The fairies thatBen and Saoirse meet in the fairy fort went throughseveral incarnations as the story developed. They became musicians only during thecreation of story reels. Prior to that they briefly represented cheeky friendsfor Ben, living on the Halloween loot of sweets they collected once a year whenthey could venture out. Then they became a sort of 'Dads Army' Royal Guard,sworn to protect the Selkie from Macha's owls. Eventually we hit upon the ideaof them being musicians which allowed us to simplify their exposition into asong and the sequence really clicked together then. One thing I was glad we keptwas the sense that they returned to a nobler more majestic form when freed fromMacha's spellat the end of the film. For me, they represent how the ancientGods of lrish myth gradually devolvedinto funny little 'leprechaun figures overyears of colonisation and the coming of Christianity.
本和西尔莎在魔仙堡遇见的精灵的形象在我们写剧本的过程中经过了几次变更。在故事的最终版本里他们是一群音乐家,在那之前,它们的形象比较像是小本的一些狐朋狗友,靠一年一度的万圣节讨来的糖果为生。然后他们又变成了想“老爸兵团(英国民兵组织)”那样的西尔莎贴身皇家护卫队。最后我们突发奇想让他们成为一群音乐家,这样我们就可以把他们的陈述编入一首歌。这些片段就可以很自然的过渡到一起了。其中,有一个场景是我很高兴能够得以保留的,就是最后他们从咒语中解脱出来,变成他们高贵祖先的一幕。对于我而言,他们象征着爱尔兰的古老诸神,如何经过了长年累月的殖民统治和基督教入侵,逐渐萎缩成了小妖精。(电影中关于这点有一个暗示: 小妖精之首英文名叫“lugh”,即凯尔特神话中的太阳神)