,但在汉族人群中占比不到 5% [17,18]。
          人口扩张也可能与特定的社会声望有关,例如成吉思汗案例中生殖适应性的提高。成吉思汗(1162 年至 1227 年)建立了历史上最大的毗连帝国。他和他的父系亲属由于社会地位高而生育了许多后代,这导致他们的Y血统频率增加。因此,他的 Y 染色体(C3*xC3c,星团)从太平洋到里海广泛分布,估计占当今世界男性人口的 0.5% [56]。有趣的是,哈萨克斯坦的 Kereys 部落达到了 C3* 星团 Y 染色体的最高频率(76.5%)[57]。Kereys的C3*星团不太可能归属于成吉思汗,怀疑C3*在成吉思汗家族中的起源。尽管如此,社会选择在这个 C3* 星团的扩展中起着重要作用。同样,Y 染色体单倍群 C3c-M48 被认为是由清朝(1644 年至 1912 年)满洲贵族传播的,占东亚男性样本的约 3.3% [58]。

          IP属地:内蒙古6楼2022-02-22 09:34
            @、爱新觉罗氏 二货不懂基因?来这里学习一下。

            IP属地:内蒙古8楼2022-09-28 11:04
              纳扎尔巴耶夫的亲族:C3 star cluster
              Zayyr Sadibekov in the book "The Cossack shezhiresi" origin of the roots Shanyshkyly refer to the Mongol race Kiyat. Their leader was a commander in Ayrylmas Tursynhana. When murder Esimhanom Tursynhana one of the branches Katagans Shanyshkyly hiding among Canley, joins them. In batir Ayrylmas proishodyashi of Kataganskoy Shamshyrak branch had two sons and Kulnazar Elnazar. Their mother was from Canley. Ayrylmas warrior expecting excellence Esimhana sends his youngest son to his Elnazara Nagash Canley himself with other sons died. A son from Elnazara Amrekul that masterful spear. In battle, he masterfully pierces with a spear and kills the opponent. (Nayzamen shanshyp). For this Amrekul nickname Shanyshkyly and his descendants got the name.

              IP属地:内蒙古9楼2022-10-19 14:00