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IP属地:上海来自iPhone客户端1楼2019-07-13 12:12回复
    Dario Nardi recently published a book called Neuroscience of Personality. It contains his insights based on putting a 20 sensor EEG on 60 college students of various types, and then having them perform various activities.
    Dario Nardi(此人好像是INTJ)最近(2011)出了一本书,叫《Neuroscience of Personality》。他给60个不同(mbti八维向)类型的大学生戴上有20个传感器的脑电图仪,并让他们干各种各样的事儿,然后以得到的结果为依据写了点东西
    Since it includes both qualitative and quantitative research results, it’s probably not definitive proof of type or type dynamics. Still, I think his approach is interesting and his book helps shed light on how type relates to activity in the neocortex.

    IP属地:上海来自iPhone客户端2楼2019-07-13 12:15
      Neocortex Brain Regions and Skillsets:
      Note that A1, A2, and FZ, CZ, PZ were not used. His use of EEG has a number of inherent limitations, including not being able to sense deeper regions of the brain (where a lot of fundamental physical and emotional processing happens). His summation of the regions of the neocortex was:

      IP属地:上海来自iPhone客户端3楼2019-07-13 12:16
        Fp1 “Chief Judge”
        Fp1 裁判长
        Provide a reason 提供理由
        Decide between options 做决定
        Detect an error 检错
        Helps us decide quickly and quickly, and explain our reasoning. Helps us ignore unwanted, negative ideas and feedback. 帮助我们快速做决定、解释我们的推理、无视不想要的及负面的想法与反馈
        Fp2 “Process Manager”
        Fp2 流程经理
        Notice where you are in a task 注意到你任务进行到哪里了
        Perceive that you are done 知道你已做了什么
        Consider a new or unpleasant idea. 考虑新的或令人不爽的主意
        Broadly, tracks whether we are at the beginning, middle, or end of a task. Helps regulate our emotions while processing negative, depressing or disruptive data. 广泛,追踪任务进行到哪儿了,帮助我们在收取负面信息时保持情绪平衡
        F7 “Imaginative Mimic”
        F7 富于幻想的模拟机
        Infer based on context 根据内容做推测
        Imagine another place or time 想象另一个时间或空间
        Mirror others’ behavior 模仿他人行为
        Ask “maybe” and “what if” “也许”“假如”
        Mentally play out a situation. 在脑子里展开某情形
        Home of the “mirror neurons.” Works as a kind of mental holodeck, where we play out scenarios in an imaginative context. 镜像神经元的聚集地。像个脑中小剧场,我们在里面演戏
        F8 “Grounded Believer”
        F8 虔诚的信徒
        Recall exact, literal details 回忆精确的细节
        Say a word or phrase with strong emphasis 以强调的语气说出某词句
        Identity what we believe “我确信blahblahblah”
        Rate how much we like or dislike something “满分10分,打几分”
        Ignore context. 无视某些内容
        Gets active when you say what’s important to you in life. Helps guide our speech and recall detail about the things we consider important. Ignores context, so provides cross-contextual beliefs and details. 当你谈及“于我而言什么是重要的”时,该区域会变得活跃。引导我们的言行,回忆我们认为重要的事情的细节。无视一些内容,所以会得到一些混 的细节和偏离原状的信念
        (Side note: autistic people show low F7 and high F8)
        F3 “Deductive Analyst”
        F3 (演绎)分析家
        Make logical deductions 逻辑推理
        Backtrack or correct your thinking due to a reasoning error 发生推理错误于是拐回去纠错
        Follow a chain of reasoning 跟随推理链
        Gets active when we follow a branching logical structure or chain of reasoning towards a conclusion. Requires thinking in words or symbols. Most people who less activity here than in most regions. 当我们搞推理的时候这个区域会变得活跃。用文字,或者符号思考。大多数人这个区域不如其他区域活跃

