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口语练习积累1Galsang flowers only ha


Galsang flowers only have one ring of petals.It is very nonopaque.When there are sunshine,it will be penetrated by the light.Actually,the petals of peach blossom especially for eating is the same as galsang flower.
You can change the color by using aluminum sulfate.Different use level will give you different color on the hydrangea’s petals.
K sent me a picture of her hydrangea.One flower is rose red and one is blue on the one plant hydrangea.Maybe that is the most interesting part when you pant hydrangeas.
K told me the real color is red not rose red,the picture was a little anamorphic.
最好能够信手拈来呀哈哈哈 ଘ(੭ˊ꒳ˋ)੭✧

IP属地:湖北来自iPhone客户端1楼2019-06-02 08:56回复

    IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端2楼2019-06-02 09:01
      Today I made a new friend H,very cute girl.She appreciates natural beauty without making up but draw eyebrows is OK because she does.Couldn’t stop laughing,really ,that is so cute!
      She was so nice to introduce TOEFL test to me.It seemed like the questions in it were very interesting.If I’m free I will have a try in the near future
      And conjunction words,both of us need to use them more.Thank you for your mentioning,lovely girl
      Another old friend D surprised me.I just thought he was belong to ancient Chinese study but no contacting with modern business.Who can imagine that he had a period time of crystal business even he could made original stone into a necklace.Fantastic!
      D called me a predecessor of intepreter.I don’t agree that.Actually I more like to describe our relations as friends sharing the same target.

      IP属地:湖北10楼2019-06-02 22:27
        Do you know how to give your new plant a good beginning? First put a net on the hole of the bottom of the flowerpot. Second pave stones in it.Finally choose the special soil to cover the root of the pant.And don’t forget the fertilizer.
        Then you can loosen soil once a year and the soil still so soft when you pinch it.
        K have read the passages I have posted in friend’s circle before. She recommended me to watch an anime named Full Metal Panic. Actually the Chinese name of that ACG sounds more attractive. Have you watched it before?
        Some friends just like springs,more pressure,more power. Like H,12 tests are waiting for her in this months and H is so active now.Good luck girl~
        The weather changed so fast,my lovely friends please take care of yourself and your love. Watch out the cold and allergy. Hope E’s baby will recover soon.

        IP属地:湖北13楼2019-06-04 22:22
          Do you know PAW Patrol and The Octonauts,or the sounds like ,dog for woof,cat for meow and snake for hiss hiss.Maybe your answer is no,but a lot of children know it. They learn from cartoons and children’s songs,which include a lot of basic knowledge of our daily life.
          Being company with a kid to watch a cartoon sounds not bad. Or sometimes you can’t understand some English words and wonder “Where I AM”.
          Do you like pub? Maybe yes. To be honest I haven’t went to a real pub in my past 29 years old except light club which is quiet just for some drink,but I don’t drink,hahaha.So why I go to the pub? That is a good question.
          Maybe you can share me some interesting experience in pub when you accost or be accosted by others.Love to know~
          D recalled me an old memory from 5 years ago.We have talked about mandarin test to dub and to English cub which is a app especially for English tub. I even won a second prize at a competition hold by that app.Also made a lot of friends there. Thank you so much D,recalled me such a nice memory.

          IP属地:湖北15楼2019-06-05 21:33
            Never be together with your lover all the time even you really really love him/her because finally you will get bored. Keeping fresh is the magic code of keeping a long and healthy relationship. And don’t work together with your life partner.
            Those are the results from discussion by me and K.
            K also recommended some cartoons to me.And then we talked about Saint Seiya.Why Athena need protection by those soldiers?I think she can be stronger and more independent.Don’t you think?
            If you get patent and then your research result will be bought by the company and then,you can earn money from it. But the process is not so easy. It’s a team work and need a long time. So,good luck G, hope your next project will be successful!
            Is it a good way to expel students from schools who cheat on the exam? Everybody may have some experiences cheating in the tests. Like H said, a expelling will destroyed prospect of one person. We need to think it twice.
            Coach in gym told E to eat more food with sugar if you need to use your brain frequently. I will abide it. Tomorrow is the stage of Zongzi in the Dragon Boat Festival.
            Try some fragrant sweet dumplings with pineapple flavor,you will like it.

            IP属地:湖北16楼2019-06-06 22:17
              Which flavor of zongzi you like? Sweet or salt?Meat or red beans? I love meat most,especially home made zongzi only with lean meat in it.How about you?
              And K,please accept my respect to you. May I taste the steak you cook if we have chance?Haha,it must be yummy~
              A little boy who is 11 years old practise with me once a week in every Friday. He loves zongzi with meat and yolk flavor and also had some candid date zongzi. He will have no free time in this 3 days off. Lessons as painting ,drum,Math and English make his life full. I don’t object to it. It’s better than nothing to do and waste time.
              Today he told me he had bought a UAV,sounds so cool.
              H gave me a very fresh idea about robots. She thought they need to have the feeling,values and even emotion as human because they come from intelligence. Hope in the future you can have your own robot company to make your dream come true.
              X told me he liked collecting toys and shoes.He is a sneaker. Sneaker is to describe a person who is a big fan to collect shoes. Do the most of boys like toys such as cars or something special shape? Good to know that.

