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本期,请继续关注美国佛罗里达州奥兰多蒙台梭利教师教育学院总监Helen Devere女士的访谈,【蒙台梭利在中国】以孩子为中心,去听去观察。

Helen Devere
· 美国佛罗里达州奥兰多蒙台梭利教师教育学院总监
· 加利福尼亚州里奇克莱斯特传统蒙台梭利学校的设计师和创办人
· 佛罗里达州Celebration蒙台梭利学校联合创始人
· Director of the Orlando Montessori Teacher Education Institute for Early Childhood Studies
· Founder and former director of Heritage Montessori School in Ridgecrest, CA
· Co-founder and former director/classroom teacher at the Montessori School of Celebration
Q: What are the biggest differences between the traditional approach and the Montessori environment?
Helen: I think with the traditional approach, the teacher has a curriculum that she needs to follow and she follows it with all the children in the room. They are might be special help the children who need that. I don't know that they necessarily can challenge children who could go on and do more. So it's more of a linear curriculum. It's across the board.
In Montessori classroom, we're looking at each child independently. We have the curriculum for three to six. Now what can you do in here and it might be a three-year-old who can read. That's fine, then they're reading, they're not doing what a three-year-old need to do. And so we are much more looking at where the child is and helping them to grow from there.
Q: Do you mean children are the center in Montessori classroom?
Helen: Yes. We set up the environment we guide the children and we want them to try and develop what they can.
Q: Do you have a restriction about the number of the children's in the classroom?
Helen: Most of the classrooms that I have worked with or I set up would have 25 to 28 children. A lead teacher and an assistant teacher perhaps hopefully the assistant teacher have some training and can help the children. That to me is the ideal. They must have 3,4,5 years old children in that classroom. Hopefully boys and girls evenly spaced. There is no ideal. But that will be good to start with.
Q: What is the strength of this kind of arrangement?
Helen: They're learning from each other. So the three-year-olds come in and they don't know much and they're just kind of they are. As they get to before they find out they're an older and now there are younger ones in there that I might help and four-year-olds are also looking to the fives who are the big kids and they want to do the things that are there so if you were to take the five-year-olds out of the class, the four-year-olds would not have as many to look up to.
Q: How do you teach parents to develop the relationship with their child in Montessori ways?
Helen: That needs a lot more work. We need the whole course for the parent. Of course the children change each day. I have grandchildren who are five and four and three years old and they are just growing so fast that I give their parents advice and books and I come and I play with the children. But then the next day the child is different.
We at school tend to have meetings with the parents where we would invite them at the beginning of the year to come and see the classroom. So they know what the children will be working with. We explain some of the philosophy and so that they can begin to understand but it's only the beginning. And then we might give them a list of things they could to do at home that would help the child be more independent and so helping them to have their clothes available, to have a drawer, to have the book, to be able to get to the bathroom sink, to all of those things that will help the child to be independent.
Helping the parent to cook, to clean, a lot of times the parents haven't thought of that yet. They think their child is too young and in fact the child wants to do it then and we explain if you tell them not now they won't do it later. And then individual conferences with the parents at least twice a year or whenever needed.
Q: How do you get the parents believe in Montessori Philosophy?
Helen: Some parents and some cultures are very different in raising their children. We have a lot of Hispanic children in our school and their parents do everything for them. And so it's hard for the parent to think I'm not being a good parent if I don't do everything for my child.
It's helping them see this independence just a small step at a time, one or two of those things, because then the child will change, the child will want to do new things, the child will talk differently, and parents will begin to see and hopefully come for more information.
Q: Every Montessori teacher has different style of teaching, what is your art of teaching in your Montessori classroom?
Helen: It's to help the children become independent. I’d like to, for instance if we're having a line with the children. A circle time I like to share things that I saw on the way to school to do not necessarily even a lesson but sharing of life and sharing of ground rules.
We might have walk around the rug. We might have talking about helping other people; talking about being compassionate with other people, that this is like our family, we want to help them and we want to be with them. And then giving lessons at the appropriate time being very enthusiastic not this kind of enthusiastic but very enthusiastic about each lesson that I'm giving that I think it's important I really enjoy it and I want to share it with you.
Q: Would you like to share more useful applications of the Montessori education in our daily life to the parents?
Helen: I think it's like I was saying that have your child help around the house somehow. So they can help dust, they can sort silverware out of the dishwasher and they can put things into the dishwasher, they can set the table; they can help with all kinds of thing. That helps the child feel very big and very important and the message the parent can be giving them is you are a very important part of this family and so you are helping us. We all help in this family to make it work. I think helping with that practical life at home to let them understand they are important. The children are going to spill; they're going to make a mess. They're going to do things at first but how do you learn if you don't do that.
Q: What could be the basic qualities of being a professional Montessori teacher?
Helen: I have had many classes come through since 1985 and seeing the teachers sometimes when they first come to me I can't tell because they have a mask on almost of who they are. And I have found that I don't judge because sometimes Montessori just speaks to them and they become some of the best Montessori teachers they are would be.
They need to be able to listen, to not make everything about themselves. They need to look at other people. They need to be compassionate. They need to care for other people and for themselves.
I think it's having a sense of beauty or nature and really want to learn. They need to want to learn and we tell them over and over in our summer course it's going to be very hard. And you will need to keep learning because you don't just learn what we're giving you and stop. A Montessori teacher must have that love of learning and go out and be getting new things to share with the children.

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    IP属地:山东2楼2019-05-15 11:44