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IP属地:广东1楼2020-09-07 16:05回复
    1、American Sports represent *a fabric of*(构成部分) American culture.Sports act as a *unifying factor* (共同因素)between people of all ages.
    2、Of all the sports that America has to offer,baseball is considered the *pastime*(消遣、娱乐) of this country.Ameiricans did not always regard baseball and other sports in such a *benign*(良性的、亲和的) manner.Rather,sports during the early colonial times were seen as *pagan*(异教徒的) and *devilish*(邪恶的) things to do.
    3、Many *elite*(精英) and wealthy *gentry*(上等人、绅士) who *embodied*(具体表现) the Victorian ideals regared any type of games or sports as ill *vices*(恶习).
    4、These *folk games*(民间运动) were *unstructured*(无社会组织的) and *unruly*(不守规则的);however,the unity that these games brought,created a need for professional *sporting games*(体育项目).
    5、Folk games created a sense of companionship and *unison*(团结一致) among individuals.These unorganized folk games created the *threshold*(门槛) for organized sports and led to the transformation of the players' roles and the role of the audience.
    6、*Amateurs*(业余爱好者) became professional athletes,and the game an organized business.
    7、The game of baseball *evolved*(演变) from the English game of *cricket*(板球) and *rounders*(圆场棒球).
    8、However with the transformation of the nation,society and technology,folk games began to *evolve into*(演化成) *spectator*(观众) sports.
    9、After the Civil War,baseball became a popular sport and no longer an *archaic*(古老陈旧的) folk game.*Structure and organization*(组织和机构) were introduced gradually into the game and increased public participation.The sport at first *excluded*(排除的) the public,but as economic interests *infiltrated*(渗透) the game,the need for audiences and spectators arose.

    IP属地:广东3楼2020-09-08 22:09
      1、The process of the transformation of American folk games into spectator games was due to *capitalism*(资本主义), evolution of American society, *urban settings*(城市的建立), level of player performance, technological advances and *the addition of structure and organization to the games*(在这些运动中,组织和机构的加入); thus, transforming the sport of baseball into a *monopolized*(垄断的) and professional business.
      2、*Organized Baseball*(棒球组织) and the Commission have *propagated*(传播、宣传) the myth(神话、虚构的事) that General AbnerDoubleday invented the game of baseball.
      3、This was in fact a *farce*(闹剧) *scholars*(学者) and *historians*(历史学家) both disprove thismyth and *trace*(追溯) baseball's origins to old Englishgames of rounders and cricket.
      4、In the same year, theUnited States government created a *commemorative*(有纪念意义的) stamp, which made 1839 the *official birthday*(正式生日) of baseball.
      5、Although this myth was pure *fallacy*(荒谬), the *intent*(意图) of themyth did enable baseball to distinguish itself as *purely American*(美国特有) and contributed to the sportbecoming America's National Pastime.
      6、Players are *obsessed*(着迷) aboutsalaries and stock options instead of playingthe game for fun.
      7、However, the sport has been *tainted*(污染). There havebeen numerous *strikes*(罢工) by baseball players againstthe owners. There have been scandal and drugs and *steroids*(兴奋剂、类固醇) have infiltrated the game, tainting its purity.
      8、The game *has become revolved around*(围绕着...;与...紧密相连) money.
      9、Through *their performance on and off the field*(场上和场下表现), sportsheroes continue to impact our daily lives.
      10、The errors of the past still *haunt*(缠绕) baseball and arestill seen in the game's modern form, yet the sportof baseball is still *intact*(完好的) and remains the nation'spastime.
      11、Baseball today is no longer a game of *mystique*(奥秘) thatlures(引诱) the audiences in.
      12、*Ballparks*(棒球场) have becomemore vital to the sports success in this new *era*(时代) of sports.
      13、The popularity of *rivalries*(竞技) *fueled*(加燃) the attractionof the game and caused it to become the nationalpastime.
      14、Once theowners *took control*(掌控), Baseball had *its ups and downs*(起起伏伏). The sportexperienced a dead ball era in which *pitching*(投球) was *well below*(远不如) thestandard of today.
      15、Also, with new technological advances in the game, the sportreached its *pinnacle*(顶峰).
      16、Despite all the *atrocities*(暴行) of racism and *discrimination*(歧视) and theugliness of big business and *greed*(贪婪), baseball is still the NationalPastime. It still *holds that status*(保持地位) because it is American; it is uniqueand that aspect will always *endure*(持续).
      17、The popularity has *dwindled*(减少) inthe United States due to other social distractions(娱乐、分散注意力),but the game has been absorbed by other cultures,demonstrating the attractiveness of the sport andthe importance of the fans.

