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琅琊榜vs琅琊山 琅琊山vs醉翁亭记 欣赏


醉翁亭记 欧阳修
Old Drunkard Pavilion Ouyang Xiu
【原译者:abc雄奇 翻译 QQ810572213 版权所有】
环滁(chú)皆山也。其西南诸峰,林壑(hè)尤美。望之蔚然而深秀者,琅琊(láng yá)也。山行六七里,渐闻水声潺(chán)潺,而泻出于两峰之间者,酿泉也。峰回路转,有亭翼然临于泉上者,醉翁亭也。作亭者谁?山之僧智仙也。名之者谁?太守自谓也。太守与客来饮于此,饮少辄(zhé)醉,而年又最高,故自号曰“醉翁”也。
Area of Chu is surrounded all by mountains, in-between southwest peaks are covered by beautiful forests. The one outstanding with more heavy green is called as Langya. Walk 6 to 7 li to hear the sound of water little by little stronger, flowing between peaks is Liang Spring out.To turn road backward before peaks , there is Old Drunkard Pavilion just on top of spring.Who is the maker of pavilion ? Zixian,a monk in mountain.Who is the namer of pavilion? Governor, called by himself. He likes to drink with guests even feel drunk after little wine, besides his oldest age, he call himself as “Old drunkard” naturally.
As if mists open after sun rising,caves close after clouds returning,the changer from brightness to dimness tells dawn and nightfall of mountains.Wild flowers send fragrance, woods show prosperity, the c**r weather and c**n frost witness water descending and rocks projecting year after year.

1楼2018-09-11 11:54回复

    IP属地:广东来自Android客户端2楼2018-09-12 07:06

      来自Android客户端3楼2018-09-13 07:35