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多重實相的巨浪沖擊下,如何乘風破浪】 2019/12/31 By Jimmy2


We would like to begin this transmission with the idea of navigating the splitting prism of parallel realities.
Now as we have said in other transmissions, what you are experiencing on your planet at this time is a juncture, a junction point, a pivot point,
especially coming up in your year of 2020, which symbolically represents the idea not only of clear vision forward, but also the idea of 2020 hindsight.
And then gathering together, all the lessons you have learned, all the information that you need to move forward with clarity in that pivotal year and the years to follow.
Even though you may think, as we have said, that you are all sharing one particular reality, you are not.
You are creating your own version, your own simulation, through agreements, telepathically connected agreements with each other, to create what appears to be the same reality, but each of you is creating your own.
And many of you now are beginning to realize, as your society continues forward that there are many individuals who are choosing different expressions of reality that are not necessarily in alignment with the kind of experience that you prefer to have on your planet.
Or again more precisely, on your planets, because there are multiple versions of earth simultaneously coexisting here.
And the idea is that now the splitting prism has moved forward enough that there are starting to be in between all of these different parallel realities, a kind of borderline, a kind of barrier.
You can liken it to the idea as we have said of the glass wall.
You can see through it to the other realities, to the people that are not necessarily choosing things that are vibrationally compatible with the kind of reality, experience you prefer,
but that doesn't mean that they can affect you.
Because they can no longer really reach you with their vibration, except by your choice to mirror or mimic what you're seeing on the other side of the glass.
But there is no other effect than that, your choice to believe that you must be affected by them, is you creating that effect in your reality, your discrete parallel reality.
So as you move forward, recognizing that each of you is in your own reality literally, and that you can make more and more agreements with those that are more vibrationally compatible with what you prefer,
to again continue to generate simulations of these realities for yourselves that do harmonize with those that are vibrationally compatible with you,
and disharmonize or become more dis-coherent with those that are not vibrationally compatible with what you prefer.
The split becomes wider and wider. The walls of glass become in a sense thicker and thicker and thicker.

IP属地:浙江1楼2019-12-31 19:30回复
    Now the idea of navigating through what's happening in this splitting is to allow yourself the opportunity to not only follow the Formula that we have given you that is representative of the instruction manual of how reality works,
    which is act on your passion to the best you can, no assumption, no insistence on the outcome, and remaining in a positive state no matter how things look in order to extract a beneficial effect.
    Along with that, there is another element that now becomes more crucial, more important as the days unfold, as the years unfold, going forward in your sense of time and space.
    We have discussed from time to time the difference in the language between your higher mind which is nonphysical and your physical mind.
    The higher mind being nonphysical as a language of energy vibration, resonance.
    Now all things operate on resonance of energy, but it is from the higher mind purely an energetic transmission.
    And when your body receives this like an antenna, it translates as we have said, this vibrational language from the higher mind as the physical sensation you call passion, excitement, creativity, love.
    But your response cannot only be in energy, it cannot only be in words. The language of physical reality is physical actions,
    and therefore this is why it is so crucial to act on your passion, not just think about it, not only just meditate on it, not only just give off loving energy to everyone.
    All these things help, but the physical actions sealed the deal, completes the circuit, grounds the effect.
    And the physical acts you take that are in alignment with the reality you prefer, instead of just wishing or hoping that your reality will shift into more and more of a representation,
    the physical actions you take will actually start to crystallize that reality, much much more quickly, much more coherently for you.
    That's how you navigate through all the splitting prisms.
    Taking yourself by acting on your passion, steering that rudder, being the vibration of the reality you prefer to experience, so you can navigate toward it more and more every day in every way.
    But along with that, it is crucial to really take the physical actions necessary to really home in on that reality,
    to demonstrate by your actions, the reflection that you ultimately will see in that reality.
    So, for example, we have sometimes been asked questions such as “If I am in my reality, and I see something happening that is what I don't prefer, should I help?
    Yes. Because it is the action of being of assistance that belongs in the reality you prefer.

    IP属地:浙江2楼2019-12-31 19:33
      That's one of the expressions of the reality that most of you theoretically would prefer--- that when someone gives off a signal that they might require assistance that you actually take the action of assisting them somehow.
      It isn't that, again, you have to expect a particular outcome from that, but it is the action itself, the offering itself that makes all the difference.
      And whatever comes to fruition from that, will again, crystalize and solidify the reality of your preference.
      But the actions are key.
      We got another question recently about the idea of “If I'm in my reality and I'm walking along, and I see a piece of trash on the ground, should I pick it up?
      Yes! If you don't prefer it to be in your reality, you have to demonstrate through your actions what this reality you prefer would actually be like, where people would automatically do those kinds of things.
      You have to be the first foremost living example of the behaviors that belong in the realities you prefer.
      By being that physical example and demonstrating those behaviors, others will see that.
      Others who wish to align with the similar kinds of reality, create those kinds of realities for themselves will see that.
      And they may realize that those are the kinds of behaviors that are representative of those kinds of realities.
      And you will have given them an opportunity to see through you, someone in their preferred reality doing something that represents the kind of reality they prefer.
      So you become a living example to them,
      and an example and a solidifier and the crystallizer to yourself, by actually undertaking those kinds of actions that are representative of the reality in the way you would also prefer to see others behaving.
      Getting a reflection of that kind of consciousness, of that kind of conscientiousness, of that kind of awareness and the willingness to take action on it,
      to demonstrate what that reality really looks like and what the people living in that reality would actually naturally automatically do.
      Is this making some sense?
      So the idea then, is as you go through life, as you act on your passion, best you can,
      as you let go of the insistence on what the outcome should look like,
      as you remain by choice in a positive state no matter what happens, so that you can derive the benefit from that circumstance,
      also, put yourselves out there, take the actions that are representative of that passion. Don't hesitate. Don't hold back.
      If you feel like you need to express yourself through writing, write. If you need to express yourself through painting, paint. If you need to express yourself through acting, act.
      In some way shape or form express your creativity, express Who You Are to the physical actions on a daily basis,
      so that others may see through you as an living example wha t that reality looks like, and what the citizen of that reality do.
      And it will start to really bleed-through, it will start to rub off on others who are even minorly willing to navigate in that direction.
      So each of you becomes a crystallized nodal point, that magnetic nodal point that starts to attract more and more like-minded people,
      even if their vibration is not exactly aligned, you can act as a magnetic nodal point to again give them more opportunity to realize –“Oh, this looks more like the reality I prefer.”
      “I see the actions of these people here, that looks more like the reality I prefer. And so I myself will also take those actions, so that they can see something similar in the reflection that I am to them.”

      IP属地:浙江3楼2019-12-31 19:33
        IP属地:浙江4楼2019-12-31 19:34

          IP属地:湖北5楼2019-12-31 20:24

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