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IP属地:广东本楼含有高级字体1楼2018-10-31 21:40回复
    1915-16:After Yuan Shikai declares himself emperor of a new Empire of China, Yunnandeclared independence and started the National Protection War. The NationalProtection Army led by Yunnan forced Yuan to repudiate monarchy.
    1917-19:Yunnan clique, led by Tang Jiyao, align with Sun Yat-sen’s military Government. Under the name of Jingguojun or “National Pacification Army”, the Yunnan clique militarily conquered and controlled Guizhou andSichuan during the Constitutional Protection War.
    By theend of the Constitutional Protection War, the Old Guangxi clique opposed SunYat-sen and controlled Guangdong.

    IP属地:广东2楼2018-10-31 21:41
      GuPinzhen, a Yunnan general returned from the failed Sichuan campaign, launched acoup against Tang Jiyao. Tang fled to Guangzhou while his loyal troops led byLong Yun retreated to South Yunnan.
      InGuangzhou, Sun Yat-sen initially persuade Tang to serve his nationalrevolution. However, Chen Jiongming convinced Tang that Tang should go back toYunnan and Chen will support Tang’s campaign.Chen did this mainly because he didn’t want Tang increases Sun Yat-sen’s power and threatens his dominance in Guangdong, also he wanted toenlist Tang in his federalist movement.
      Lu Rongting wanted to retake Guangdong, but theinstability in Sino-Vietnamese border caused by German takeover in Indochinarefrained him from doing so, the historical second Guangxi-Guangdong war didn’t break out.(This is, in fact, the first major PoD in KR South China, and it’s impacted byGermany so it makes sense)

      IP属地:广东本楼含有高级字体5楼2018-10-31 21:43
        1922: Tang gathered his force to retake Yunnan. Gu Pinzhen waskilled in the battle. The remnant of Gu Pinzhen’s troops, led by YangXimin and Fan Shisheng, fled to Guangdong and offered their help to theKMT. Gu’s loyal officers inKunming, including Jin Handing, Tang Zhunyuan and Zhu De, fled to Sichuan. JinHanding and Tang Zhunyuan joined Sun Yat-sen’s force in Guangdongwhile Zhu De, tired of wars, went to Germany to seek political solution toChina.

        Chenwanted to pursue the peaceful unification of China and this proved to be thefinal straw that broke his alliance with Sun. Chen led his forces to attackSun's residence as well as office. Chen forced Sun to escape on a ship and delayhis Northern Expedition.
        SunYat-sen's Guangzhou government is recognised by the Commune of France as thelegitimate government of China, and begins to receive aid from theSyndicalists.

        IP属地:广东本楼含有高级字体6楼2018-10-31 21:44
          1923:The KMT retake Guangzhou. Chen and his troops fled in eastern Guangdong afterSun's army defeated him.
          Tang decided to invade Guangxi instead of Guizhou. TheYunnan-Guangxi war broke out. Old Guangxi clique was defeated by Yunnan troopsbut Tang didn’t have the capability to fully control Guangxi. New Guangxiclique rose in the chaos after the retreat of Yunnan army and establish theirties with Tang.

          IP属地:广东本楼含有高级字体7楼2018-10-31 21:45
            1925 -After the death of Sun, the KMT's leadership is contested by Tang Jiyao, leaderof the Yunnan Clique, but ultimately he decides not to fight actinggeneralissimo Hu Hanmin for the position, keeping his strength in Yunnan as aresult of his failed military adventure in Guangxi. Instead,Tang invaded and occupied Guizhou to increase his financial revenue to rebuildhis army. Tang also began to useanti-syndicalist rhetorics.

