生活英语吧 关注:26贴子:214

200 Sentences for Everyday Use


见面寒暄 Greeting
1. 见到你真高兴啊。 / Great to see you.
2. 又能见面真高兴啊。 / Nice to see you again.
3. 能够相见非常高兴。 / I'm so happy to see you.
4. 很久没见了。 / Long time no see.
5. 还能见到你很高兴啊。 / It's really great to see you again.
6. 能认识你真是太高兴了。 / It was nice knowing you.
7. 很高兴与你进行了交谈。 / It was good talking to you.
8. 保持联系啊。 / Keep in touch.

IP属地:广东1楼2020-05-05 18:47回复
    表达好心情Good mood
    9. 我感觉很好。 / I'm feeling good.
    10. 我激动万分。 / I was overjoyed .
    11. 我从未感到过这么幸福啊。 / I've never been so happy.
    12. 我喜欢广告方面的工作。/ I fancy a job in advertising.
    13. 很高兴得到了这份工作。/ I'm delighted that I've got the job.
    14. 那个真的很搞笑。/ That's really funny.
    15. 我等不及了。/ I can't wait.
    16. 我对此真的非常期待。/ I'm really looking forward to it.
    17. 我真的很期待和你见面。/ I am really looking forward to seeing you.
    18. 我非常感激你的好心。/ I greatly appreciate your kindness.
    19. 我深深地感动了。/ I was deeply moved
    .20. 这是个惊喜。/ This is a pleasant surprise.
    21. 真难以置信!/ That's unbelievable!

    IP属地:广东2楼2020-05-05 18:48
      表达坏心情 Bad mood
      22. 你吓到我了。/ You startled me.
      23. 我受够了。/ I'm sick of it.
      24. 我已经不能再忍受了。 / I can't bear it anymore.
      25. 我真是受够了他的坏脾气。 / I have had enough of his bad temper.
      26. 那太糟糕了。 / That's awful.
      27. 这是灾难。 / This is a disaster.
      28. 真无聊啊。 / It was totally boring.
      29. 请别打扰我。 / Please stop bothering me.
      30. 我感到寂寞。 / I'm lonely.
      31. 我紧张起来了。 / I'm getting nervous.
      32. 这事令人沮丧。 / This is depressing.
      33. 我真后悔。 / I really regret it.

      IP属地:广东3楼2020-05-05 18:50
        赞扬和鼓励 Compliment and encouragement
        34. 我信任你。 / I trust you.
        35. 好样的! / Well done!
        36. 你做得很好。 / You're doing great.
        37. 我为你骄傲。 / I'm proud of you.
        38. 你的英语非常好。 / Your English is excellent.
        39. 你的新发型很好看呢。 / I like your new hairstyle.
        40. 我对你完全有信心。 / I have total/complete confidence in you.
        41. 干得好!/ Good Job!
        42. 我感同身受。 / I feel for you.
        43. 别气馁! / Chin up
        !44. 别放弃。 / Don't give up.
        45. 振作起来! / Cheer up!
        46. 我希望你尽快好起来。 / I hope you're feeling better soon.
        47. 这不是什么大不了的事。 / It's not a big deal.
        48. 一切都会好的。 / Everything will be fine.
        49. 我不会让你失望。 / I'll never let you down.

        IP属地:广东4楼2020-05-05 18:52
          同意和反对 Agree and disagree
          50. 你同意吗? / Do you agree?
          51. 我同意。 / I agree.
          52. 赞成你的建议。 / I agree with your suggestion.
          53. 完全赞成。 / I couldn't agree more.
          54. 多么棒的想法! / What a great idea!
          55. 不赞成。 / I don't agree.
          56. 我恐怕不得不反对。 / I'm afraid I have to disagree.
          57. 各退让一步吧。 / Let's compromise.
          58. 我要是你,就不会这么做。 / If I were you, I wouldn't do it.
          59. 你想怎么做都可以。 / Do whatever you want.

