夹0 0 I started a joke, which started the whole world crying, But I didnt see that the joke was on me, oh no. I started to cry, which started the whole world laughing, Oh, if Id only seen that the joke was on me.
姓名:易初[艹劳资厌倦起名字了! 昵称:初 长相:短发。黑眼。不会很难看= =。。。 年龄:17 身份:有钱的其他随你 备注(就是饰品啊,朋友、配偶、儿女一类的):能不写么.. 类型(古代或者现代,我可能会分两篇写- -):现 I started a joke, which started the whole world crying, But I didnt see that the joke was on me, oh no. I started to cry, which started the whole world laughing, Oh, if Id only seen that the joke was on me.
7- 你知道我就不写了= = I started a joke, which started the whole world crying, But I didnt see that the joke was on me, oh no. I started to cry, which started the whole world laughing, Oh, if Id only seen that the joke was on me.
报名格式: 姓名:晴城 昵称:晴 长相:呃...银白色的长发,紫色的瞳眸【众:你以为你是吸血鬼啊!】剩下的导演安排吧~ 年龄:17 身份:身份啊...(望天)要是现代的,估计我能串个妖怪之类的- - (看玩笑的了)看导演的安排,随便~ 备注(就是饰品啊,朋友、配偶、儿女一类的):左手食指上一个玫瑰花型的钻戒 类型(古代或者现代,我可能会分两篇写- -):呃...你看哪个你写着拿手,就写哪个吧 啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!!!!!!!!!!! 要去上课了,不想去啊!~~~~~~~~~T T ______________________________【冰蓝╆字架】 >>...它说、、 [ My LaDy,To bE tHe QueeN OF tHe Damned It wAs Your DesTiny.] >>、、『吸血鬼の女王』