            Yang Sen,with the support of Wu Peifu's Zhili Clique, launched an attack aimed atuniting Sichuan - and was defeated when Tang Jiyao's Yunnan Clique intervenedin Sichuan. Guangzhou sent Yang Ximin to Sichuan for support.
            Chen’s last base in Huizhou was destroyed by KMT forces with Frenchassistance. Chen fled to Hong Kong. From there he establishes ties with themerchant corps, the Old Guangxi clique as well as Tang Jiyao's YunnanClique, which is beginning to distance itself from the KMT leadership. Chen waselected premier of the China Public Interest Party(Zhi gong).
            Zhu De, studying military tactics in Germany, became asocial democrat despite some initial interest in syndicalism. He returned toChina and joined his old Yunnan friends in the NRA 3rd army.

            IP属地:广东本楼含有高级字体10楼2018-10-31 21:47
              1926 -Northern Expedition started. German intervention.
              The Northern Expedition Army entered Hunan and dislodgedZhao Hengti. Hunan provincial consititution was abolished. Zhao fled to Zhiliclique to seek help from Wu Peifu. Tang Shengzhi set up his administration inHunan and launched his Buddhisisation campaign.

              Tang Jiyao realized that Germany is a huge threat to hisrule in Yunnan and took an absolute isolationist policy during the Germanintervention. While Germany didn’t bother with attacking Tang, they also didn’t like him. Tangdecided to centralize power and increasingly relied on his brother, Tang Jiyu,rather than his experienced generals.

              New Guangxi Clique kept half of their troops in Guangxiduring the Northern Expedition, they, led by Huang Shaohong, retreated tonorthern Guangxi to resist German intervention. Lu Rongting landed in southernGuangxi and tried to gather some troops. Guangxi was contested by them.

              Chen Jiongming returned from Hong Kong and gathered hisforce in eastern Guangdong. He won the support of the merchant corps and thelocal gentries disgruntled by KMT with his regionalist rhetoric. He was alsorecognized by the Northern warlords. Chen’s supporters ruthlessly suppressed Hai-Lu-Fengpeasant movement and killed Peng Pai. Although Chen tried to intervene and stopthem, he finally acquiesced their brutality.

              IP属地:广东本楼含有高级字体11楼2018-10-31 21:48
                1927 -The end of northern expedition.
                Followingthe death of Chiang. The NRA quickly disintegrated. While the left-winggenerals like Zhang Fakui and Xue Yue tried to led their troops to thecoastal area and fled to France, the centrist/right-wing generals of NRAdiscussed their future in Chang Sha, Hunan. They decided that they would returnto the South and prepare to reconquering China. They underestimated theattrition in the way back.

                The Hunan troops led by Tang Shengzhi, Tan Yankai andCheng Qian collapsed when the army entering Hunan. Tang Shengzhi, Tan Yankaiand Cheng Qian fled to Hongkong with the permission of Zhao Hengti and ChenJiongming. Zhao restored his power in Hunan, but as military governor appointedby the central government rather than a elected governor as he wanted to be.

                When the exhausted and desperate NRA forces fled toHunan-Guizhou border, Tang tried to deny their entrance. However, Long Yun andother three generals, disgruntled by Tang’s dictatorship and nepotism, wanted to use thisguest force to counter-balance Tang’s dominance and suggested Tang to open the door.Fearing the possibility of a coup and also worried about the rising Zhilidominance, Tang allowed these combined force, including his rival, the former Yunnantroops of Gu Pinzhen, to enter Guizhou and Yunnan.

                IP属地:广东本楼含有高级字体12楼2018-10-31 21:49
                  The NRA 4th army, known as the Iron Army, disintegratedin Jiangxi after decimated by Germany. Commander Zhang Fakui and Ye Tin ledsome loyal troops to follow Wang Jingwei and fled to France, while Chen Mingshuand Chen Jitang led the rest of the 4th army back to Guangdong. They are absorbedby Chen Jiongming’s force and became the backbone of Chen’s officer corp.

