我们的愿景 | 得到各地宠物爱好者的信任OUR VISION TRUSTED BY PET LOVERS EVERYWHERE我们希望冠军宠物食品所服务的爱宠们得到最好的照顾,坚持使用最新鲜、最有营养的食材,并达到我们所承诺的最高的标准。作为PET LOVERS,我们遵循内心的准则,品质方面绝对不妥协,为爱宠提供最好的食物!We serve Pet Lovers who want the best for their dogs and cats, insist on the freshest and most nourishing ingredients, and hold us to the highest standards. As Pet Lovers, we know peace of mind is paramount, and we strive to earn your trust with every food we make.
符合生物学特性 BIOLOGICALLY APPROPRIATE™ 我们的食物模拟大自然适合猫狗演化,新鲜、多样化且富含高度营养价值的食物。Our award-winning Biologically Appropriate foods mirror the quantity, freshness and variety of meats that dogs and cats are evolved to eat and that nourish them completely.
新鲜区域原物料 FRESH REGIONAL INGREDIENTS 我们坚持使用信赖的供应商所提供的当地新鲜食材,每日新鲜或生鲜送达。Sustainably raised and harvested from nearby farmers, ranchers and fishermen, our Fresh Regional Ingredients supply nutrients in their freshest, most natural and nourishing form.
绝不外包 NEVER OUTSOURCED 我们不为其他公司制作食物,同样,也不允许别人来替我们制作食物。We’re dedicated to the highest standards of authenticity, nutritional integrity and food safety. That’s why we make all of our foods in our own kitchens and don’t make food for anyone else.
我们的价值观 T.R.A.I.L.OUR VALUES T.R.A.I.L.
TEAMWORK 团队合作共同致力于创造世界上最好的宠物食品。Working together with the shared goal of creating the world’s best pet food.
RESPONSIBILITY 责任为我们的成功负责,把对宠物爱好者的承诺放在首位。Taking ownership for our successes and making our commitment to Pet Lovers our top priority.
AUTHENTICITY 真实以透明和正直的态度行事,并始终强调我们致力于质量背后的原则。Acting with transparency and integrity and always reaffirming the principles behind our dedication to quality. INNOVATION 创新大胆地以不同的方式思考,为宠物爱好者服务,让我们达到最高的标准。Thinking boldly and differently and serving Pet Lovers who hold us to the highest standards. LEADERSHIP 领导一个品质发现在冠军,以及哲学我们带来的每一个方面,我们的狗和猫的食物。A quality found in everyone at Champion, and the philosophy we bring to every aspect of our dog and cat foods.
冠军宠物食品致力于创造你可以信任的食物。我们原食材中的新鲜家禽、鱼肉、鸡蛋红肉类,都通过加拿大食品检验局认定符合人类食用等级标准,并每日新鲜送达到厨房。我们的鸡肉、鱼类、火鸡肉、脂肪都是由通过达到人类食用等级的动物取得,经过北美农业部(USDA),卫生部食品工商管理局与加拿大食品检验局认证的优质原材料。Champion is dedicated to creating foods you can trust. The fresh poultry, fish and egg red meat in our raw materials meet the standards for human consumption through the Canadian food inspection agency and arrive in the kitchen fresh every day. Our chicken, fish, Turkey, and fat are all high quality raw materials certified by the department of agriculture of North America (USDA), the department of health's food business administration and the Canadian food inspection agency.
信任是通过坚定不移的承诺而获得的。这是宠物爱好者对我们的期望,也是我们对原料供应商的期望。这就是为什么我们与忠诚的农民、牧场主和渔民合作,他们的价值观和热情与我们一致。Trust is earned by an unwavering commitment to values. It’s what Pet Lovers expect from us and what we expect from our ingredient suppliers. That’s why we partner with devoted farmers, ranchers and fishermen whose values and enthusiasm match our own.
我们屡获殊荣的厨房——加拿大阿尔伯塔省的北极星®厨房,以夜空中的指路明灯命名;我们肯塔基州的天狼星®厨房,以更大的犬群命名——都是领导力、创新和信任的灯塔。Our award-winning kitchens - NorthStar® Kitchens in Alberta,Canada named for the guiding light in the night sky, and our DogStar® Kitchens in Kentucky, named after the Greater Dog constellation — both serve as beacons for leadership, innovation and trust.
我们著名的研究和创新中心旨在推进我们的使命,即制造生物学上适宜的猫狗食品,并设立新的营养卓越和验证标准。Our renowned Research and Innovation Centre was designed to advance our mission of making Biologically Appropriate™ dog and cat foods and to set a new standard of nutritional excellence and validation.
冠军宠物食品的透明委员会致力于以公开、透明和负责任的方式开展业务。委员会致力向公众提供尽可能多的资料,并鼓励公众参与和提供意见,以确保决策过程能切合喜爱宠物人士和市民的需要。我们相信,透明度可以增强公众的信任,我们致力于让全世界的宠物爱好者都相信我们的愿景。The Transparency Council at Champion is committed to conducting business in an open, transparent, and accountable manner. Making every effort to provide the public with as much information as possible, the council encourages public access and feedback to ensure that decision-making is responsive to the needs of Pet Lovers and the public in general. We believe that transparency enhances public trust and we are committed to our vision to be Trusted by Pet Lovers Everywhere.
屡获殊荣的食品,屡获殊荣的厨房 AWARD-WINNING FOODS. AWARD-WINNING KITCHENS. 作为备受世界各地宠物爱好者信赖的屡获殊荣的宠物食品生产商,我们把荣誉献给坚持追求完美并推动我们进步的世界各地的宠物爱好者。我们的Biologically Appropriate™ 使命和对食物的热情一直激励着我们去实现最高的期望——我们的奖项表明我们的努力工作并没有被忽视。As the makers of award-winning pet foods trusted by Pet Lovers everywhere, we dedicate our accolades to Pet Lovers worldwide who insist on perfection and push us to improve. Our Biologically Appropriate™ mission and passion for food has always inspired us to meet the highest expectations – our awards show that our hard work hasn’t gone unnoticed.
