If you complete it now, we will consider conditional acceptance with funding and IELTS. If you complete it after your IELTS reaches the correct standard, then our conditional acceptance will only be based on your acquisition of funding (i.e. no IELTS involved). When are you planning to take the IELTS again? Since the scholarship you plan to apply to requires the IELTS complete (for a conditional on funding "only" acceptance), then maybe it would be better to apply after your IELTS is complete?
准备申请爱丁堡大学的PHD,雅思考了两次都没过,这次口语5.5,就申请了复议,官网说是11.1号出结果,准备到时候看复议结果再决定是否再考一次。就担心如果没有复议成功再考的话有点晚了,所以想问一下是不是先用没过的成绩申请了,到时候成绩满足要求了再换uncon offer?这样的申请会不会直接被拒啊?
准备申请爱丁堡大学的PHD,雅思考了两次都没过,这次口语5.5,就申请了复议,官网说是11.1号出结果,准备到时候看复议结果再决定是否再考一次。就担心如果没有复议成功再考的话有点晚了,所以想问一下是不是先用没过的成绩申请了,到时候成绩满足要求了再换uncon offer?这样的申请会不会直接被拒啊?