非正式解答 酌情参考 在这里类似 “考虑到”意思 相似的还有 : speaking of which, how was the date?(说到这个,之前的约会咋样呀?) keeping in mind that she does not eat spicy food, he brought her to an Italian restaurant.(注意到/留意着她不吃辣的,他带她去了一家意大利餐厅)
前面有许多楼的回答都很不知所谓,事实上以considering开头的这个句子只是逗号之后的主句的一个从句(Clause)而已 学句法首先要了解和判断什么是从句(Clause),而这个句式很明显就是现在分词从句(participle clause)做状语含义而已。 根据advanced grammar in use第58单元所述: We can use present participle (-ing) and past participle (-ed) clauses with an adverbial meaning. They often give information about the timing, causes, and results of the events described (使用分词从句来做状语含义,表述时间、原因、结果等) A.We can use present participle (-ing) and past participle (-ed) clauses with an adverbial meaning. (分词从句有两种形式 ,现在分词或过去分词) B.The implied subject of a participle clause (that is, a subject known but not directly mentioned) is usually the same as the subject of the main clause: (分词从句的主语被隐藏,主语与主句的主语相同) C. In formal English, the participle clause sometimes has its own subject, which is often a pronoun or includes one (在正式场合,分词从句拥有自己的主语,通常是代词或泛指) 现在LZ清楚了吗? 你的句式和上述几条完全可以对号入座