      IP属地:广东4楼2020-09-09 19:57
        1、This *tendency*(趋势) *makes mischief(捣蛋、损害)*(*挑拨离间*) in discussions of women,men and power.
        2、Because they are not struggling to be *one-up*(高人一等的),women often find themselves framed as *one-down*(低人一等的).
        3、Any situation *is ripe for*(...时机成熟) *misinterpretation*(误解) because status and connections are displayed by the same moves.This *ambiguity*(模棱两可) *accounts for*(是...的原因) much misinterpretation by experts as well as nonexperts,by which women's ways of talking,*uttered*(说出声音) in a spirit of *rapport*(和谐、关系密切) are branded powerless.
        4、Nowhere is this *inherent*(生来固有的) ambiguity clearer than in a brief comment in a newspaper article in which a couple,both psychologists,were *jointly*(共同地) interviewed.
        5、The two experts responded *simultaneously*(同时发生地),giving different answers.The man said,"*Subservience*(顺从、卑躬屈膝)."The woman said,"*Sensitivity*(感性、敏感)."
        6、The woman's style is called “*covert*(隐秘的)” a term suggesting negative qualities like being “*sneaky*(鬼鬼祟祟的、狡猾的)” and “*underhanded*(偷偷摸摸的、奸诈的)”.
        7、*Granted*(的确),women have lower status than men in our American society.But this is not necessarily why they prefer not to make *outright*(直截了当的、彻底的) demands.

        IP属地:广东5楼2020-09-11 22:10
          1、Either we believe that they are *prophylactic*(预防的), that is they will *ward off*(防止、避开) advancing ills, or they are *therapeutic*(治疗的、身心健康的有益的) and will deal with the ills we have already, or finally we may believe they are wonder drugs and will lift us into a state of super health, with all its *attendant*(伴随的) delights.
          2、Belief is a very *potent*(有效的、有说服力的) state of mind and the power of the *placebo*(安慰剂) pill is never underestimated in *clinical*(临床的) trials used to test new drugs.
          3、It is a *“mind over matter”*(精神高于物质) philosophy and for some of us it works. Vitamin pills can sometimes *fall into this category*(归为这一类).
          4、Vitamins B and C cannot be *retained*(保持) in the body so if we take more than we need of these they are soon *excreted*(排出) in the *urine*(尿).
          5、Taking too much of the *fat-soluble*(脂溶性的) vitamins can be dangerous and vitamins A and D should never be taken *indiscriminately*(不加选择地).
          6、Vitamin E has not been found to have any *toxic*(有毒的) effect in large doses but neither do there seem to be any noticeable benefits. This is an unexplored area in vitamin research and the only known advantages of vitamin E are *confined*(被限制的) to *specialized*(专科的) medical cases.