              IP属地:湖北19楼2019-06-07 22:14
                Today H was late for our practice because she went to the suburb for a sing on her recommendation. She noticed the time of our practice beginning at 8:00 p.m. not at 9:40 until her alarm was singing and then she sent me the message to ask if we could delay our practice for 15 mins with no explaining the reason.
                For respecting time issue,I think I’m a little strict. I offer my time and also hope friends are punctual. If cutes appear on time,I will appreciate that so much.
                New friend’s coming. T ordered a box of lobster from one app. In all of the season food,lobster is my favorite definitely. She even ate one secretly and then told me. So cruel to me especially at night! My menu tomorrow has been sure now. Lobster,yeah~

                IP属地:湖北20楼2019-06-08 22:24
                  For our Chinese drinking culture,I really don’t accept it. Miaoyu in A Dream of Mansions has explained drinking tea excellently.She said one cup of tea is for tasting,two for thirsty,three for animals drinking. I just wonder why our tradition has such wisdom tea culture but also has the table drinking culture which make people drink until get their extremity?
                  Congratulations D~ Now you are a social person all ready~ Do you have Peppa’s tattoo?
                  D told me because of the copyright ,they need to buy the original course book in English from America which costs 2000 RMB. That is really expensive one. Prate is bad but the official ones are so expensive,how can we balance them?
                  Today I knew a new word meme. I think it’s so useful in our daily talk.Thanks for T’s sharing~

                  IP属地:湖北21楼2019-06-09 22:52
                    Life is so hard,do we still need some serious films or TV series which reflect the real life? I think the answer is yes. I like documentaries and also high sweet love stories. We can find our own way to know this world which is not dark enough or nice enough.
                    Rainning day is inconvenient for adults but a funny game for kids. Hydrop is a problem for people who need to go to the company on time but for kids,it’s more like a swimming pool.Miss the childhood.
                    The attitude of study is more important than the level you are. Trust me,keep learning will bring good luck to you.
                    I haven’t met a girl who is so strict with herself. You know what, K,you are good enough,no hurry.

                    IP属地:湖北22楼2019-06-10 22:10
                      Can you pinch a mosquito by only using your finger? Oh,don’t ask me weather I can or not. Our K can!Respected my friend immediately.
                      Food is a kind of fantastic topic that can really make us closer. Have made a new friend from Sichuan who can’t reject any spicy food even she feels not comfortable about stomach.
                      I have a Sichuan pepper tree in our balcony,did I show my proud?Haha
                      Every Sis,it’s time to have a pot of mint in summer.It will refresh our brain.
                      And hope E can get better soon,you are the best mom,mua~
                      Finally I really want to tell C and a lot of friends who want to improve spoken English in hurry that don’t ignore the foundation such as enriching your vocabulary. It’s the basic,without it,without anything.
                      Good night friends,hope our dream will come true one day.

                      IP属地:湖北23楼2019-06-11 22:23
                        How do you make a comment with NRTA? This department always cut parts of the movies and series no matter they are domestic or overseas.Sometimes time that behaviour even will influence us to understand the whole story.
                        If we can learn from other countries to make movies or series in different levels,then we can enjoy more the joy from watching a movie or TV programs.
                        Photographer maybe is a well payed job.D told me that she need to pay for about 500 RMB for around one hour with a chance to choose one dress and the result has only electronic pictures without a real album. It will be worth if the pictures are nice.
                        Hope X will be fine in MRI.

                        IP属地:湖北24楼2019-06-12 22:12
                          Both of me and K didn’t sleep well last night.My eyes are turgid now. But I have now ice water to make them reduce swelling.I appreciate the time when we are together to share our life story.Thank you so much~
                          Mention about party,who will refuse that? Everybody wants to be the leading lady in the center of the circle and receive gifts and wishes from your family members and friends. Love it.Maybe in China we more like to call this as a meeting not a party.I think the functions are the same.
                          Cutes~Do you know some way to solve the problem about big pores? I’m in this trouble for a long time~ Maybe there are some useful skin care product which is not so expensive you can tell me.haha ,look at my eyes full of expectation.

                          IP属地:湖北25楼2019-06-13 22:13
                            Hey my K,you are really my Treasure Girl.Thanks for your sharing. I’m sure I can learn a lot from the lessons you sent me. You know what I just thought you would take a lesson for me not sent lessons. So I waited for you to give me a skin care lesson at that moment,hhhh
                            Also,hope you will be successful both in wechat and Douban.I’m looking forward to your prose.
                            T is so cute.Today he shared the experience of making moon cakes.
                            And I was so surprised that he told me he got up at 5 a.m. everyday to go for a walk with his dog.Also his parents would be company with him.What a fairy family!
                            One boy told me he washed his face only by using water,another one told me he will use special
                            product to wash his face and then even use salicylic acid and cream to protect his face.I really want to follow the first one’s washing step,really.
                            At the end of today,really thanks for G’s coming on time.I appreciate that,thank you so much.

                            IP属地:湖北26楼2019-06-14 22:17
                              I guess everyone’s choice need to be respected and every existence is rational.No one can judge it casually.Gender equal should be one right which is to choose the way to live that we like but not be pushed to face only one result by the whole society’s pressure.
                              Summer is equal to give both us and insects energy.
                              I love summer because of watermelon.I hate it because of insects.Why they have so many legs and so dark color?
                              Thank you so much K,sharing me a useful product named IceKing to expel mosquitoes and other insects.
                              UVA again today.After hearing the story of T’s father to know a lot of great functions of UVA.I planed to buy one next month,haha .
                              In the end,hope J will have a good luck in the interview.

                              IP属地:湖北27楼2019-06-15 22:14