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Part 1
资料来源:AESA Upgrade Option for Eurofighter Captor Radar 作者是EuroRadar四家合作单位的工程师M. Barclay、U. Pietzschmann、G. Gonzalez和P. Tellini,论文发表于《IEEE A&E SYSTEMS MAGAZINE》2010年6月刊

IP属地:上海1楼2019-12-17 12:44回复
    Eurofighter Typhoon, which can accommodate a large diameter antenna and provide high prime power, would derive particular advantage from incorporation of AESA technology.
    The availability of AESA technology will confer many significant operational, performance, and Through Life Capability Management (TLCM) benefits [1, 2]. The instantaneous beam-pointing capability, when governed by energy management algorithms, enables spectacular performance to be achieved. This is particularly true in air combat scenarios where the AESA system can be operated as a number of independent "virtual" radar systems, allowing
    dedicated tracking of individual targets while maintaining full search coverage.
    Minimisation of logistic support requirements and reduction of through-life costs are major drivers for upgrading to E-scan. These are facilitated by the inherent high reliability of AESA technology and the ability to introduce new functionality through software development alone.

    IP属地:上海2楼2019-12-17 12:57
      Part 2 技术简介
      Key features of the CAESAR AESA design include:
      • Circa 1500 transmit / Receive Modules (TRM) arranged in a nominally circular outline
      • Wide bandwidth, light-weight, high dynamic range, low noise, high power using GaAs pHEMT HPA chipset,
      • > 30 sub-arrays,
      • Multiple Guard sub-antennas, offering various options for gain and directional bias
      • Liquid cooled "plank" architecture, and
      • Wideband, low-cost radiating element designed for high performance over full range of scan angles, RF frequencies, and waveforms
      Key TRM design features include:
      • Fully integrated Control ASIC,
      • GaAs core chip,
      • Dual pHEMT HPA,
      • Low Noise Figure « 3 dB),
      • High Linearity / TOI, and
      • Extensive BIT capability.

      IP属地:上海3楼2019-12-17 13:22