Name: 李昊嘉 KaKa 亚洲星光大道 5号
年龄:21 岁 [21 years old]
学历:香港教育学院 (音乐系) 学生 [Student of HKIED (Music)]
梦想:将毕生奉献给音乐 [To present her whole life to music with great respect]
ATV举办之亚洲星光大道, 入选最后24强的参赛者之一
声线清新柔和, 每次唱Live更如播CD一样动听, 台上的她, 表现淡定而有神采, 令观众们不禁为她喝采!
[One of the 24 Finalists (no.5) in ATV Asian Millionstar event. Her voice giving you a fresh and soft impression. Her LIVE performance is as stable and beautiful as listening to a CD. She is really a bright star when standing on stage everytime! ]
年龄:21 岁 [21 years old]
学历:香港教育学院 (音乐系) 学生 [Student of HKIED (Music)]
梦想:将毕生奉献给音乐 [To present her whole life to music with great respect]
ATV举办之亚洲星光大道, 入选最后24强的参赛者之一
声线清新柔和, 每次唱Live更如播CD一样动听, 台上的她, 表现淡定而有神采, 令观众们不禁为她喝采!
[One of the 24 Finalists (no.5) in ATV Asian Millionstar event. Her voice giving you a fresh and soft impression. Her LIVE performance is as stable and beautiful as listening to a CD. She is really a bright star when standing on stage everytime! ]