And Goulding’s signature vibrato and energy make even the more trend-chasing songs on the album fully hers. Her voice is fullest in the jangly ballad "Lost and Found", where she keeps her straightforward vocals at the forefront. "We got other things we can do with our," she sings flirtatiously in the verses of "Codes", stopping for a beat, before drawing out "tiiime" into a high-pitched lilt, but she moves into a punchy, shouting sing-song for the chorus.
骨钉姐标志性的颤音和能量让她专辑里那些比较商业化的歌显得非常个性,在叮当作响的抒情歌Lost and Found里她的声音更是被完全发挥,你可以直接的感受到她将人声放在了第一位。在Codes的主歌部分她这样挑逗地唱到:"We got other things we can do with our",然后在那声高调的“tiiime”前停下一拍,但她副歌部分又转向了有力、呐喊般的歌唱。