          IP属地:广东5楼2020-05-05 18:54
            喜欢和不喜欢 Like and dislike
            60. 你对这个怎么看? / What do you think of it?
            61. 我觉得很棒。 / I think it's great.
            62. 我对那个很满意。 / I'm pleased with it.
            63. 这个一点也不好。 / This is no good at all.
            64. 这不是我的喜好。 / It's not my cup of tea.
            65. 服务太差了。 / The service is terrible.
            66. 我再也忍受不了了。 / I can't take it anymore.
            67. 这个我一点都不喜欢。 / I don't like this at all.
            68. 我不喜欢吃辛辣的菜。 / I'm not very fond of spicy food.
            69. 本来应该更好的。 / It could be better.

            IP属地:广东6楼2020-05-05 18:55
              说明决定 Intention
              70. 我打算干。 / I'm going to do it.
              71. 我下定决心了。 / I've made up my mind.
              72. 我打算去国外学习。 / I'm going to study abroad.
              73. 我计划五月份去海南度假。 / I plan to go to Hainan for vacation in May.
              74. 我打算自己开公司了。 / I decided to start my own business.
              75. 我改变主意了。 / I changed my mind.
              76. 我确信我能做。 / I'm confident I can do it.

              IP属地:广东7楼2020-05-05 18:55
                澄清观点 Clarification
                77. 你懂了吗? / Do you understand?
                78. 我懂了。 / I get it.
                79. 我没弄明白。 / I can't figure it out.
                80. 这真把人搞糊涂了。 / This is really confusing.
                81. 我必须跟你谈一谈。 / I need to talk to you.
                82. 我真的需要你的建议。 / I really need your advice.
                83. 我可以提一个建议吗? / Can I make a suggestion?
                84. 可以问你个问题吗? / May I ask you a question?
                85. 能不能再说具体一点? / Could you be more specific?
                86. 你是什么意思呢? / What do you mean?
                87. 我没有恶意。 / I didn't mean that.

                IP属地:广东8楼2020-05-05 18:56
                  谈论天气 Weather
                  88. 好天气啊。 / It's a beautiful day.
                  89. 今天最高气温28度。 / Today there will be a high of 28 degrees.
                  90. 好像要下雨哦。 / It looks like it might rain.
                  91. 你知道今天的气温吗? / Do you know what the temperature is today?
                  92. 今天阴天。 / It's cloudy today.
                  93. 雨哗哗地下。 / It's raining heavily.
                  94. 风很大啊。 / The wind is really strong, isn't it?
                  95. 发出了大雾预警。 / There was a fog warning.
                  96. 今天天气预报怎么说的? / What does today's weather forecast say?

                  IP属地:广东9楼2020-05-05 18:57
                    上班下班 To and from work
                    97. 快点,上班要迟到啦。 / Hurry up or you'll be late for work.
                    98. 我还得刮胡子。 / I have to shave my beard.
                    99. 我今天穿什么呢? / What shall I wear today?
                    100. 这件毛衣和裙子搭吗? / Do this sweater and skirt go together?
                    101. 这件很合身的。 / It really suits you.
                    102. 早饭好了! / Breakfast is ready!
                    103. 我没时间吃早饭了。 / I don't have time for breakfast.
                    104. 我今晚加班。 / I have to work overtime tonight.
                    105. 上班路上需要多少时间? / How long is your commute?
                    106. 每天两小时。 / It's about two hours a day.
                    107. 我堵在路上了。 / I was caught in a traffic jam.
                    108. 我午饭休息一小时。 / My lunch break is one hour.
                    109. 我收拾了房间。 / I tidied my room.
                    110. 我种了一些花。 / I planted some flowers.
                    111. 晚饭你做了什么? / What did you cook for dinner?
                    112. 我做了晚饭。 / I made some dinner.
                    113. 这周末我们干什么? / What shall we do this weekend?
                    114. 今天放松休息一下吧。 / Let's just relax today.

                    IP属地:广东10楼2020-05-05 18:59
                      餐厅 Restaurant
                      115. 想吃什么? / What do you want to eat?
                      116. 去哪里吃饭呢? / Where shall we eat?
                      117. 我想要个比萨饼外卖。 / I'd like to order a pizza for delivery.
                      118. 他们提供什么风味的菜肴? / What kind of dishes do they serve?
                      119. 能把菜单拿来吗? / Could we see a menu, please?
                      120. 现在可以点菜吗? / Can we order now?
                      121. 我推荐这里的寿司。 / I recommend the sushi here.
                      122. 好像味道不错。 / That looks delicious.
                      123. 我请客。 / This is my treat.
                      124. 请分别给我们结账。 / Separate checks, please.
                      125. 能给我发票吗? / Can I have a receipt, please?
                      126. 这附近哪儿有好的酒吧? / Are there any good bars around here?
                      127. 有哪些种类的啤酒? / What kind of beer do you have?
                      128. 请加冰块。 / On the rocks, please.