        IP属地:上海来自iPhone客户端4楼2019-07-13 12:19
          F4 “Expert Classifier”
          F4 专家级别的分类机
          Categorize a person, place, thing, event or idea. 给人事想法分类
          Have a sense for how well a concept fits a particular category. 很清楚“这玩意分到这里合不合适”
          Links two concepts together. 把俩东西联结到一块儿
          Gets active when we classify and define concepts. For example, is a dolphin a fish or mammal? Like F3, underutilized by most people. Requires domain expertise to build up accurate categories. 当我们下定义做分类时这个区域会变得活跃。比如,鲸是鱼类还是哺乳动物?大多数人这个区域不如其他区域活跃。需要专业知识来得到准确的分类。
          T3 “Precise Speaker”
          T3 用词精准的发言人
          Speak words 说话
          Compose complex sentences 搞出复杂的句子
          Attend to proper grammar and word usages. 注重准确的语法和用词
          Listen to other people’s words. 听他人说话
          This region handles words, both yours and those spoken by others. It’s also used when performing tasks we’ve learned to do by speaking. If you talk to yourself while doing thinking (solving math problems, etc), you are likely using this region. 这个区域处理话语,你的和别人的都处理。在我们通过说话来学习某事时也会用到这个区域。如果你思考的时候跟你自己说话,你可能也在用这个区域。
          Some people don’t use this region much, but instead may think in symbols, pictures, etc. 有的人这个区域用得少,可能是因为他们不用文字而是用符号、图片等思考
          T4 “Intuitive Listener”
          T4 富于直觉的听众
          Notice someone’s tone of voice 注意到人的语气
          Hear when something “resonates” or “speaks to you personally 当碰到“这(说的)就是我啊”这种情况时听得格外认真
          Feel someone is speaking in a phony or false way bu cannot say why. 感觉某人在装腔作势,但是说不出为毛
          Speak with powerful affect. 说话效果极好
          This region handles tone of voice and other affective qualities of sound and voice. Also home to irritation and hostility.这个区域处理音调和其他有煽动力(- -)的因素,也是愤怒和敌意的发源地
          C3 “Factual Storekeeper”
          C3 卖事实的店主人
          Remember a fact. 记住事实
          Retrieve a memory that contains specific information such as date or time. 调取包含特定信息(比如日期)的记忆
          Recall a sequence of action steps. 回想某行动的步骤序列
          Prepare to move your body’s right side 动用身体右侧
          Skillfully draw charts, tables, and diagrams 画表格很吊
          Attend to sensations on the right side of your body. 处理身体右侧的感觉
          This region handles sensations and motor movement of the body’s right side. Neurons in this regions are laid ou

          IP属地:上海来自iPhone客户端5楼2019-07-13 12:21
            This region handles sensations and motor movement of the body’s right side. Neurons in this regions are laid out in a way that mimics actual body layout. Activates when recalling factual “textbook” knowledge. Briefly activates when a chunk of memory is retrieved. 这个区域处理身体右侧的感觉并做出正确反应。这个区域的神经元能模拟真实的身体布局。回想事实的“教科书般标准的”知识时这个区域会变得活跃。勾起大片回忆时该区域启动
            C4 “Flowing Artist”
            C4 缥缈的艺术家
            Remember of beautiful place. 记住美景
            Retrieve a memory based on aesthetic qualities. 从美学角度进行记忆调档
            Recall whole-body affect. 回想“全身心的影响”
            Prepare to move your body’s left side. 动用身体左侧
            Skillfully draw realistic, free-hand illustrations. 涂鸦很吊
            Attend to sensations on the left side of your body. 处理身体左侧的感觉
            The mirror image of C3 in some ways, but gets activated when we recall the most beautiful place we have ever visited. Home to fluid body motion and affect. This region is entirely nonverbal. 某种程度上是C3的镜像,不同的是当“回忆你去过的最美的地方”时才会启动。主管流体运动。这个区域是百分之百非语言的。
            T5 “Sensitive Mediator”
            T5 敏感的调停者
            Notice other’s input about your social behavior 注意来自他人的关于“你的社交表现如何?”的评价
            Are curious what someone thinks of you 很想知道某人怎么看你
            Adjust your behavior in order to appease or conform to others’ expectations 为了安抚他人或满足他人需求,调整自己的行为
            Feel embarrassed. 感到尴尬
            Like F7, this region contains “mirror neurons.” When we use this region, we focus on others’ judgments regarding the appropriateness of our behavior. This region actively encourages us to change out behavior by providing feelings of embarrassment and possibly shame. Can also be activated when we wonder what others are thinking of us. 和F7一样,这个区域包含“镜像神经元”。用这个区域时,我们把重点放到他人对我们行为的得体程度的评价上。这个区域通过给予我们尴尬乃至羞耻感来积极鼓励我们改变行为。在想知道别人怎么看我们时这个区域也会启动
            T6 “Purposeful Futurist”
            T6 目标明确的未来主义者
            Say the word “will”; as in what will occur in the future. 用“将会”这词描述未来
            Imagine yourself within a complex system. 想象自己在一个复杂的系统中
            Notice abstract spatial-structural relationships. 注意到抽象的空间联系
            Assign a symbolic meaning. 赋予象征性意义
            Envision your future. 预见未来
            This region is highly future oriented and relational. unless F7,

