Admission into Nava
-Talk to 3 people you have helped to get recommendations e.g. Nika, Park Ranger, Onur, Anika, Cartographer
A Marketplace Romance
-Talk to Evelina near the entrance of Nava
-Go to the market down the steps to find Leilani. Ask her about her favourite place
-Return to Evelina and tell her to go to the hot springs
-Return to Evelina a day later
Toxic Tubers
-Talk to Tam by the entrance to Nava
-Find the four people who bought the Toxic Tubers:
-Pipa, near the indoor garden and a cart full of hay bales
-Horf, outside the market building sitting on the ground
-Jarrik, under a tree near the watermill
-Leilani, in the market place
-Return to Tam

-Talk to Osha in Nava, down the street past the watermill
-Do the quest “An Exclusive Club”
-Return to Osha and give him the Roots password for the sealant
An Exclusive Club
-On the Seltspring coast, talk to Halem on the beach
-Do the quest “Mudwillow’s Riddle” to get Mudwillow’s Tincture
-Use Mudwillow’s Tincture to find the necklace. Use the water in your inventory after you find the necklace, which is in the water nearby
-Give Halem the necklace and he will give you the Roots password
-Use the password to get into the Roots club in Nava
Tiem’s Command
-Activate a “Save Our Goddess” poster in Nava
-Find Samiya at the Obelisk in the Tiffmor Bluffs and accept the Antidote
-Use the Antidote on the tea vine and tell Simaya (30 glowstones) OR tell the Roots Leader what Simaya asked you to do and give her the Antidote. As a reward you’ll get a book called “Ancient Brews” with 3 tea recipes
An Artist for Hire
-Talk to the Art Dealer inside the marketplace and show him your paintings
-Bring 3 paintings to Yevheniy in one of the university bedrooms
An Elixir of Life
-Buy a bottle of Melek’s Elixir of Life
-Sell the bottle to Zahra, who is in one of the university bedrooms (20 glowstones)
-Find the 5 hot springs
-Restless Reach
-Seltspring Coast
-Westerly Woodlands
-Westspring Bluff
-Howling Caverns
-Return to Nava. Melek will approach you at the university. Give him the samples or give them to Zahra.
-Wait for Zahra to finish her tests and then come back to her

The Top of Nava
-Talk to the Guard in the middle of the upper floor of the university
-Complete the Elixir of Life quest and Zarah will give you a pass
The Air Balloon
-Talk to Pilot Nessa by her hot air balloon
-Show her a painting of the hot air balloon
-Paint a picture of her and the balloon in the air
-Put up a poster in Nava (click on it in your inventory)
-Return to Nessa and she will take you in her balloon to Restless Reach
Western Eastshade
Toma’s Apples
-Talk to Toma at his farm
-Follow the trail of apples and apple cores to some children in the woods
-Return to Toma and tell him about the children (20 glowstones)
-Find the West Tower on the Sandysnout Beach on the Western side of the forest
-Use a reed boat to sail Northwards a bit to find the Hidden Cove – there is a camp and a broken bridge.
-Complete the quest “Sheltered from the Wind”
Sheltered from the Wind
-This quest is linked to Toma’s Apples
-Talk to Tamik on the beach at the Hidden Cove, on the Western Shore of the Tiffmor Bluffs
-Make a rope out of twine
-Use the top of the bridge to attach the rope to it to rescue Tamik

Locked Box
-Find the locked box in the Tiffmor Bluffs on the Western edge by using the zip trolley, climbing down the stairs by the cliff, or going down the zip line in the Gorge
-Bring the locked box to Lady Samia in the university in Nava or the Park Ranger near The Great Shade
-If you go to the Park Ranger, he will tell you to take the box to the Inn up the hill
Dormant in the Ice
-Use the reed boat to sail up to Oceans Breath to the Excavation site
-Talk to Commander Liliana and the rest of the crew
-Sleep in the tent provided
-Talk to the crew
-Go into the cave
-Use the boxes to reach the floating flame. You’ll need 4 or 5
-Talk to Liliana