                  Guangxi was still contested by the Old Guangxi Clique andthe New Guangxi Clique. Li Zongren and Bai Chongxi tried to retreat to Guangxiand reinforce the New Guangxi Clique there. However, in order to show hisallegiance to the restored old order, Chen decided to help Lu to take backGuangxi. The Liangguang combined force defeated the New Guangxi Clique andrestored the rule of Old Guangxi Clique.

                  Tang Jiyao and Yunnan clique didn’t intervene inGuangxi civil war, but they offered sanctuary to the defeated New GuangxiClique.

                  Liangguang was included in LEP, but in reality ChenJiongming takes control in Guangdong, while Guangxi is governed by Lu Rongting.

                  IP属地:广东本楼含有高级字体13楼2018-10-31 21:50
                    Hunan was also included in LEP, while in fact Zhao hascloser relationship with Wu Peifu to the north and Chen Jiongming to the south.Sun Chuanfang’s actual control over Liangguang and Hunan was barelybeyond nominal, but they referred to the authority of Sun to avoid troubleswith Germany.

                    IP属地:广东本楼含有高级字体14楼2018-10-31 21:50
                      1928 - Guangdong garrisons retreated from Guangxi. Lu Rongtingfelt the need of modernization. Receiving advice from Chen, Lu invited MaJunwu, a celebrated scientist and educator, to lead the civil administration ofGuangxi while general Ma Ji took the responsibility of army modernization.

                      The 4th Zhili-Fengtian war broke out. Tang Jiyao joinedAnti-Zhili coalition and declared war against Zhili. He led his force to invadeSichuan, while former NRA forces attacked Hunan and New Guangxi clique attackedGuangxi. Despite some initial victories in Sichuan and Hunan, their commandstructure was extremely messy and thus failed. Tang had to recognize therestoration. However, Yunnan still had a enough formidable army to deter SunChuanfang’s attempt to invade it.

                      In response to the 4th Zhili-Fengtian war, Guangdong andGuangxi decided to strengthen their ties. They signed The Treaty of LiangguangMutual Defense and Assistance. By its term Guangdong and Guangxi respects theautonomy of each other, and cooperate to protect and facilitate their autonomy.

                      IP属地:广东本楼含有高级字体15楼2018-10-31 21:51
                        1929 - The result of the Yunnan’s failed war againstZhili is that the former NRA forces had to stay in Yunnan. The Yunnan forcesfrom NRA, led by Zhu Peide, Jin Handing and Fan Shisheng, united and calledthemselves Yunnan National Foundation Army(Jianguo Dianjun). Tang Jiyao refusedto share any power with them. However, nobody wanted to be ruled by Zhili sothey maintain a delicate cooperation. Yunnan National Foundation Army controlledan area in Yunnan-Guizhou border area to support themselves while New GuangxiClique stationed in Yunnan-Guangxi border.

                        Thefirst elections of the restored Qing Empire. Representatives from Guangdong aremade up of the Public Interest party of Chen Jiongming who support the Zhiligovernment because Cao has promised federal reforms. Representatives fromYunnan and Guizhou stand as independents.

                        IP属地:广东本楼含有高级字体17楼2018-10-31 21:52
                          1931 - Borderconflicts between New Guangxi clique and Old Guangxi clique.

                          Chenand Zhao Hengti, the governor of Hunan, mediated the Yunnan-Guangxi conflict. Acordial agreement between Southwestern cliques was reached.

                          1932 - ChenJiongming significantly reduced the size of Guangdong army to invest in theeconomic reconstruction of Guangdong.

                          Yunnanis also burdened will an absurdly huge military force. Tang Jiyao proposed anarmy reduction plan, but no one including himself in Yunnan really supported itso it failed.

                          1933- Tangmade another attempt to attack Sichuan, but was deterred by LEP. Yunnanresorted to expanding opium plantation to solve its abysmal financial problem.

                          IP属地:广东本楼含有高级字体18楼2018-10-31 21:53

                            IP属地:广东19楼2018-10-31 21:54

                              IP属地:上海21楼2018-10-31 21:54