Via Reuters She grew up in Plymouth, Minnesota, went to Yale University and the University of Chicago Law School. Her family is of Slovenian descent. Yes, just like Melania Trump, and yes, she’ll joke about that. 埃米克洛布彻在明尼苏达州的普利茅斯长大,去了耶鲁大学和芝加哥大学法学院念书。她的家庭来自斯洛文尼亚,就像Melania Trump一样,埃米自己也经常拿这点开玩笑。
Via Getty Images Warren’s platform will focus on many of the same issues she’s worked on since she was a Harvard Law School professor who helped President Barack Obama create the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau after the 2008 recession: cracking down on big banks, making corporations more accountable to workers, and expanding health care and housing for the middle class and low-income Americans. 沃伦曾是哈佛大学法学院教授。她曾帮助奥巴马总统在2008年经济衰退后创建了消费者金融保护局。未来她的团队会仍然将重点放在这些她一直在参与的问题上:打击大银行,让企业对工人更有责任心,并且为中产阶级和低收入的美国人提供更多的医疗和住房保障。
Via Getty Images Born in Oakland to Indian and Jamaican immigrants, Harris is a groundbreaking candidate by all measures. Harris would be the first African-American woman and the first Asian-American woman to be a major-party nominee for president if she ultimately secures the Democratic nomination. 哈里斯出生在奥克兰,她的父母是印度和牙买加移民,从这点上来说哈里斯参选本身就是具有开创性的。如果她最终获得民主党提名的话,哈里斯将成为第一位获得主要党派总统提名的女性非裔和亚裔美国人。
Via AP When Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) was first elected to Congress in 2012 amid an ocean of positive press, the Iraq War veteran seemed like a sure-thing for a 2020 presidential run.She was also the first Hindu member of Congress. 2012年,Tulsi Gabbard在一片赞美声中首次入选美国国会。这个伊拉克战争的退伍军人参加2020年的总统大选似乎也是顺理成章的事。同时她也是第一位信奉印度教的国会成员。