            IP属地:上海来自iPhone客户端6楼2019-07-13 12:22
              This region is highly future oriented and relational. unless F7, is not “as-if” oriented, but aids in serious predictions of what will occur in reality. Holistic and weighs many abstract spatial relationships at once. Entirely nonverbal, so offerings seem obvious or mysterious. Also activated when we consider symbolic meaning. 这个区域高度面向未来,联结性很强。不同于F7那种“好像会xxxx似的”,这区域是认真的。carry全场,并同时衡量各种抽象关系。百分百非语言,所以看起来挺神秘。当我们考虑象征意义时这个区域也会启动。
              P3 “Tactical Navigator”
              P3 富有谋略的领航员
              Identify tangible objects 识别实物
              Use physical and visual cues to move your body 使用物理及视觉信息作为移动身体的依据
              Attend to where you end and the rest of the world begins 注重“我在哪”“发生了什么”
              Work a problem using rote memorization 使用死记硬背的方法解决问题
              This region is the seat of the physical sense of self in the environment. It helps us integrate visual and kinesthetic cues to guide how me move our bodies. The better this region works, the faster we integrate a multitude of visual and kinesthetic inputs in order to act with rapid precision. 这个区域关乎“我的存在”。它帮助我们与官信息融为一体,借此来指导我们移动身体。这个区域工作得越好,我们就“融入”得越好,这样才能快速准确地行动。
              P4 “Strategic Gamer”
              P4 战略玩家
              Weigh numerous pros and cons 权衡大量利弊
              Calculate and compare various risks versus their likely rewards 计算与比较各类风险和潜在奖励
              Objectively evaluate many factors at once 客观地同时衡量许多因素
              Locate and apply leverage (influence) 锁定并介入(影响)
              This region helps us grapple highly complex programs in a comprehensive, strategic way that simultaneously considers numerous risks, uncertainties, rewards and outcomes. Helps us weigh many pros and cons at once to arrive at intuitive solutions. Associated with skillful math performance. 这个区域使我们用一种全面的、战略性的方式把持复杂的情形,同时还能考虑到风险、不确定性、回报与结果。帮我们一次性权衡大量利弊然后得到一个直觉性的解决方法。与数学技巧有关。

              IP属地:上海来自iPhone客户端7楼2019-07-13 12:23
                O1 “Visual Engineer”
                O1 视觉工程师
                Read a chart or diagram 阅读图表
                Visually disassemble an object to visualize its components and how it works. 从视觉上肢解某物,理解它的构成和工作原理
                Visual how elements of an object will fit together to form a structure. 从视觉上衡量各个“零件”是如何聚集到一起成为一个结构的
                Mentally rotate an object in your mind’s eye 在脑袋里对一个物体进行360度旋转操作
                People who rely on this region are natural engineers and architects, able to mentally rotate objects, follow charts and diagrams with ease, and project how building element will fit together in their mind’s eye. This region can also compensate for or mimic deductive reasoning, by visualizing tree structures or Venn diagrams. 天生依赖这个区域的人是天生的工程师和建筑师,能够在脑袋里旋转物体,轻而易举看懂图表,并仅在脑袋里就能构造出零件如何构成整体。这个区域和归纳推理也有关,因为可以徒手“画”树形图和韦恩图
                O2 “Abstract Impressionist”
                O2 抽象的印象派
                View a photograph or painting 看一张照片或一幅画
                Sense how colors, shapes, and other elements fit aesthetically. 感知到颜色、形状和其他美学元素如何构筑美
                Notice or set the theme of an illustration or photograph 注意到,或者为一组照片下定主题
                Gain an impression of a person’s character from their appearance. 通过看一个人的外表来得到印象
                Like O1, this region is incredibly visual. Unlike O1, it is imprecise and holistic. It concerns itself with visual themes: the various inter-relationships of elements that convey an image’s overall blahnce and meaning. We may use this region to react quickly to a person or place, detect ugly or good design, or appreciate visual art. 和O1一样,这个区域很依赖视觉。和O1不同,它并不准确,只有大体框架。它在乎“这一系列元素组成的画面”对于自己的的平衡感与意义。当我们快速回应一个人或一个地点、检测好的坏的设计、欣赏视觉艺术时这个区域会被启动。