          IP属地:广东6楼2020-09-12 21:27
            1、 Her *inattentiveness*(漫不经心) left me feeling less than *thrilled about*(对...高兴) being there.
            2、*Tune*(调整) the world out and then in. Another technique is to tune the world out and customers in
            3、 People quickly *see through*(看穿) thinly *veiled*(掩饰的、带上面纱的) attempts at niceness.
            4、Customers don’t buy cars to have a *vehicle*(车) to drive. They do it so they can keep up with the *Joneses*(同等地位的人), get *good gas *mileage*(英里数)*(省油的车), or save money.
            5、 *Cliches*(陈词滥调) such as “May I help you?” aren’t as complete. One calls for a quick *turn-off*(关掉的) response; the other calls for an explanation.
            6、Listening isn’t just hearing.It’s picking up subtle voice *inflections*(音调变化) and meanings.
            7、When people aren't looking into your eyes, it's *virtually*(实质上、几乎) impossible for them to hear everything you're trying to tell them. When people are *preoccupied*(心不在焉的、入神的), they almost never keep eye contact.
            8、Customers *intuitively*(直观地、直觉地) respect people who look them in the eyes.
            9、 If you are truly *appreciative*(表示感谢的), you'll communicate it, *verbally*(口头地) or nonverbally.This sets the stage for future success and *referrals*(参考).

            IP属地:广东9楼2020-09-15 17:19
              1、 There's a lot of talk about *putting up*(建设) *manned(有人驾驶、操控的) orbital stations*(载人轨道太空站). What does this mean, *concretely*(具体地)?
              2、 A *space telescope*(太空望远镜) with a mirror *slightly*(略微) over six and a half feet in *diameter*(直径) will be placed in orbit.
              3、Our group ,* in collaboration with*(与...合作) a number of other European Laboratories,*orbited*(绕轨道运行) a telescope that *revolutionized*(使彻底改革) our knowledge of gamma-ray emissions by *celestial*(天空的、天体的) objects.
              4、Life aboard manned space stations will probably *be comparable to*(比得上) the life people lead aboard deep-sea *oil rigs*(石油钻塔、油井设备).
              5、Observation is much more *precise*(精确) beyond the atmosphere, because the sky is darker. You see many more stars and *objects*(天体) that are *concealed*(隐藏) by the earth's *luminescence*(发冷光).
              6、Would orbital stations be choice places from which to try to communicate with *extraterrestrial*(地球外的;外星人) *intelligences*(智慧、情报)?
              7、In 1989 the satellite Voyager II will reach *Neptune*(海王星) after a journey of three and a half years. In addition, five *probes*(探测器) were sent to *rendezvous*(汇合点、约会场合) with Halley's comet.
              8、We've put people on the moon, sent probes to Mars and *Venus*(金星), *lofted*(楼阁、往上抛) satellites near the sun (within a few tens of millions of miles).
              9、Of course, if the earth were to become *overpopulated*(人口过多), we can imagine sending families in *space vessels(容器、大船)*(太空船) to *colonize*(开拓殖民地) the nearest stars.
              10、 Do you think there are other *inhabited*(有人居住的) planets?
              11、No matter how far back into the universe we look, we find the same elements: atoms, *molecules*(分子), stars, galaxies. We can show that *the laws of physics*(物理定律) have remained unchanged through 15 billion light-years.
              12、It is this *homogeneity*(同质性、同源性) in the way the universe behaves that allows us to think that life is not an *improbable*(不会发生的、不大可能的) *phenomenon*(现象), but a normal property(财产、特性) of matter at the highest levels of its organization.
              13、 We don't know if they all have planets, but we have good reason to think that *planetary*(行星的) systems are common.