                      IP属地:广东11楼2020-05-05 19:00
                        钱财 Money
                        129. 最近手头较紧。 / Money's tight these days.
                        130. 我身无分文了。 / I'm broke.
                        131. 你带了多少钱? / How much money do you have?
                        132. 我的钱够花。 / I have lots of money.
                        133. 我在为度假存钱。 / I'm saving for a vacation.
                        134. 本月超出预算啦。 / I'm over budget this month.
                        135. 他每年挣30,000美元。 / He earns thirty thousand dollars a year.

                        IP属地:广东12楼2020-05-05 19:01
                          银行和邮局 Bank and post office
                          136. 我想开个户头。 / I'd like to open an account, please.
                          137. 我想取款。 / I'd like to make a withdrawal.
                          138. 我想取150美元。 / I'd like to withdraw $150, please.
                          139. 我的账号是123 456 7899。 / My account number is 123 456 7899.
                          140. 我想给这个户头转账1000美元。 / I'd like to transfer $1000 to this account.
                          141. 汇款手续费是多少? / How much is the remittance fee?
                          142. 我想把人民币兑换成美元。 / I'd like to change RMB into dollars.
                          143. 我想申请贷款。 / I'd like to apply for a loan, please.
                          144. 月供多少? / How much are the monthly payments?
                          145. 我想用十年结清。 / I'd like to pay it off over ten years.
                          146. 我想把这个寄往美国。 / I want to send this to America.
                          147. 寄航空邮件需要多少钱? / How much would it cost to send this by airmail?

                          IP属地:广东13楼2020-05-05 19:02
                            开车 Driving
                            148. 我去接你。 / I'll pick you up.
                            149. 我可以开车送你吗? / Can I drive you?
                            150. 这车大约跑了20,000英里。 / It has about 20,000 miles on it.
                            151. 很漂亮的车啊! / Nice car!
                            152. 我可以在哪里租车? / Where can I rent a car?
                            153. 我想要手动挡[自动挡]的车。 / I'd like a manual [an automatic]car, please.
                            154. 我想要带导航仪的车。 / I'd like a car with a car navigation system.
                            155. 租车费包括保险吗? / Does the price include insurance?
                            156. 可以异地还车吗? / Can I return it at another location?
                            157. 开车大约三小时。 / It's about a three-hour drive.
                            158. 汽油不多了。 / We're low on gas.
                            159. 每升[加仑]多少钱? / What's the price per liter [gallon] here?
                            160. 请给我加满油。 / Fill it up, please.
                            161. 我的车需要洗一下。 / My car needs washing.
                            162. 车子哪个地方有问题。 / Something's wrong with my car.
                            163. 我的车现在在修理厂。 / My car is in the shop.
                            164. 我出事故了。 / I had an accident.
                            165. 他闯红灯了。 / He ran the light.
                            166. 我要求保险理赔。 / I'd like to make an insurance claim.

                            IP属地:广东14楼2020-05-05 19:04
                              交通 Transportation
                              167. 我去中央公园怎么走? / How do I get to the Central Park?
                              168. 你知道这边有银行吗? / Do you know if there's a bank around here?
                              169. 直走经过约三个街区,右拐。 / Go straight for about three blocks and turn right.
                              170. 我买两张去伦敦的票。 / Two tickets to London, please.
                              171. 票价是多少? / How much is the fare?
                              172. 这是去伦敦的列车吗? / Is this the train to London?
                              173. 列车晚点了吗? / Are the trains delayed?
                              174. 出租车站在哪里? / Where is the taxi stand?
                              175. 我赶时间。 / I'm in a hurry.
                              176. 请直行。 / Keep going straight.
                              177. 请左拐[右拐]。 / Turn left [right] here, please.
                              178. 请在下一个路口转弯。 / Turn at the next corner.
                              179. 可以在这里下车吗? / Can I get out here?

                              IP属地:广东15楼2020-05-05 19:05