AUPOS 团队的责任和使命:面对病毒爆发,AUPOS SCIENTIFIC为中国而战!
写在前面的话:AUPOS SCIENTIFIC团队致力于解决与人类和地球生存息息相关的各种解决方案,我们用科学技术捍卫人类健康、守护自然资源,用科学智慧呵护人类赖以生存的地球家园,时时刻刻为人类健康与安全做贡献。在病毒疫情爆发之际,希望以此为起点,人类能够行动起来,保护地球,敬畏自然,尊重生命,一切都是为了世界更美好
We here with sending a video message from Aupos Scientific and Technology located in Germany to the headquarter in China, to customers and business partners.
We have taken notice from the health threats in the Republic of China with concerns, here in Germany.
Unfortunately, most factories in China are still closed while we send this message. But we learned from AUPOS Scientific and Technology in China that their business has resumed. This is good news because our knowledge and products can make an important contribution to the healthcare system.
We can tell customers, business partners and employees that AUPOS can supply its customers again with HPLCs and can offer service and material. Customers can trust AUPOS. All Aupos employees are ready to fight with China to protect human health. We are sure that we can make an important contribution with AUPOS help.
我们特此发送来自德国的Aupos Scientific and Technology的视频消息到中国总部,客户和业务合作伙伴。
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写在前面的话:AUPOS SCIENTIFIC团队致力于解决与人类和地球生存息息相关的各种解决方案,我们用科学技术捍卫人类健康、守护自然资源,用科学智慧呵护人类赖以生存的地球家园,时时刻刻为人类健康与安全做贡献。在病毒疫情爆发之际,希望以此为起点,人类能够行动起来,保护地球,敬畏自然,尊重生命,一切都是为了世界更美好
We here with sending a video message from Aupos Scientific and Technology located in Germany to the headquarter in China, to customers and business partners.
We have taken notice from the health threats in the Republic of China with concerns, here in Germany.
Unfortunately, most factories in China are still closed while we send this message. But we learned from AUPOS Scientific and Technology in China that their business has resumed. This is good news because our knowledge and products can make an important contribution to the healthcare system.
We can tell customers, business partners and employees that AUPOS can supply its customers again with HPLCs and can offer service and material. Customers can trust AUPOS. All Aupos employees are ready to fight with China to protect human health. We are sure that we can make an important contribution with AUPOS help.
我们特此发送来自德国的Aupos Scientific and Technology的视频消息到中国总部,客户和业务合作伙伴。
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