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IP属地:安徽1楼2019-08-03 11:24回复


    IP属地:安徽2楼2019-08-03 11:25

      IP属地:安徽3楼2019-08-03 11:28

        IP属地:安徽4楼2019-08-04 11:13
          MIGHTY EAGLE: Zeta?
          RED: Who is Zeta?
          MIGHTY EAGLE: The leader of the eagles. Do one of you has been trying to destroy our island, and my ... ex-fiancée.
          CHUCK: Wait, what?
          RED: Did you say fiancée?
          COURTNEY: Fiancée?
          RED: And you're just telling us this now?
          MIGHTY EAGLE: Better late than never!
          MIGHTY EAGLE AS NARRATOR: It was many years ago. In the 1990s, she was the smartest girl in school, and I have an incredible sense of fashion.
          MIGHTY EAGLE: Whoa!
          ZETA: E ... (IPA: /e/)
          MIGHTY EAGLE AS NARRATOR: It was lover (???) the first sight.
          ZETA: I've missed you?
          MIGHTY EAGLE: Ha, ha ...
          MIGHTY EAGLE & ZETA: Oh!
          ZETA: Ha, ha ...
          MIGHTY EAGLE: Ha, ha ...
          MIGHTY EAGLE AS NARRATOR: She was the best thing that ever happened to me. And since I wasn't quite ready to (???) for life.
          MIGHTY EAGLE: Oh, wow! (???) engagement (???) ?
          MIGHTY EAGLE AS NARRATOR: Naturally I am ...
          MIGHTY EAGLE AS NARRATOR: I've .. I've abandoned her.
          (END MEMORY)
          SILVER: How could you leave her (?) like that?
          MIGHTY EAGLE: Because I ... am a coward. Maybe you did know that about me.
          SILVER: Well, actually ...
          MIGHTY EAGLE: I assume she's been heartbroken ever since. It's all my fault.
          BOMB: So this is fiancée (?) we're talking about.
          MIGHTY EAGLE: You know what? I just remembered...

          IP属地:安徽5楼2019-08-05 10:44
            What we know now:
            b&p build a submarine to eagle island but mighty eagle quits for that reason.
            Red and silver get caught, while others disguise themselves in a eagle shell.
            zeta finds inhabitants on the two islands don't evacuate as the team have given them confidence
            finally the island is destroyed
            mighty eagle marries zeta
            information is sufficient now for me not to worry about their fate. now i just need to wait the full movie and explore the details.

            IP属地:安徽来自Android客户端6楼2019-08-08 13:51
              What would the offspring of Mighty Eagle and Zeta look like?

              IP属地:安徽来自Android客户端7楼2019-08-08 23:59
                LEONARD: Each of you has been selected because you're the best in your field... that we could find. Your skills will be put to the test, facing this! As you can clearly see this is a vo...
                RED: Volcano! Volcano is what my... assistant was going to say.
                LEONARD: Assistant?! You'll be assistant!
                SILVER: Actually, it's a composite volcano. You can tell by the height and the clearly apparant white(?) clusters.
                RED: OK, forget. I said volcano. This is a, em, it's a superweapon!
                BOMB: Where(?)? 'Cause it looks just like a volcano.
                LEONARD: Yep, and he is the (???) part. This is their psychotic leader! (Showing a selfie of Leonard) Uh, (???). (???)...
                COURTNEY: (???).
                RED: Em! This is their psychotic leader! (Showing Zeta)
                MIGHTY EAGLE: Ummmmm... Ahhhhhh!!!
                RED: Whoa, whoa, hey, buddy, do you know her?
                MIGHTY EAGLE: What? Me? No, no! Definitely not! Absolutely no! Never seen her before. In my life, who is that? I don't know!
                RED: Uh, terribly convincible.

                IP属地:安徽8楼2019-08-09 15:31

                  IP属地:安徽来自Android客户端9楼2019-08-11 21:45

                    IP属地:北京来自Android客户端10楼2019-08-18 21:39

                      IP属地:北京来自Android客户端11楼2019-08-18 21:42
                        vent clusters,喷气口群

                        IP属地:北京来自Android客户端12楼2019-08-18 21:55
                          “What? You've never heard of thermal emulsifiers? You just gotta get a polyacrylamide to enhance the nanoparticle and surfactant association between the two materials.”

                          IP属地:安徽19楼2019-08-27 15:26