Vicious Cooperation Rogue Attack 15Your attack gives your comrade the perfect opening to thumpyour opponent.Daily ✦ Martial, WeaponStandard Action Melee weaponRequirement: You must be wielding a light blade.Target: One creature you’re flankingAttack: Dexterity vs. ACHit: 4[W] + Dexterity modifier damage.Effect: An ally flanking the target with you can make amelee basic attack against it as a free action. You can dealSneak Attack damage to the target if either you or the allyhit it.Wounding Strike Rogue Attack 15You strike, intending to inflict grave injury.Daily ✦ Martial, WeaponStandard Action Melee or Ranged weaponRequirement: You must be wielding a crossbow, a lightblade, or a sling.Target: One creatureAttack: Dexterity vs. ACHit: 3[W] + Dexterity modifier damage. If the target is notbloodied before you make this attack, the attack alsodeals ongoing 10 damage (save ends).Miss: Half damage.