作家Joe Schreiber的星战小说最新力作
《Death Troopers》
When the Imperial prison barge Purge breaks down in a distant, uninhabited part of space, its only hope seems to lie with a Star Destroyer found drifting, derelict and seemingly abandoned. But when a boarding party is sent to scavenge for parts, only half of them come back -- bringing with them a horrific disease so lethal that within hours, nearly all aboard the Purge will die. And death is only the beginning.
For aboard the Star Destroyer, amid its vast creaking emptiness that isn't really empty at all. For the dead are rising, soulless, unstoppable, and unspeakably hungry.
一艘名为「肃清号」的帝国载囚舰在宇航途中损坏,在航行中意外发现一艘废弃的帝国灭星级战舰。 为寻找维修的部件,「肃清号」派遣了一支搜索队登上那艘看似无人的战舰, 最后却只有半数的搜索队员回到了「肃清号」上。 随半数搜索队员身上带来的致命病毒,在短短的数小时内夺去了「肃清号」上的大部份人员。 而死亡却只是一个开始... 灭星级战舰上的亡者死而复生...而且是极度的饥饿
《Death Troopers》
When the Imperial prison barge Purge breaks down in a distant, uninhabited part of space, its only hope seems to lie with a Star Destroyer found drifting, derelict and seemingly abandoned. But when a boarding party is sent to scavenge for parts, only half of them come back -- bringing with them a horrific disease so lethal that within hours, nearly all aboard the Purge will die. And death is only the beginning.
For aboard the Star Destroyer, amid its vast creaking emptiness that isn't really empty at all. For the dead are rising, soulless, unstoppable, and unspeakably hungry.
一艘名为「肃清号」的帝国载囚舰在宇航途中损坏,在航行中意外发现一艘废弃的帝国灭星级战舰。 为寻找维修的部件,「肃清号」派遣了一支搜索队登上那艘看似无人的战舰, 最后却只有半数的搜索队员回到了「肃清号」上。 随半数搜索队员身上带来的致命病毒,在短短的数小时内夺去了「肃清号」上的大部份人员。 而死亡却只是一个开始... 灭星级战舰上的亡者死而复生...而且是极度的饥饿