                IP属地:上海来自iPhone客户端8楼2019-07-13 12:24
                  Fp1 Chief Judge: Focus on explaining, making decisions, noting errors, and screening out distracting information. 解释、决策、检错,无视干扰信息
                  Fp2 Process Manager: Focus on process, either step-by-step for tasks, or open ended creative brainstorming, or both. 关注流程,无论是步骤型流程,还是开放型头脑风暴,都关注
                  F7 Imaginative Mimic: Mirror others’ behavior, pick up skills by observing others, and make imaginative inferences. 模仿他人行为,通过观察对方获得技能,做想象性的推理
                  F3 Deductive Analyst: Follow a chain of logical deductions and backtrack to correct thinking due to reasoning errors. 跟从逻辑推理链,并拐回去检错然后更正
                  F4 Expert Classifier: Accurately place concepts by testing them against many categories at once to find a best-fit. 同时衡量许多类别,然后做出准确分类
                  F8 Grounded Believer: Evaluate people and activities in terms of like or dislike, and/or recall details with high accuracy. 衡量喜欢与不喜欢,并且以高精准度调取记忆
                  T3 Precise Speaker: Focus on content of the spoken word, attend to proper grammar, usage, enunciation and diction. 关注话语,关注合理的语法、用法、发音和用词
                  C3 Factual Storekeeper: Easily memorize and execute steps of movement (dance steps, etc.), and/or recall facts. 轻易记住并且完成身体移动(比如舞步),回想事实
                  C4 Intuitive Listener: Focus on voice tone and other affective qualities of sound. Speak in a holistic way to influence. 注意语气和其他影响声音的因素,用一种carry全场的说话方式来影响
                  T4 Flowing Artist: Draw, paint, dance or otherwise use your body in a flowing, spontaneous, and/or artistic manner. 绘画、跳舞或在一个自发的环境中以艺术性的方法使用你的身体

                  IP属地:上海来自iPhone客户端9楼2019-07-13 12:26
                    T5 Sensitive Mediator: Attend to how others respond to you and later your behavior to get more desirable results. 注意别人怎么回应你,过一会你通过检举行为得到更想要的结果
                    P3 Tactical Navigator: Integrate physical space, motion, and visual clues to move skillfully through the environment. 吸收物理空间、运动和视觉信息,在一个空间内精妙地游走
                    P4 Strategic Gamer: Weigh many pros and cons, risks and uncertainties at once in order to finesse complex situations. 同时衡量许多正反观点和风险及不确定因素以便处理复杂局势
                    T6 Purposeful Futurist: State what will surely happen in the future, and/or apply a symbolic meaning to a situation. 陈述什么是在未来必定会发生的,或/并且给予某形势象征性意义
                    O1 Visual Engineer: Mentally rotate, measure, arrange, assemble and explode objects with a focus on functionality. 在脑袋里旋转、衡量、构建、组合和拆解物体,重点在它的功能上
                    O2 Abstract Impressionist: Notice holistic themes, patterns, and relationships in photos, paintings, and similar images. 注意到照片、图画和类似图片的整体主题、形式和关联

