trade war贸易战
Chinese Ambassador to the US Cui Tiankai said China doesn't want a trade war with the US or with anybody else, but China is not afraid of it.
美国总统特朗普22日在白宫签署总统备忘录(signed a presidential memorandum),依据"301调查(Section 301 investigation)"结果,将对价值600亿美元从中国进口的商品征收关税(impose tariffs on up to $60 billion of Chinese imports),并限制中国企业对美投资并购。23日,商务部发布了针对美国进口钢铁和铝产品232措施的中止减让产品清单,拟对自美进口部分产品加征关税(consider a tariff increase on imports of some products from the US),以平衡因美国对进口钢铁和铝产品加征关税给中方利益造成的损失(make up for losses caused by US tariffs on Chinese steel and aluminum products)。
中国驻美大使崔天凯22日表示中国不希望和美国或任何国家打贸易战(trade war),但如果有人要把贸易战强加中国,我们会战斗,我们会尽一切力量保护我们合法利益(China will take all necessary measures to defend its rights and interests),维护全球贸易体系。崔大使表示,他要告诉那些要打贸易战的人:"我们一定会反击,我们会报复。如果有人玩厉害的,我们就和他们玩厉害的,看谁更持久。"(We will certainly fight back. We will retaliate. If people want to play tough, we will play tough with them, and see who will last longer.)
贸易保护主义 trade protectionism
反补贴调查 anti-subsidy investigation
零和思维 zero-sum mentality
多边贸易体系 multilateral trading system
Chinese Ambassador to the US Cui Tiankai said China doesn't want a trade war with the US or with anybody else, but China is not afraid of it.
美国总统特朗普22日在白宫签署总统备忘录(signed a presidential memorandum),依据"301调查(Section 301 investigation)"结果,将对价值600亿美元从中国进口的商品征收关税(impose tariffs on up to $60 billion of Chinese imports),并限制中国企业对美投资并购。23日,商务部发布了针对美国进口钢铁和铝产品232措施的中止减让产品清单,拟对自美进口部分产品加征关税(consider a tariff increase on imports of some products from the US),以平衡因美国对进口钢铁和铝产品加征关税给中方利益造成的损失(make up for losses caused by US tariffs on Chinese steel and aluminum products)。
中国驻美大使崔天凯22日表示中国不希望和美国或任何国家打贸易战(trade war),但如果有人要把贸易战强加中国,我们会战斗,我们会尽一切力量保护我们合法利益(China will take all necessary measures to defend its rights and interests),维护全球贸易体系。崔大使表示,他要告诉那些要打贸易战的人:"我们一定会反击,我们会报复。如果有人玩厉害的,我们就和他们玩厉害的,看谁更持久。"(We will certainly fight back. We will retaliate. If people want to play tough, we will play tough with them, and see who will last longer.)
贸易保护主义 trade protectionism
反补贴调查 anti-subsidy investigation
零和思维 zero-sum mentality
多边贸易体系 multilateral trading system