              IP属地:广东10楼2020-09-15 23:50
                1、We *crawled*(爬行、匍匐前行) through the bush as silently as possible, still hearing the *baby-like cry*(婴儿一样的叫声). Then a frightened little ape came into our sight. I cannot tell my surprise when I saw that the baby ape’s face was pure white – very white indeed – *pallid*(苍白的、病态的), but as white as a white child’s.
                2、The little one was about *a foot in height*.
                3、I *may as well*(最好...;不妨) add here some particulars of the little fellow who excited all this surprise and enjoyment. He lived five months, and became as *tame*(驯服的、顺从的) and *docile*(易控制的、听话的)( as a cat.
                4、 Two weeks after his *capture*(捕获) he was perfectly tamed, and no longer required to *be tied up*(用绳子绑着).
                5、He *ran about*(乱跑) the camp,and was extremely fond of being *petted*(宠爱) and *fondled*(爱抚) and would sit for hours while any one stroked(抚摸、击打) his head or back.
                6、When the people left their huts(小屋) he would steal in and *make off*(逃走、离开) with their *plantains*(大蕉) or fish.
                7、I punished him several times, and, indeed, *led him to the conviction*(让他确信) that it was wrong to steal; but he could never *resist*(抵抗、不屈从) the *temptation*(诱惑).
                8、 He soon found out that my hut was better *furnished with*(备有、以...装饰) ripe bananas and other fruit than any other.
                9、 At that time he used to crawl in *on his tiptoes*(踮起脚尖), move *slyly*(狡猾地) toward my bed, look at my closed eyes, and, if he saw no movement, with an air of great relief go up and *pluck*(摘、拔、扯) several plantains.
                10、If I *stirred*(搅拌、有所动作) *in the least*(丝毫、一点) he was off like a flash, and would *presently*(不久) * reenter *(重新进入)for another *inspection*(检查、视察). If my eyes were open when he came in on such a *predatory* (食肉的、掠夺的)trip, he at once came up to me with an honest face, and climbed on and *caressed*(抚摸) me.
                11、My hut had no door, but was closed with a *mat*(垫子、席子), and it was very funny to see Tommy gently *raising one corner of this mat*(揭开席子的一角) to see if I was asleep.
                12、 Then he would drop everything, and make off in the utmost *consternation*(惊慌失措).
                13、When all was ready, he climbed up on the *pole*(杆) which supported the roof. From here he attentively *surveyed*(审视) every dish on the table, and having determined what to have, he would *descend*( 下降、下来)and sit down at my side.
                14、If he received what he did not want, he threw it down on the ground with a little *shriek*(尖叫) of anger and a *stamp*(跺脚) of his foot; and this was repeated till he was served to his *liking*(嗜好). In short, he behaved very much like a badly *spoiled*(被溺爱的、被宠坏的) child.
                15、If *by any chance*(万一) it was lost, the whole camp knew it by his *howls*(吼叫), and sometimes I had to send people to look for it when he had *mislaid*(遗失) it on some forest trip, so that he would stop his noise. He slept on it always, *coiled up*(盘卷起来) onto a little *heap*(堆), and only *relinquished*(放手、放弃) it when I gave him permission to accompany me into the woods.
                16、As he *became more and more used to our ways*(越来越适应我们的方式), he *became more impatient of* *contradiction*(矛盾) and whenever he was *thwarted*(反对、阻挠、挫败), he howled in his disagreeable way.
                17、 I think I might have trained him to some kind of good behavior, though I *despaired of*(对...绝望) his thieving *disposition*(性格、天性、气质).

                IP属地:广东11楼2020-09-16 23:08

                  IP属地:广东来自Android客户端12楼2020-09-17 16:04
                    1、China's *judicial*(司法的) organs have a large number of women judges, *procurators*(检察官) and lawyers.
                    2、What were believed to be *aliens*(外星人) from outer space were actually* several sheep going astray*(误入迷途的羔羊).
                    3、We keep goats, sheep and *hens*(母鸡) and other kinds of *poultry*(家禽).
                    4、The Japanese are an industrious *people*(这里的people指的是“民族”,作整体来讲的,所以前面要用冠词an。).
                    5、She has read a book about the poor peasants'(农民、乡下人) childhood .
                    6、We decided to have *a week or so's*(一周左右) break in Paris after a month’s hard work.
                    7、I am *at my wits' end with*(对...毫无办法) this problem.
                    8、*In spite of*(尽管) the fact that the beautiful *egret*(白鹭) is in danger of dying out completely, many clothing manufacturers still offer* handsome prices *for their long, elegant tail feather, which are used as decorations on ladies' hats.