                    IP属地:上海来自iPhone客户端10楼2019-07-13 12:27
                      Extraverted Sensing (Se)
                      Se types:
                      Easily go “in the zone” in a crisis situation. 易在危机发生时进入状态
                      Quickly integrate body and sensory information. 快速吸收肢体的感官的信息
                      Easily bored and need external stimulation. 容易感到无聊,需要外界刺激
                      Focus on literal or common interpretations. 关注字面意义或一般性解释
                      Favor details that are dramatic or in motion. 喜欢闹剧
                      The “tennis hop” brain pattern is one in which all regions of neocortex out low amplitude and out of sync. This is an effective state that requires little energy while the shifting frequencies allow the brain to quickly direct whichever regions are needed for a surprise, incoming task.这个形状表明脑袋不活跃,所以,这个状态对于“当进入变化的情形时可快速根据情况决定动用哪些区域”很省力
                      Introverted Sensing (Si)
                      Si types:
                      Brain activity reflects their background, training, and job expertise. 脑活动反应他们的文化背景、专业训练和工作
                      Get “in the zone” when reviewing past events. 回忆过去时进入状态
                      Tend towards rote memorization, repetition, and in-depth reviews of daily events—all habits that help them burn new neural pathways. 倾向路径记忆、重复、深刻的日常活动的记忆——帮助他们开辟一条新的但是缺省的路径
                      Good at recalling information without a context and recalling kinship data. 没提示也能回忆起信息
                      Favor T5, which processes social feedback and T6, that helps us consider the future. T5活跃,这个区域处理T6的社会反馈,帮助我们考虑未来
                      So Si seems to lead to reinforcement and specialization over time. ISTJs and ISFJs are both visual (favor O1 and/or O2). ISxJs favor Fp2 over Fp1, while ESxJs do the opposite. Si看起来会使人需要长时间的修炼。ISTJs 和 ISFJs 是视觉系,喜 O1 和/或 O2, ISxJs Fp2>Fp1,ESxJs相反

                      IP属地:上海来自iPhone客户端11楼2019-07-13 12:28
                        Extraverted Intuiting (Ne)
                        Ne types:
                        Often show a “Christmas Tree” pattern.
                        Often experience creative highs. 常常在在创造过程中很嗨
                        Provide fast, creative responses (sometimes too creative) 给出快速的富创造力的回应(有时创造过头了)
                        Find it difficult to get “in the zone,” and can do so only after practicing and internalizing an activity over weeks, months, or years. 难以进入状态,只有在几周几个月甚至几年后的联系和内化才能进入状态
                        Use regions that support imagination. 使用支持想象力的区域
                        A “Christmas Tree” pattern is one in which the neocortex is active all over, each region is of high amplitude and out-of-sync with others. This pattern indicates cross-contextual thinking. This pattern is also very energy intensive, and may produce distractions and contradictions.脑袋超级活跃根本停不下来
                        Introverted Intuiting (Ni)
                        Ni Types:
                        Show a whole brain, zen-like pattern 全脑性的、禅意的图形
                        Show this pattern when they attack an unfamiliar, novel pattern.
                        Their zen state works best when focusing on a single question, without distraction.
                        Enter the zen state when ask to envision the future.
                        Usually benefit from a sensory focus
                        Their whole-brain, zen-like pattern occurs when all regions of the neocortex are in sync and dominated by brain waves that are medium-low frequency and very high-amplitude. Other types only show this pattern when they engage in their specific area of expertise, unlike Ni-ers, who also show it when tackling a new problem.
                        ENxJs usually benefit from a physical or sensory focus. NJs tend to be generalists compared to their SJs cousins. ENxJs 常常在关注物理世界时获益。和SJ相比,NJ更像是通才

