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IP属地:中国香港1楼2019-05-21 18:50回复
    - Added moves: Strength Sap, Baneful Bunker, Mind Blown.
    - 引入招式:吸取力量、碉堡、惊爆大头
    - Added smooth models for Psyduck and Golduck. Those blocky models were incredibly old.
    - 加入了更加平滑精致的可达鸭与哥达鸭的模型。之前那些方块状的模型实在是过于老土了
    - Added PP-Up and PP-Max for all your PP needs!
    - 加入了PP提升剂与PP极限提升剂。PP提升,专为你们的PP需求而生!(详情请在宝可梦百科中搜索这两种道具并查看其功能)

    IP属地:中国香港2楼2019-05-21 18:50
      - Made Hiroku's Lens impossible to enchant. We probably should've foreseen people putting Unbreaking on these.
      - Hiroku的镜片无法进行附魔了。或许我们早就该料到玩家们会把“无法破坏”标签附加到镜片上。
      - Made Dawn/Dusk Stone Ore about twice as common, as an 7.0.4 change accidentally made them super rare.
      - 使觉醒石和暗之石的生成率变为原来的两倍。因为7.0.4版本中的一个意外使得这两种石头变得超级稀有
      - Made Meltan and Melmetal easier to get. Apparantly no one has found it yet. Casuals.
      - 美录坦与美录梅塔变得更容易获得了。显然迄今为止没人发现它们已经加入了游戏(确信)。…随他便吧。
      - Changed the spawn rarities of some Ultra Beasts.
      - 更改了某些究极异兽的生成率。
      - Updated Wobbuffet's model and textures to have lipstick if it's female.
      - 更新了果然翁的模型,以及添加了雌性果然翁那抹了口红的材质。
      - Added a new Deep Sea block for Ultra Space, low chance to drop Amethyst, Crystal and Sapphire.
      - 究极空间内的究极深海中加入了一种深海方块,挖掉后有低概率掉落紫水晶、水晶和蓝宝石。

      IP属地:中国香港3楼2019-05-21 18:51
        - Fixed Clothed Tables not dropping their item when broken.
        - 修复了装饰过的桌子在被破坏后不掉落的问题。
        - Fixed Pokérus not spreading to eggs in your party.
        - 修复了宝可梦病毒不会传染给你队伍中的宝可梦蛋的问题。
        - Fixed being able to get rid of all your Pokémon in exchange for eggs. The logic for this is surprisingly complicated.
        - 修复了在与他人交换宝可梦蛋时可能会令全队精灵进入濒死状态的问题。逻辑过于复杂,不做过多解释。
        - Fixed bugged-out trainer Pokémon being catchable. Fat chance of that being possible now. What's that ominous music?
        - 修复了出现bug的NPC训练师的宝可梦可以被玩家捕捉的问题。“下一秒NPC的精灵就不见”?不可能,不存在的,没戏了!等等,是哪里又奏起凶兆的戏曲?
        - Fixed interacting with decorative trees causing crashes on servers under particular circumstances.
        - 修复了某些特定情况下在与可装饰性的树木互动时造成的崩溃问题。

        IP属地:中国香港39楼2019-05-21 19:16
          - Fixed Synchronize being so easy to cheat with its out-of-battle effect that I'm not mad, just disappointed.
          - 修复了非常简单地就能在线程同步时进行欺骗战斗结束后效果的作弊行为。对此我并不生气,只是,有些失望。
          - Fixed mail being super easily hackable and, if you can believe it, making it possible to cause chunk reversion. No, really.
          - 修复了邮件这类道具超级容易被黑的问题。另外,如果你信的话,邮件甚至还有可能会产生无法让区块卸载与重载的问题。真的,信我。

          IP属地:中国香港40楼2019-05-21 19:16
            - Fixed the Love Ball only working on same-gendered Pokémon. I'm going to very specifically not make a joke about this.
            - 修复了甜蜜球只会对同性宝可梦提高捕捉率的问题。我在此严正声明这真的不是一个玩笑。
            - Fixed happiness not increasing with time out of the Pokéball on Sponge servers. Thanks Sponge.
            - 修复了sponge海绵服务端中亲密度不会随宝可梦在球外闲逛时间增加而提升的问题。感谢sponge API官方提供技术支持。