                    IP属地:广东13楼2020-09-21 15:33
                      1、America's film *revenue*(收入), including *box office receipts*(票房收入), cinema advertising and home video *expenditure*(支出), is set to grow at an estimated annual rate of 14.5 percent.
                      2、According to new data from the* census bureau*(人口普查局),*one out of every four adults*(每四个成年人中就有一个) doesn't have a high school diploma.
                      3、If Spain *falls into crisis*(陷入危机), then all current *mechanisms *(机制)for dealing with the crisis will turn out to be inadequate .
                      4、The hotel, which was completed only last year, * is equipped with*(配备有...) a *solarium*(日光浴室) and sauna.
                      5、A 64-year-old woman and her daughter *narrowly*(勉强地) escaped death when their car *burst into flames*(突然着火).
                      6、*Time lost through illness*(在生病上浪费的时间) *amounted to*(总计) 50 working days last year.
                      7、The world population is *exploding*(激增、爆炸) at an incredible rate.
                      8、The *vase*(花瓶) is sitting dangerously over the edge of the *balcony*(阳台).

                      IP属地:广东14楼2020-09-22 19:49
                        1、the Cuban leader is said to have *survived*(及物动词时是幸免于的意思) multiple *assassination*(暗杀) attempts.
                        2、Friendly contacts between different peoples of the two countries have *facilitated*(使便利) the cultural and economic *interchange*(交换、交替变化) in recent years.
                        3、They have been *negotiating*(谈判、协商) for three hours now and neither party seems to be willing to *compromise*(妥协、折中解决).
                        4、Although the technology has been developed only recently, Philips has made *immense* (极大的)progress and fully *integrated*(使整合、融入) *light-emitting*(发光的) *textiles*(纺织品) into *garments*(服装).
                        5、They were hungry and cold and had been waiting for hours for a* relief truck *(救援车)to arrive.
                        6、Once they had *settled the agenda*(决定议程), the committee *circulated*(流通、散布、循环) it to all the members of the society.

                        IP属地:广东15楼2020-09-23 16:40
                          1、The *numerical*(数字的、数值的) evaluation of an intelligence test is determined by a small *subsection*(小部分) of that osciety which has managed to *foist*(把...强加于) itself on the rest of us as an *arbiter*(仲裁者) of such matter.
                          2、The *removal*(搬迁、免职、排除、移动) men damaged our *grandfather clock*(落地式大座钟).
                          3、Celebrities are *portrayed*(描述、画像) as *glowing*(热烈赞誉的、热情洋溢的) examples of perfection when they get awards,or as *decadent*(颓废的、堕落的) or immoral if they become associated with a scandal.
                          4、This GPS locater will be available and retailed *for $200 with a $10 a month* subsription fee.
                          5、*Suffice*(足够、使满足) it to say that*(只要说...就够了) the open policy will remain unchanged.
                          6、His most enduring contribution to the study of *Afro-American*(美国黑人) poetry is his insistence that it be analyzed in a religious,as well as *worldly*(世俗的、世间的),frame of reference.

                          IP属地:广东16楼2020-09-24 17:31
                            1、*Far be it from me*(我绝不会) to call him a thief.
                            2、The lights have gone out.A *fuse*(保险丝) must have blown.
                            3、The car needs *overhauling*(彻底检查、大修).
                            4、Rather than invent the new and more powerful drugs,the scientist managed to persuade people to reduce their *intake*(摄入) of *antibiotics*(抗生素).

                            IP属地:广东17楼2020-09-29 20:38
                              As a member of the club,you must confirm to its rules.
                              Some parents in China today tend to gratify every need of their only child.
                              Many women can identify with the movie's heroine,who struggle to gain respect.
                              This ticket entitled you to a free meal.
                              Human beings owe a lot to the birds who eat insects.

                              IP属地:广东来自Android客户端18楼2021-01-17 04:39