                        IP属地:上海来自iPhone客户端12楼2019-07-13 12:29
                          Extraverted Thinking (Te)
                          Te types:
                          Show most efficient use of mental energy as they rely on evidence-based decision-making. 最有效的精力使用,因为依赖有理有据的决策
                          Rely on T3, O1, C3 and Fp1. Tend to use other areas very little, even on tasks that would normally invoke them. 依赖T3, O1, C3 和 Fp1,其他区域很少用,即使在做会启用其他区域的事儿也启动不起来
                          Rely on measurably sensory information
                          Focus on goals and stimulated by task completion and error correction.
                          Tend to move to action before accurate or what-if processing, so quick efficiency can become a pitfall.
                          Show high activity in F8, which handles deeply felt personal values, often expressed negatively. F8很活跃,这个区域处理深沉的个人价值观,往往以负面形式表现
                          Female Te types show more diverse brain activity and are more responsive to social feedback. 女性TJ脑活动更多样,对社会反馈更活跃
                          IXTJs are more visual, attentive to tone of voice, and focus on implementation detail over quick decision-making. ESTJS attend more to details, are more open to brainstorming, and listen intently to authority figures. ENTJs can enter a creative mode similar to INTJs. ITJ更依赖视觉,ESTJ注重细节,ENTJ可进入类似INTJ的创造模式

                          IP属地:上海来自iPhone客户端13楼2019-07-13 12:31
                            Introverted Thinking (Ti)
                            Ti types:
                            Show high use of four regions that afford complex logical reasoning: F3, F4, P3, P4
                            Use F3 to linearly derive solutions. (highest for ESTPs followed by INTPs) F3线性推理找到解决方案(这个区域ESTP最活跃,然后是INTP)
                            Use F4 to categorize and define concepts. (highest for INTPs, followed by ESTPs)F4分类与定义(INTP>ESTP)
                            Use P3 to integrate visual-kinesthetic data. (highest for ISTPs then ENTPs)P3处理视觉动觉信息(ISTP>ENTP)
                            Use P4 to holistically weigh numerous pros and cons of many uncertain or risky factors. (highest for ENTPs followed by ISTPs)P4同时衡量许多正反观点和风险及不确定因素以便处理复杂局势(ENTP>ISTP)
                            Above regions are located away from direct sensory contact, so have a “deep” or “detached” quality.
                            Tend to enter a dissociated state when arguing or meeting someone new. In this state, their neocortex shuts out raw emotions in order to enjoy objectivity.
                            Least interested in listening. 最没兴趣倾听
                            Engage the above regions + Fp1 and Fp2 when examining a topic from multiple angles and integrating the angles into a coherent way. 从多个角度搞一个主题并把多个角度搞成一个整体时:Fp1 和 Fp2
                            INTPs are likely to quickly stop listening as they assess the relevance of what others are saying.

                            IP属地:上海来自iPhone客户端14楼2019-07-13 12:32
                              Extraverted Feeling (Fe)
                              Fe types:
                              Focus on social responsibility.
                              Stimulated by communicating their explanations and decisions.
                              Use Fp1 to suppress emotional impulses from deep in the brain in favor of sophisticated cognitive responses.
                              Use Fp2 less, so may sometimes suddenly switch from highly composed to very angry.
                              Use F5 a lot, which helps them adjust to social feedback.
                              ExFJs show high activity in T3, but least activity in visual regions O1 and O2. ESFJs are more left-brained, high in C3 and F7. ENFJs are might right-brained, showing high activity in F4 and T4. EFJ T3活跃,但O1和O2最不活跃。ESFJ更左脑,C3 C7活跃。ENFJ可能更右脑,F4和T4活跃
                              Introverted Feeling (Fi)
                              Fi types:
                              Are consummate listeners who listen in a holistic way.
                              INFPs can deeply listen for up to 10 minutes at a time, ISFPs listen briefly and then move to action. INFP认证倾听10分钟,ISFP简单一听该干嘛干嘛
                              Show high activity in T3 and T4, which handle language.
                              Carefully compose their own speech, attending to both content and delivery.
                              Show high activity in F8, and are stimulated by rankings of importance.
                              Show the least activity in interior regions that aid logic.
                              Rely on left-brained (Fp1) decision making.
                              INFPs may get to the core of a person’s psychology by listening for so long. INFPs are less likely to defend their own views or take action, though when they stop listening, region Fp1 becomes very active as they make a strong (and perhaps final) decision. INFP通过倾听,就能听“透”一个人,不大会维护自己的观点或行动,但是,听完之后Fp1区变得异常活跃,因为做了决定(也许是最终决定)
                              ISFPs are attentive when others withhold information (like social feedback).

                              IP属地:上海来自iPhone客户端15楼2019-07-13 12:33