符合生物学特性 BIOLOGICALLY APPROPRIATE™ 我们的食物模拟大自然适合猫狗演化,新鲜、多样化且富含高度营养价值的食物。Our award-winning Biologically Appropriate foods mirror the quantity, freshness and variety of meats that dogs and cats are evolved to eat and that nourish them completely.
新鲜区域原物料 FRESH REGIONAL INGREDIENTS 我们坚持使用信赖的供应商所提供的当地新鲜食材,每日新鲜或生鲜送达。Sustainably raised and harvested from nearby farmers, ranchers and fishermen, our Fresh Regional Ingredients supply nutrients in their freshest, most natural and nourishing form.
绝不外包 NEVER OUTSOURCED 我们不为其他公司制作食物,同样,也不允许别人来替我们制作食物。We’re dedicated to the highest standards of authenticity, nutritional integrity and food safety. That’s why we make all of our foods in our own kitchens and don’t make food for anyone else.
我们的价值观 T.R.A.I.L.OUR VALUES T.R.A.I.L.
TEAMWORK 团队合作共同致力于创造世界上最好的宠物食品。Working together with the shared goal of creating the world’s best pet food.
RESPONSIBILITY 责任为我们的成功负责,把对宠物爱好者的承诺放在首位。Taking ownership for our successes and making our commitment to Pet Lovers our top priority.
AUTHENTICITY 真实以透明和正直的态度行事,并始终强调我们致力于质量背后的原则。Acting with transparency and integrity and always reaffirming the principles behind our dedication to quality. INNOVATION 创新大胆地以不同的方式思考,为宠物爱好者服务,让我们达到最高的标准。Thinking boldly and differently and serving Pet Lovers who hold us to the highest standards. LEADERSHIP 领导一个品质发现在冠军,以及哲学我们带来的每一个方面,我们的狗和猫的食物。A quality found in everyone at Champion, and the philosophy we bring to every aspect of our dog and cat foods.
冠军宠物食品致力于创造你可以信任的食物。我们原食材中的新鲜家禽、鱼肉、鸡蛋红肉类,都通过加拿大食品检验局认定符合人类食用等级标准,并每日新鲜送达到厨房。我们的鸡肉、鱼类、火鸡肉、脂肪都是由通过达到人类食用等级的动物取得,经过北美农业部(USDA),卫生部食品工商管理局与加拿大食品检验局认证的优质原材料。Champion is dedicated to creating foods you can trust. The fresh poultry, fish and egg red meat in our raw materials meet the standards for human consumption through the Canadian food inspection agency and arrive in the kitchen fresh every day. Our chicken, fish, Turkey, and fat are all high quality raw materials certified by the department of agriculture of North America (USDA), the department of health's food business administration and the Canadian food inspection agency.
信任是通过坚定不移的承诺而获得的。这是宠物爱好者对我们的期望,也是我们对原料供应商的期望。这就是为什么我们与忠诚的农民、牧场主和渔民合作,他们的价值观和热情与我们一致。Trust is earned by an unwavering commitment to values. It’s what Pet Lovers expect from us and what we expect from our ingredient suppliers. That’s why we partner with devoted farmers, ranchers and fishermen whose values and enthusiasm match our own.
我们屡获殊荣的厨房——加拿大阿尔伯塔省的北极星®厨房,以夜空中的指路明灯命名;我们肯塔基州的天狼星®厨房,以更大的犬群命名——都是领导力、创新和信任的灯塔。Our award-winning kitchens - NorthStar® Kitchens in Alberta,Canada named for the guiding light in the night sky, and our DogStar® Kitchens in Kentucky, named after the Greater Dog constellation — both serve as beacons for leadership, innovation and trust.
我们著名的研究和创新中心旨在推进我们的使命,即制造生物学上适宜的猫狗食品,并设立新的营养卓越和验证标准。Our renowned Research and Innovation Centre was designed to advance our mission of making Biologically Appropriate™ dog and cat foods and to set a new standard of nutritional excellence and validation.
冠军宠物食品的透明委员会致力于以公开、透明和负责任的方式开展业务。委员会致力向公众提供尽可能多的资料,并鼓励公众参与和提供意见,以确保决策过程能切合喜爱宠物人士和市民的需要。我们相信,透明度可以增强公众的信任,我们致力于让全世界的宠物爱好者都相信我们的愿景。The Transparency Council at Champion is committed to conducting business in an open, transparent, and accountable manner. Making every effort to provide the public with as much information as possible, the council encourages public access and feedback to ensure that decision-making is responsive to the needs of Pet Lovers and the public in general. We believe that transparency enhances public trust and we are committed to our vision to be Trusted by Pet Lovers Everywhere.
屡获殊荣的食品,屡获殊荣的厨房 AWARD-WINNING FOODS. AWARD-WINNING KITCHENS. 作为备受世界各地宠物爱好者信赖的屡获殊荣的宠物食品生产商,我们把荣誉献给坚持追求完美并推动我们进步的世界各地的宠物爱好者。我们的Biologically Appropriate™ 使命和对食物的热情一直激励着我们去实现最高的期望——我们的奖项表明我们的努力工作并没有被忽视。As the makers of award-winning pet foods trusted by Pet Lovers everywhere, we dedicate our accolades to Pet Lovers worldwide who insist on perfection and push us to improve. Our Biologically Appropriate™ mission and passion for food has always inspired us to meet the highest expectations – our awards show that our hard work hasn’t gone unnoticed.