            IP属地:中国香港41楼2019-05-21 19:17
              - Fixed sounds.json loading from the jar instead of resource packs. You can now change the Pokémon cries from resource packs again.
              - 修复了sounds.json外部库文件从mod中读取而不是从材质包中读取的问题。你现在可以再次通过材质包改变宝可梦的叫声了。
              - Fixed Water Floats sending you underground if you sneak while trying to sit on them.
              - 修复了在按住shift(即切换至潜行状态)并尝试骑乘水中的宝可梦时会让你传送到宝可梦下方的问题。
              - Fixed an issue with Ranch Blocks accessing data outside of their block bounds causing issues with other tile entities.
              - 修复了牧场方块在尝试与方块区域外的其他实体交互数据时产生的一个问题。
              - Fixed PokemonSpec giving abilities before setting the form, causing Pokémon to have the wrong abilities on spawn.
              - 修复了宝可梦生成指令在读取形态标签前先为宝可梦赋予特性的问题,这个问题导致了有些拥有特殊形态的宝可梦有了错误的特性。

              IP属地:中国香港42楼2019-05-21 19:17
                - Fixed a crash on leveling up when you have specific nicknames on your Pokémon.
                - 修复了被赋予昵称的宝可梦在升级时会造成崩溃的问题。
                - Fixed the NPC Editor only checking if the user had OP on servers instead of checking for a permission.
                - 修复了服务器中NPC编辑器只检测使用者有无OP而不检测使用者有无权限的问题。
                - Fixed /teach displaying Pokémon names as 'null'.
                - 修复了/teach指令让宝可梦学习技能时将宝可梦的名字显示为“null”的问题。
                - Fixed Rattata showing up as "Ratatta" in the main config's Ditto transformation section. What even is a Ratatta?
                - 修复了配置文件中,百变怪变身部分的拉达(“Rattata”)的名称显示为(泷泽萝)拉哒(“Ratatta”)的问题。木大木大木大木大!
                - 战斗问题修复:
                - Fixed Disguise not taking the hit from some moves.
                - 修复了谜拟Q的伪装不会抵挡某些技能的攻击的问题。
                - Fixed Grassy Terrain healing airborne Pokémon.
                - 修复了青草场地会治疗飘浮在空中的宝可梦的问题。
                - Fixed Infestation not being a contact move.
                - 修复了技能死缠烂打不被判定为接触类技能的问题。
                - Fixed Metronome being able to use Z-Moves.
                - 修复了节拍器可对Z招式生效(?)的问题。
                - Fixed HP updates from Potions and Revives not being shown if the Pokémon is not currently out in the battle.
                - 修复了在战斗中对未在场上的宝可梦使用恢复药和复活药后不会正确显示的问题。
                - Fixed OHKO moves not being guaranteed to hit through No Guard, Lock-On, etc.
                - 修复了一击必杀类招式在特性无防御、招式锁定等条件的影响下也不会必定命中的问题。
                - Fixed Fissure being guaranteed to hit underground Pokémon. According to Bulbapedia, it's possible but not guaranteed.
                - 修复了地裂一定会击中(使用技能挖洞后)处于地面下的宝可梦的问题。根据百科的描述,地裂只是可能对处于地面下的宝可梦生效而不是必定。

                IP属地:中国香港43楼2019-05-21 19:18

                  IP属地:中国香港44楼2019-05-21 19:20

                    来自Android客户端45楼2019-05-21 19:55
                      辛苦啦~很多东西都翻译的很到位呢,不过不知道Hiroku's Lens会不会是广角镜之类的

                      IP属地:广东46楼2019-05-28 17:14

                        47楼2019-06-01 08:51

                          IP属地:辽宁来自iPhone客户端48楼2019-06-02 14:33

                            来自Android客户端50楼2019-07-07 03:21

                              IP属地:上海来自iPhone客户端53楼2019-07-18 06:12