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1楼2020-04-24 06:23回复
    “Stars, hide your fires; Let not light see my black and deep desires.”
    ― William Shakespeare, Macbeth

    2楼2020-04-24 06:24
      I offer you the bitterness of a man who has looked long and long at the lonely moon.
      Jorge Luis Borges

      3楼2020-04-24 06:24
        I lie here restless like lines for a guest list
        Waiting for your message, I call out your name
        ——Quinn XCII "U&Us "

        4楼2020-04-24 06:25
          Whoever said money can't solve your problem
          Must not have had enough money to solve 'e
          Ariana Grande "7 Rings"

          5楼2020-04-24 06:25
            How can you miss someone you've never met?
            'Cause I need you now but I don't knowyou yet
            -Alexander 23 "IDK you yet"

            6楼2020-04-24 06:26
              “I have wanted to kill myself a hundred times, but somehow I am still in love with life. This ridiculous weakness is perhaps one of our more stupid melancholy propensities, for is there anything more stupid than to be eager to go on carrying a burden which one would gladly throw away, to loathe one’s very being and yet to hold it fast, to fondle the snake that devours us until it has eaten our hearts away?”
              ― Voltaire, Candide: or, Optimism

              7楼2020-04-29 13:32
                “I had no illusions about you,' he said. 'I knew you were silly and frivolous and empty-headed. But I loved you. I knew that your aims and ideals were vulgar and commonplace. But I loved you. I knew that you were second-rate. But I loved you. It's comic when I think how hard I tried to be amused by the things that amused you and how anxious I was to hide from you that I wasn't ignorant and vulgar and scandal-mongering and stupid. I knew how frightened you were of intelligence and I did everything I could to make you think me as big a fool as the rest of the men you knew. I knew that you'd only married me for convenience. I loved you so much, I didn't care. Most people, as far as I can see, when they're in love with someone and the love isn't returned feel that they have a grievance. They grow angry and bitter. I wasn't like that. I never expected you to love me, I didn't see any reason that you should. I never thought myself very lovable. I was thankful to be allowed to love you and I was enraptured when now and then I thought you were pleased with me or when I noticed in your eyes a gleam of good-humored affection. I tried not to bore you with my love; I knew I couldn't afford to do that and I was always on the lookout for the first sign that you were impatient with my affection. What most husbands expect as a right I was prepared to receive as a favor.”
                ― W. Somerset Maugham, The Painted Veil

                8楼2020-04-29 13:37
                  by Mikhail Lermontov
                  It's Hell for us to draw the fetters
                  Of life in alienation, stiff.
                  All people prefer to share gladness,
                  And nobody - to share grief.
                  As a king of air, I'm lone here,
                  The pain lives in my heart, so grim,
                  And I can see that, to the fear
                  Of fate, years pass me by like dreams;
                  And comes again with, touched by gold,
                  The same dream, gloomy one and old.
                  I see a coffin, black and sole,
                  It waits: why to detain the world?
                  There will be not a sad reflection,
                  There will be (I am betting on)
                  Much more gaily celebration
                  When I am dead, than - born.

                  9楼2020-05-03 05:39
                    "No, Not with You..."1841
                    No, not with you I fell in love so fast,
                    And not for me your beauty is succeeding;
                    I love in you my suffering preceding,
                    And youth of mine, that perished in the past.
                    And when sometimes my look is long and hard,
                    And penetrates your eyes of high perfection;
                    I'm busy with a secret conversation,
                    But not to you I send my words of heart.
                    To my youth's girl, my word of soul flies,
                    In features yours, I seek for other dears,
                    In lips alive -- the lips, so mute for years,
                    In eyes -- the flame of the extinguished eyes.

                    10楼2020-05-03 05:41
                      We were born alone, and die alone

                      来自iPhone客户端12楼2020-11-24 12:01
                        Love’s Philosophy
                        BY PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY
                        The fountains mingle with the river
                        And the rivers with the ocean,
                        The winds of heaven mix for ever
                        With a sweet emotion;
                        Nothing in the world is single;
                        All things by a law divine
                        In one spirit meet and mingle.
                        Why not I with thine?—
                        See the mountains kiss high heaven
                        And the waves clasp one another;
                        No sister-flower would be forgiven
                        If it disdained its brother;
                        And the sunlight clasps the earth
                        And the moonbeams kiss the sea:
                        What is all this sweet work worth
                        If thou kiss not me?

                        13楼2020-11-27 16:37
                          She Walks in Beauty
                          BY LORD BYRON (GEORGE GORDON)
                          She walks in beauty, like the night
                          Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
                          And all that’s best of dark and bright
                          Meet in her aspect and her eyes;
                          Thus mellowed to that tender light
                          Which heaven to gaudy day denies.
                          One shade the more, one ray the less,
                          Had half impaired the nameless grace
                          Which waves in every raven tress,
                          Or softly lightens o’er her face;
                          Where thoughts serenely sweet express,
                          How pure, how dear their dwelling-place.
                          And on that cheek, and o’er that brow,
                          So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,
                          The smiles that win, the tints that glow,
                          But tell of days in goodness spent,
                          A mind at peace with all below,
                          A heart whose love is innocent!

                          14楼2020-11-27 16:38
                            BY MARY LAMB
                            This rose-tree is not made to bear
                            The violet blue, nor lily fair,
                            Nor the sweet mignionet:
                            And if this tree were discontent,
                            Or wished to change its natural bent,
                            It all in vain would fret.
                            And should it fret, you would suppose
                            It ne’er had seen its own red rose,
                            Nor after gentle shower
                            Had ever smelled its rose’s scent,
                            Or it could ne’er be discontent
                            With its own pretty flower.
                            Like such a blind and senseless tree
                            As I’ve imagined this to be,
                            All envious persons are:
                            With care and culture all may find
                            Some pretty flower in their own mind,
                            Some talent that is rare.

                            15楼2020-11-27 16:41
                              Have taught me so much sorrow, that my soul
                              Feels not the joy reviving Nature brings;
                              But, in dark retrospect, dejected dwells
                              On human follies, and on human woes.—

                              16楼2020-11-27 16:46